this ones in canada
>youtube still stripping encryption when you search FSB
Other urls found in this thread:
Wtf, it's real
Why is this?
it's real, just tried lol
What is this? Will searching for this in Sweden get me thrown in jail?
The FSB is the successor to the KGB. That's all I know.
>stripping encryption
>how to tell everyone you're a fucking idiot
It's probably some image that gets loaded via http. Hit F12 and see which request it is
when you search for like fsb, fbi etc it strips encrytion, even if you search for gameplay or something after that it still shows you 'connection not secure' ... When you reload and search again for gameplay or some shit, it's encrypted, try again fbi or that shit, again striped version.
This is also running umatrix with strict HTTPS and httpseverywhere at the same time by the way.
also forbid mixed content is on
lh3 googleusercontent com/ZqopW2zhKkiHKLax0hMbI5DAcslTfdjBQXFDvD5MmSr1t6Eyzhq-oTHtRrvyFDStrOG5d_w6lFQvd-RVFDg=s176-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj
This is what it's loading.
Only fsb strips it, not fbi or cia
I'm using uO, uMatrix and SmartHTTPS. Are you allowing mixed content?
If you have to ask: Yes.
How long does it stick?
Can I jack session info off this?
It's these 2 images
Here's my screenshot from the last thread demonstrating that it gives you an insecure connection even when all the same elements are there.
It sticks for everything you do afterwards, and goes away if you reload the site on another page.
Just some album cover
Jow Forums confirmed fucking idiots
Oh look. It's fucking nothing
Just an image that gets loaded
User info might be a bit more serious. But there's probably an expired certificate somewhere and this was a fallback
This has to be done with purpose, it's so innocuous just being two images, what are they doing?
Weird thing is, it's blocked in my image, but I can still see it load in the console.
Try with smart https. Or stop allowing extra scripts you don't need. Because all connections are https here.
>This thread again
Unless you're transferring sensitive information https is a placebo. The deep state can decrypt it. We know this from the Snowden leaks. If you are worried about packet sniffing. Buy a VPN subscription. That still won't guard you from the deep state.
it's not stripped, some content is unencrypted
just disable mixed content in your browser (you can still view http links)
>It's fucking nothing
>Everybody can see when you search for a specific query
That's not how security works.
Where would this be an issue outside of public Wi-Fi?
How is Jow Forums this fucking stupid? Jesus Christ this is pathetic.
>uses (((jewtube)))
When the state in an oppressive country is interested in people with incorrect opinions, for example.
I just found that guy's chiptune streams last week
Good stuff
Did you forget that Jow Forums tried to make its own OS? and voice chat program?
what in the fuck.
unencrypted content shows the unencrypted link where you are, what you looked for, etc etc etc
mixed content isn't good
>easiest shit in the world to track people with is a 1x1 pixel
damn they sure tricked you with that multi pixel image.
Google are legit kikes helping the Chinese government weed out dissidents. I don't know why it would surprise anyone that they do the same in the western hemisphere.
>ni/g/g only found out about this now
>they havent even noticed the hidden tracking iframe that is only _sometimes_ injected onto the video page
l m a o
is this reddit?
shit forgot link
Why would you be searching your front-side bus on Youtube?
kikes help israel government, retard
Stop using Brave.
Brave is literally easier to track and target advertise than Chrome/Firefox/Edge/Safari.
Also the Attention Token is a huge scam just to inject Brendans own ads and sell the datas denying Google it. Though in the end the data will land with the people that would have bought it from Google anyway. Only thing you just did was prove to them that you are an idiot.
Hey you fucking retard it's a music thing for obscure artists that Google doesn't have full or any catalogue of in Play Music
Does it for Macintosh Plus, Dan Terminus, Tommy 86, glue70, Waveshaper, 猫 シ Corp., Telepath etc