
>tfw you can use PNG as container for audio
convert audio.png rgb:audio.opus

Attached: 1536515060855.png (1024x1200, 3.23M)

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dont do this its illegal stuff the fbi is after me

how you do this
i get error must specify image size
convert rgb:audio.ogg -size 1000x1000 image.png
does not work

You need to use this
convert -depth 8 -size 1024x1200 rgb:audio.opus audio.png

You don't really need imagemagic for that.
But if it's just one command line then it's probably easier.

I keep getting
convert: unable to open image 'test.png': No such file or directory @ error/blob.c/OpenBlob/3489.
convert: no images defined `rgb:media' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/3288.

I won'der what would happen if you converted that into a jpg and back

the IDAT chunks that make up image data are literally just deflate

It gets more lo-fi/noisy, but actually still works. VP8 in a webm works better.

Playing: audio.opus
Failed to recognize file format.
^ this is what happens

Did you try renaming the file you've download to test.png?

How do I convert a file to the RGB png format?
Each time i try i keep getting errors

How about you discard the first like 36 bytes

Attached: 1514783942591.jpg (448x302, 63K)

I wonder what else can go in one of these?

Attached: now_me.png (1151x1151, 3.79M)

>make script that breaks files up into x amount of bytes
>convert to png
>ffmpeg png into 15 FPS video or something
>upload to youtube unlisted
>free unlimited storage space
>make another script that downloads and extracts the pngs then recovers the file

>what is compression

yeah but you can find a way to recover that if you make the squares big enough

convert s.png g:s.xm

Attached: s.png (209x209, 12K)

How do you determine the needed w*h to contain the binary?

user's already tried this, it was unsuccessful

I guess you can put pretty much anything, though you may have problems with file formats when trying playback.

Youtube modify your video files upon upload.

it's a .opus

Attached: 0.png (1434x929, 3.82M)

Anons used QRCodes for this, and afaik it actually was successful, technically, just inefficient

Is this supposed to be mkv or something?

This QRcode shit that those user's used was shit, there's this one using ffmpeg to convert files to store files in yt, this one was great but youtube changed codecs and fucked everything thus unsuccessful.

Audio in a jpeg, you say? jpeg is lossy, but if you feed it raw audio, it can handle some loss, it will degrade in an "analog" kind of way and just sound worse instead of destroying the file like it would if the input was an opus file for example

convert hue.jpg rgb:- | sox -traw -es -c1 -b8 -r22050 - hue.wav

Attached: 1424318859992.jpg (1024x1800, 3.19M)

Why opus?

You also need to ensure color doesn’t get fucked up by choosing a large enough color distance between the colors you’re using for bytes

didn't fit in a 4MB ogg

Music name?

convert raw.jpg rgb:- | mpv --demuxer=rawaudio --demuxer-rawaudio-format=u8 --demuxer-rawaudio-rate=16000 --demuxer-rawaudio-channels=1 -

Attached: raw.jpg (1024x1053, 598K)

Because there isn't any decent apps for creating QR codes.

Attached: wat is dissssssssss_mp3.png (1009x714, 2.03M)

I wish Jow Forums had threads of this quality every day.

how to put tar in pic?

so far the only way i have managed to do it is to change the extension to .data, open in gimp then export to png

no baby

Attached: webm-0.png (1024x1200, 3.51M)

convert -depth 8 -size 2000x4000 rgb:notcp.tar audio.png


Attached: (1500x808, 3.46M)

what in the name of fuck

This is eye opening.

Attached: theartofwar.pdf.png (1024x500, 81K)

will it work with fonts?

Attached: Love LetterTW.png (200x78, 40K)

Attached: huun-huur-tu.mp3.png (2000x4000, 3.5M)

how to convert it back to audio?
t. never used imagemagick

Attached: 153583838665.jpg (388x218, 18K)

it literally says what you must do in the op.

jpg in my png

Attached: underage sexual assult.png (1024x1200, 73K)

Seconding this?
Can I just crop the PNG?

now how to do this backwards?


Read this

the uploader can download the original raw files

Figure out how to open this pdf

Attached: Professional Assembly Language (2005)+cover.png (1356x1707, 3.9M)

i get unexpected eol error. every1 itt fills their pngs with black. do i do the same?


It's a 16 bit image. Your monitor is only 8bit at bset so you don't see the data noise.

This is neat. At first I thought you were trolling.

This is old news lad

How to?


Convert to raw and strip every second byte.

I mean how to convert the png into pdf and vice versa?

>Technical Note:
>Thanks to a Funky File Format Fire Sale, the file named pocorgtfo11.pdf is a polyglot in HTML, PDF, ZIP, and Ruby that executes as a quine over HTTP.

Don't be a fucking retard, it's literally spelled out now.
See and

Attached: 1524035750861.jpg (600x604, 52K)

How to do that?
Yes I have brain damage.
That's creepy.

Careful, that's against the rules.

First convert the PNG to raw image data.

Then open the file in a text editor and remove every second character manually. You should see something like .P.D.F. at the start that will convert to PDF. Repeat 7 million times. Happy text editing.

See "delegates" wherever it is on the imagemagick wiki. There's a couple of examples there too.
>imagemagick can call on other applications to convert what it can't do natively.
You can put your own in .magick/delegates.xml if I remember correctly.
There's defaults in /etc/ImageMagick-6/delegates.xml

Here's a nice "film strip."

Attached: ez.png (80x9924, 588K)


had to download mplayer because all my players refused to play raw video. (((windows))) is suffering
cool image though. would be even better if you could align the image chunks to 80 bytes
and literally seeing yuv4:1:1 is pretty nice too

>tfw the report interface doesn't have GR17 as an option

Hard enough to make as it was. I had already made one of the Haruhi OP, and Jow Forums refused it because there's a 10000 pixel limit on an image's height.

Since these are against the rules anyway, here it is:

(This is nearly 75,000 pixels tall, will crash some image viewers)


Attached: 1522609976617.png (480x480, 101K)

bit late to the party there bud

(my post I deleted because rules)