Get a low-end router from an ISP

>get a low-end router from an ISP
>it shits itself on torrents with 5 active peers and DHT turned off
>continues to throttle speed even after I close qStalledtorrent until forced reboot
>peek inside
>realtrash SoC

Fuck these chinks

Attached: 34EFFB0E-41F0-454B-98ED-E67ED48731BE.jpg (2132x1535, 964K)

>that wire

That's an antenna. Gotta love chink engineering.

>modwire in production run

Attached: 5768765876876.jpg (226x223, 16K)

Use it as a modem, get your own router

it even says on the board what it's for brainlet

Snibbety snab.

Shill me a good

buy a modem you dont need a router

Xiaomi router.

Linksys AC1200

>wire attached with chewing gum

They're all shit, build your own with pfsense

its the antenna responsible for that great reception

Qc repair

enjoy your chinese botnet

>buy shittiest chink router for 15 yuropoors
>it just werks

RTL ain't bad, Xiaomi and NEXX routers are built on it. It has a hw packet scheduler.

its not a mod wire, retard
if it had an actual antenna and was bodged to fuck with mod wires it would be far better

Archer C7

used mine for a few years it's ok

more than enough for normal home use but I'm switching to a switch and a few wifi points around my house

>i just pretended
seriously, its not an antenna but a coax cable connecting likely 2 sides of it

forgot pic
actuall Antenna most likely etched on pcb

Attached: 5746765.jpg (2132x1535, 1.09M)

Post a tutorial or something, senpai.