It's still up at thepiratebay.org
their anime selection is shit
Are private pirates the only future?
How many times?
still has shit ton of mirrors
This shit is like a Hydra.
Their everything selection is shit.
nope not anymore
It works just fine. Stop trolling
TPB will never die, OpTard.
Now fuck off.
Nyaa is for anime.
TPB is for mainstream western entertainment.
yes it is, it's your problem that your shitty ISP is blocking it
what's the problem OP
It's always down until it isn't.
Never be game over.
It never dies
Every time its been "down" for me the onion link has worked fine
works for me
That's what nyaa.si is for
Seems Optimum Online and Verizon both block access to it.
>it's your problem that your shitty ISP is blocking it
My country banned TPB but it is a cakewalk to unblock it.
Just use the onion newfag
Why would you not just use RARBG instead if you're using a public tracker
>the pirate bay is dead!
>long live the pirate bay!
rinse and repeat.
Thanks. I am clicking on that shit right now!
"TPB Onion – Torrents
torrents.me Torrent Sites Torrent Proxies Torrents
TPB Onion is a Pirate Bay Tor proxy for those who wants to connect to The Pirate Bay's hidden tor site. This domain is ... Site URL uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion.
Alternate Methods - The Proxy Bay
Once TOR is installed, you can access The Pirate Bay directly by going to thepiratebay.org or by using the official TOR URL: uj3wazyk5u4hnvtk.onion ..."
how new are you
Kys zoomer
>watching chinese cartoons
Well, that's no rock CDs for you, mister.
bcz there's scnlog.me
He never did get the rock cds did he? Those Colors are a menace!
Can Jow Forums jump over its own shadow and reveal the name of that anime?
"nuru massage"
Mitsuboshi Colors
>underage detected
Incredible, thank you.
No prob. The more anons that understand that the Colors are a threat, the sooner we can slow them down.
>he doesnt knows its a tradition
tpb is only for games
TOR traffic is gonna get you a lot more attention than connecting to TPB the usual way
Should I be worried?
He gave you a fish instead of a rod.
Use it next time.
Really cool, thank you, man.
>he doesn't download his anime from an IRC server
the noxious fumes of new are strong in this thread. A. tbp is shit full of viruses B. it's mirrored to fuck its never gonna die
Even Cloudflare says it's down. But it's clearly up for some people, so it must be a problem in the network in certain regions.
so use the .onion link
At least TPB comes back. Terrarium is fucked and that makes me sad
>he doesn't watch Korean cartoons.
TPB is blocked by Fido in Canada
Their .onion link is working just fine CIA glow in the dark
>can only connect through tor
does this mean copyright trolls are fucked?
Didn't this site get shut down like a year ago or something? forgot, but yea haven't used it in a long time how is it still up?
12 year old detected
Oh no where will I get my fake torrents filled with malware while cryptominer scripts run in the background now?
Currently at the 4th episode, really nice.
This And the site is actually up, see pic rerlated. Watch for a mirror here proxybay.bz
>not using based commie tracker for anything not anime
there is a program that scrapes TPB all the time and compresses it into a zip file so you can make your own mirror all the time, as long as there are those zips floating around TPB can't be killed
OP is a faggot. sage
works for me :^)
>Get refuted
>"Just use the onion link"
You really are a fucking idiot, aren't you.
Works on my machine
It goes down like every other week for a couple of hours and people always make a thread.
>they still use thepiratebay.org and other pleb-tier public trackers
>they don't know about the best public trackers in the world: rutracker.org and rutor.info
>they don't know about the best public trackers in the world: rutracker.org and rutor.info
So what advantage do those actually have over TPB?
> the pirate bay is dead
Long live the pirate bay.
>So what advantage do those actually have over TPB?
Russian internet has everything you'll ever need, western public trackers don't even have 5% of stuff that is available on rutracker and rutor, just try it yourself and you will be shocked what you can find there
>requires an account
lmao is this a joke?
>requires an account
Account is needed only to download .torrent files, you can still open magnet links without having account on rutracker
tor site is up just fine
quite damn fast today too.
>No auto-updating torrent backup of TPB website
do you know what a proxy is you nigger retard
wtf i love tpb nao
it just werks.
Isitdownrightnow is not reliable. Proven now. Maybe they use a shittier censored DNS
>1 domain gets killed
>raises 2 new domains
Heil Hydra!
>it just werks
Yep it does.
And those claiming the opposite are fucking niggers.
tell me more
I'm guessing RUT.
Torrents websites are obsolete, i am tired of TPB or other filled with VPN advertising or banned by using ad-blockers. Every p2p software now have magnet search engine making TPB obsolete
Any of you guys think that this is maybe the reverse of patent trolling? Maybe some lawyer types are funding the site and then they go to these companies telling them they can help them shut down sites like these for legal fees over the course of years.
I can't figure how they can neutralize Bin Laden in less time than they can neutralize such websites.
Remember when they were just going to keep a text file with all the magnet links? Why havent they switched to that?
>pirate bay is still up
>only stupid normies now on Jow Forums
I don't want to use the Darknet for torrents, I don't want to be tempted into doing other more... nefarious things... But I will if I have to.
Tor is not just for illegal things. Don't car a .onion the dark net. Maybe deepweb, as it is not nessiclary dark huyrrr durrr hurrr dur
wow they took down all 30 proxies at once? sounds believable