There are three main stages to programming

There are three main stages to programming.

1. When you just start out, doing 'hello world'-tier exercises. At this point you think learning the language's syntax/semantics is the hardest part about programming. People stuck at this stage think that 'everyone can code', and think a good programmer is one that can code in the most languages.

2. You focus on actual function of your programs. Now you view programming languages as tools to get the job done.

3. You realize that "real" programming is not so much about 'what' your program can do, but rather 'how well' it can do it. Your work is less about big picture ideas and more about the specifics. Optimization, scaleability, etc become the focus of your code. You also spend more of your time keeping up with different platforms and frameworks.

Which stage are you on Jow Forums?

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stage 1. I'm an intro to CS student and I understand nothing that's happening ;__;

I disagree, I think the Dreyfus model better explains skill levels and mindsets in programming.

4. You have a job. You realize that real programming is not so much about what your program can do, but how well you can explain and document it. It is expected that your program works too spec. You spend most of your time socializing with your co-workers because you aren't a loser

everyone on Jow Forums is at stage 1, most people here would debate the fact that stage 3 even exists and thinks the quality of a programmer is determined by how good they are at writing algorithims

>be woman
>take programming 101 class
>90k starting

you're a dead-end code monkey

5. You are a project manager. You realize that you no longer have to program and thus real programming is no longer your concern. You win.

You forgot to add a github link to your account frend.

In between stage 2 and 3, honestly. Most people out of college should be at stage 2, and slowly transition to stage 3 in their first years of real work in the field.

>be man
>stage 6 already
>everybody hates you
>cut your dick off
>everybody is disgusted by your existence

Stage 2. I'm a CS student with an understanding of how to do basic shit and all my code is a complete mess that only I can understand. But hey it works™

>make well documented optimized app that works on every plataform
>gui from the ground, easy to mantain and fun to use
>some autist on Jow Forums tells me i aint programming cause he is better making algorithms than me
I dont really think so jim.

I'm at stage -1

>4. Nobody gives a shit how it's made and what with

>You realize that "real" programming is not so much about 'what' your program can do, but rather 'how well' it can do it.
You're not an experienced programmer if you think this is a final stage, or a stage at all.

You should have dabbled in CS before college.

Shouldn't this already be a focus because only faggots don't know what they actually fucking do in the job they want for the next 40 years?


I'm at the stage where I realize the optimization doesn't make a difference for 90% of my clients and I use that time to get more projects done.

are you doing a side project or just drinking and wanking your uni time away? It's the single best time to do something for yourself.


>Your work is less about big picture ideas and more about the specifics
People get caught up in the details before they learn to look through them and see the big picture. You've got your steps backwards as fuck.

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I've got a stack overflow in my pants right now.

I'm on the "time the program will run vs time i will spend writing this shit" stage.

>implying real programming is about "how well" a program can do something, and not how hard it's going to be to extend or modify it, especially for someone who hasn't been working on said program for years

It's hard to explain refactoring to clients who want to rush everything out as fast as possible. Idk how 3 is possible most of the time outside your own work.
A lot of stuff is also extended on top of there stuff that is extended on top of other stuff and can't ever be clean again so the newer teams make hacks that work the best way possible at the time.

I'm taking principals of java and it seems like something I could get the hang of (had 2 classes so far)

I'm between 1 and 2 and I've been doing this for a month. I didnt even ask to be born why must I go on. End me bros



That's what you tell yourself to feel better? Either that or you're right and I should seriously consider finding a better online discussion board.

Not necessary in 90% of programs.

dont listen to this fag that says you have to do programming before college.
if u want to improve, code something stupid and have fun dont care about what people think.

make a fucking meme text generator.

make a racist chat bot.

upload something to pypi that spams the n word all over stdout.

code shitty games in unity

Make programming fun then it becomes really fucking eazy to get gud

I'm on stage four
>4. You realize that code monkeys are just tools to complete your project. You are more focussed on grander tasks, like managing the project or engineering the system. You program the programmers similar to way they program their code. After you realize this, programmers are just one of your many tools to complete larger scope projects.

Spotted the pm spider pretending to be an engineer

4. You're such a guru, that languages, optimization, scalability are details. You can adapt to any situation because you're a master. Fast code when fast code is needed, reliable code when reliable code is needed, etc. You can produce anything according to any criterion.

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stage 1. can barely get off the ground with golang.

Can someone explain what a receiver is in golang, in brainlet terms? i just got to receivers in my udemy course and im completely lost. whats with the one character syntax? why and when do i use these?

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2. I don't do enough work to have to keep up with frameworks and everything I make is used in house for testing purposes. So if it works it's done.

