Unreal's C++ is extremely easy to use because they have macros to handle all the memory stuff. Anything that you declare a UPROPERTY gets garbage collected automatically.
It's so fucking easy to use it's ridiculous.
Easiest C++ game engine for mobile games?
You might want to look at urho3d. It's an engine that is MIT licensed with lots of features. Not AAA stuff but decent. Documentation is poor but there are lots of examples, high code quality, and core devs are highly active on the forums.
That sounds absolutely retarded. C++ already has garbage collection.
just use godot engine, its cross-platform coding and exporting and code is similar to python so its easy when u coded before it also supports C#
GC support is implementation-dependent
>GC support is implementation-dependent
If you are using an implementation of C++ without the C++11 features such as smart pointers, then you are probably doing something stupid.
If you just want to improve C++ and don't plan produce anything useful, then go with SDL.
If you want to learn something that would make you somewhat employable, learn Unreal. But you won't improve C++ much, since most of the time you'll be learning the engine itself.
If you want to make something for mobile with the least amount of effort (and make yourself somewhat employable too), learn Unity.
>I think you're talking about il2cpp
Yes and no. With introduction of il2cpp C++ is kind of default for plugins in Unity right now.
I'm who you replied to, I have no idea what I was talking about with unity I just know it had C++ for android via something
>C++ already has garbage collection
it has a "garbage collector", only for some things
>C++ already has garbage collection.