Tfw just entered the 49th percentile on code wars

tfw just entered the 49th percentile on code wars
will you guys let me in the Jow Forums clan now?

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So you're still worse than half the losers on that site?

now the percentile works opposite. mean i am better than 51%. so am above average now

Have you tried the Core wars w/ Red code?

no is it better?

We get it. You're very clever by advertising your website while pretending to be a simple user.

Codeforces baby

>want to get serious about learning to code
>solve the beginner problem needed to sign up for code wars
>feeling good, decide to start the training problems
>write a function that determines if a number is prime or not
>spend 20 minutes trying to figure out the logic, come up with nothing
>find out how much of a brainlet I am and cry
Life is suffering

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I started it now and it gives 16 minutes instead of 32 18, why? Challange is Tortoise racing A is racing 720 feet per hour, B : 850. g is lead, calculate how much time B needs to take ahead. If something here is retarded please forgive, i am really fucking tired 4 am here and i am bad with floating point arithmetic
void race (double v1, double v2, int g) {
if (v1>=v2)
else {
float onePercOfv2 = v2/100;
float xPercOfgInv2 = g/onePercOfv2;
float secondsOfG = 360*xPercOfgInv2;
float secondsOfG = (v2/3600) * g;
int hour = secondsOfG/3600;
int minutes = (secondsOfG- (hour*3600))/60;
int seconds = (secondsOfG - (minutes*60)/60);
int time[3] = {hour, minutes, seconds};
for (int i=0;i

does your program actually have to generate the prime numbers or can you just check a string? no shame in looking up math tutorials.

I typically ask this as an interview question as an alternative to fizzbuzz to see if someone knows how to use modulus. Although, one day I hope someone will surprise me with a sieve of Eratosthenes. I would try the brute force method using modulus first, then try pic related

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an above average redditor is still a redditor tho.

Jow Forums has no affiliation with codewars, so it is irrelevant how good you do there.

>asking fizzbuzz in an interview

I've been coding a month and I can do this eyes closed

I'm not asking fizzbuzz though. I'm asking to check whether a number is prime. Also, you have to understand that most people (even people with degrees) are completely worthless but some of them are good at tricking HR into thinking they are worth interviewing. The reason fizzbuzz and questions like it exist is to filter out the total retards who have no clue what the fuck they are doing. Unfortunately, the work of a software engineer is not typically very complicated, so hiring someone who is particularly good is generally not a high priority. For the most part we just want people who can write code to the specifications. The term "code monkey" exists for a reason.

How do I con hr monkeys to let me into an interview? I do a lot of challenges for fun

Why would you want in? You know Jow Forums is for gay, right?

That depends. What is your favourite anime?

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Yup, that's what I though.
Sorry kid, can't let you into our secret club with such poor taste.

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oh yeah, well you're a retarded nigger

That old thing? How about a 2-3-5 coprime field

wtf i literally just did that same question. here was my solution;

function race(v1, v2, g) {
const v1fps = (v1 / 60) / 60;
const v2fps = (v2 / 60) / 60;

let v1pos = g
let v2pos = 0

let secondsPassed = 0;

if (v1fps > v2fps) {
return null;

while (v2pos < v1pos) {
v2pos += v2fps;
v1pos += v1fps;
if (v2pos >= v1pos) {

let time = new Date(secondsPassed*1000).toISOString().substr(11, 8).split(":");
for (let i = 0; i < time.length;i++) {
time[i] = Number(time[i]);

return time;


quadratic sieve my friend. not too bad.

>Programming website
>When it works it's slow as shit
>When it doesn't well fuck you
>Faulty tests
>Logs you out without noticing thus losing current code

whats a better site to use?

>let i = 0; i < time.length;i++
>i < time.length;i++

i was just about to complement you on your excellent style. now i see you are truly dog shit.

>check out codewars even though I'm phoneposting
>try shell for the keks
>pic related is the first challenge

What the FUCK. I'm mad. I spent five minutes trying to figure out why it "wouldn't run properly". Even went and replicated in Termux and had it working properly. Finally press submit to see what the fuck it says.

Turns out they wanted to fucking multiply a*b. NOWHERE was there any indication of that. There was no syntax error, the code actually "ran properly" perfectly fine, it's just that they wanted me to do something completely different to what was written and didn't put any information about the actual requirements anywhere on the page.
Are all the other challenges similar guesswork to figure out what will make their arbitrary test cases pass?

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>Signup with github
>unlink github
>website logs you out
>lose account
Not even kidding

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>he couldnt even past the entry level created to filter out the brainlets that cant program into not being able to access the site

Hackerrank, leetcode or codingame for game like interaction.

Delet immediately

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thanks. leetcode looks good.