>still no reliable built-in way to encrypt a file to send to a peer on any mainstream OS.
Explain yourselves
>still no reliable built-in way to encrypt a file to It It
It won't happen until we move out of closed gardens. The solution is either:
1. Everyone moves to free operating systems that support GPG out of the box;
2. Proprietary developers agree on an open standard and the end users hope they implement it properly.
>to It It
Nigger what
>built in
Gr8 b8
Mods are cute
How do you work out as a tranny without building muscle?
You don't need to work out when you maintain a healthy diet of angles and photoshop
FFS these people can pass as a totally different sex and I just want to keep my hair.
Also mainstream OS are for normalfags. And normalfags only care about security when its too late, and privacy only when asked.
>+2 hours trying to get the best shot where i dont look like a man
>Hey i just take hormone therapy for hair, don’t means I want to be woman.
>reliable built-in way to encrypt a file to send to a peer on any mainstream OS
SSH is built-in on pretty much every mainstream operating system on the planet. Even windows.
>that 31 y/o boomer who fell for the trap meme
Damn son
>way to send
>still no reliable built-in way to encrypt a file
But there is. It is called Bitlocker.
Why does every board I visit seem to be filled with subliminal messages about traps? I just don't understand it.
>that angle
top negro you can tell he tried as hard as he could to hide as many features as he could, the result is this retarded angling lmao
i'd fuck her
because traps are hotter than roasties,
How is a man playing dress up hotter than an actual woman?
In discord traps start mass propaganda campaign infiltre mods or websites as resetera, new target is made incels into traps.
what is "FFS"?
Reprimite homosexuality.
Free Foftware Soundation
Because they actually put effort into their appearance, while modern roasties are content with mediocrity because there will alway be thirsty betas fawning over them.
Women are subhumans, traps are the real thing.
>full faggot surgery is when you are such a fag u chop ur dick off just so you can be fucked until you suicide.
Yeah for like a year, then they stop caring and basically just act and look like dudes, because you know, they are and no amount of makeup and camera angle is going to change that
For Fucks Sake
Not what I'm looking for
It's actually because they have something to hide, and women don't
Spain is very modern country
Full faggot surgery
beat me to it
FFS as in Find First Set?
Found it on wikipedia, I think I'm going to be sick
does it make you a better programmer?
ssh is a protocol.
it's for sending stuff.
that's how sftp works.
it's literally the S in SFTP
what the fuck
Can't you encrypt with scp?
girl (male) in OP's pic is from the /tpg/ discord, nigga went from unfuckable incel to average thot
desu im a little jealous
Jesus fuck. I am gonna do some editing if that page. It is making unsubstantiated claims left and right.
he needs to kill himself just like you do
Make sense, begin lower totem pole to top in few years.
Like tranny from node.js proyect
>He Believe in trannypedia
Why don’t you get treatment for your mental illness? Anti-psychotics are very effective.
This there are a lot of discords and groups of these mentally ill people regularly organizing raids on boards. A lot of screenshots floating around of these people.
based polish
Nice tinfoil hat pajeet
Yes but can't send it
How many times are you going to keep posting the same bread?
Fuck off.
>t. non-uterus
>built in
calm yourself nigga
this nigga needs to shave that stubble
Not how it works
I have NEVER had to install pgp on ANY of the distros I use.
>he uses a manlet os that clearly doesn't have the most basic security tools preinstalled and ready to use
>what is gpg?
Why the fuck to Chinese people have an English and Chinese name? There aren't enough red necks in Taiwan for it to be a racism issue. What the fuck? Are they just ashamed of their own culture that they identified the West as the superior culture?
White people don't have English and Chinese names.
>all these beautiful women
>somewhat passing, but long face + chin gives it away at closer inspection
>facial structure
>facial structure
Why are you posting these "people" anyway?
Magic wormhole
finding.. just.. the.. right.. angle.. for.. photos..
and at the end of the day, he will always have a Y chromosome
And unable give birth
No one asked you what you think
Okay, iPoojeet
Fuck off
It's like putting a spoiler and cobra rims on a V6 mustang. It might look pretty at a distance, but once you get inside, you'll feel the disappointment.
>razor bumps on face
Fuck off retard
>but once you get inside, you'll smell the disappointment.
>do puffy face to hide man features
hey, how did you post the same pic I did?
>but ... Chad don't need become woman
I gave him purple nurples back then, and I'll do it now as well.
This user is redpilled
Whats purple nurples
when you twist the living hell out of someones nipples
when you squeeze the fat kids nipples, till they turn purple in high schools. Half of Jow Forums has been bullied all their life. You should know this.
i want to cum in a trap so bad
Yea gpg
imagine being this beautiful...
dont my friend, its a never ending cycle of buying hookers and adderall
I hate traps so much. I spent like 40 minutes fapping to one yesterday and then saw the dick and felt so much injustice. blonde19 or someshit.
how do I become cute
>Trying THIS hard
lose 400 lbs
literally average looking gym rat on the left, and obvious trap on the right who spent hours lining up the shot