Fucking why?
Golang in a nutshell:
>We have an opportunity to make a new language, free of legacy cruft and design mistakes made in other languages
>Make it complete shit
>If err=nil
>No generics
>No inheritance
Why would they do this?

to be fair there's probably a few stage 2s but nobody here ever discusses software architecture

Yep, all they discuss are which obscure language to use so they appear more enlightened than the sheeple around them using Python or Java.

why would you start off learning some literally who language? just do java like everyone else did


3. Just did surprisingly well with algorithms

Can we add being able work with a team and the customer. Im seeing alot of that really pop up in real tech companies.

A certain swordsman in his declining years said the following:

"In one's life. there are levels in the pursuit of study. In the lowest level, a person studies but nothing comes of it, and he feels that both he and others are unskillful. At this point he is worthless.

"In the middle level he is still useless, but is aware of his own insufficiencies and can also see the insufficiencies of others.

"In a higher level he has pride concerning his own ability, rejoices in praise from others, and laments the lack of ability in his fellows. This man has worth.

"In the highest level a man has the look of knowing nothing .

"These are the levels in general;. But there is one transcending level, and this is the most excellent of all. This person is aware of the endlessness of entering deeply into a certain Way arid never thinks of himself as having finished. He truly knows his own insufficiencies and never in his whole life thinks that he has succeeded. He has no thoughts of pride, but with self-abasement knows the Way to the end. It is said that Master Yagyu once remarked, "I do not know the way to defeat others, but the way to defeat myself.

"Throughout your life advance daily, becoming more skillful than yesterday, more skillful than today. This is never-ending.

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programming is different
it's not a competition
once you reach expertise you stop comparing your skill level to others because it becomes irrellevant

Which level is autistic elitist?


stage 1
how do I git gud

Look at that smug face. The quintessential high maintenance american female "entrepreneur" whore, that fakes having skills and work ethic while she relied on high level prostitution and probably money laundering to arrive where she is.
She's even converting to Judaism in order to marry her jew fiancee.

4. Stage 4: overusing abstractions so that noobs can't understand my code.

There is also a stage where you realize stage 3 is a total waste of time and so you just go back to comfy-as-fuck stage 2.

Stage 1 brainlet detected

Stage ?
you understand programming irl is a soul wrecking job where you have to deal with autistic fucks, indians, asians, technological bureaucracy (deadlines, trends, hypes, frameworks that don't work, poor documentation etc.), and overworking is default.
You just realize you hate it and wish you never got remotely near CS.

I will be going to a CS undergraduate study soon and have been doing the JAVA OOP by the university of Helsinki because r/learnprogramming kept raving about it. It's quite challenging, i've finished Part 1(6-week course) and recently started Part 2. But I honestly feel like i cheated in some of the test as I couldn't crack the puzzle and asked for help and saw others' codes on github. I feel so inadequate and don't know how to excel myself in programming. It seems consistent practice is the only way. I also need to read some good Java books. Need to master Java then do some personal projects like creating an android mobile app. That's my current plan. Any advice or suggestions?

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>It seems consistent practice is the only way
that is the only way to get good at programming
or anything really
the idea that you're supposed to be good at something after going to school is a collective mental illness of modern civilization

then if you had to start all over again, what craft would you choose user?

Shoulda kept the dick.

Trannies are pointless without a dick

from what I understand after 2 minutes: you can write functions in go in two ways. One is a simple function with some arguments, which you call as myFunc1(x,y,z). The other is moving one of the arguments to the front of your function to make it a 'receiver' so you can write you function call in object-oriented style, namely x.myFunc2(y,z).

I guess there's some more semantics to it, but who cares at this point.
>im completely lost
either you're an utter babby or learning the different function styles is totally irrelevant and the course shouldn't include it and should instead focus on teaching you how to write and structure a procedure.

3b. You're an academic and you wander through the world of type theory, category theory and graph rewriting. You learn that there's more theory now than you can learn in your lifespan and decide you're better off flipping burgers.

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I have transcended this list.

What about design and composition?

I'm on a different type of step 3. Work for a stupid company where I have only written one program in 3 years and for the rest got paid €3000 a month to keep the network running.

Stage 2.


Between 1 and 2? I'm learning OOP right now and shit is confusing

5. now that you have ascended, the discrete nature of code and the platforms it runs on no longer appeals to your ether-melded mind. the continuous and circular nature of the universe has been fully revealed. you no longer "program" as if it is an act divorced from your being, but program through being. you sling fast, sick code like a dangerous nigger and will slap any cunt who tries to tell you what you already know, which is everything.

first stage

>C, javascript
second stage

>bash+gnu utils, python
third stage

4. Move to Human Ressources and hire the monkies

Fuck, this is accurate. When im using Python, i mostly care about if i use the latest syntaxes and i do it as efficiently as i can. I dont even care if it works.

Based user.