What is your favorite bait to make Jow Forums assblasted?
What is your favorite bait to make Jow Forums assblasted?
>Getting segfaults ever
>he thinks this is a anime website
When I pretend to ask which mac to buy for college
Or even larping as a macfag
Fuck you almost got me. This is a good one.
Aaahrg, that hurt.
Rewrite it in Rust.
C++ does everything that C does but better
It doesn't matter that Python is slow.
>i bought this, what do
GIMP can't draw circles
>paying more than $50 for a phone
3 4
>What's the best linux distro
The one you shove up your mom's [retracted]
>current year of our lord
>linux still can't do [trivial thing]
its true though
also checked
>using a phone at all
I use windows and I like it.
Traps are people too and we should treat them with respect and let them live their lives how they want.
you should not enable people in destructive behavior for the tribe
people doing harm to the tribe should be accordingly punished
i use arch btw
Windows literally just works.
It's not slow faggot, try getting better hardware
actually true
amphobian website
>on the technology board
Gtfo weeb
>what linux should I install
Just Linux.
Ubuntu is the only distro you need. Everything else is autism.
>that exessive amount of symbolic voilence
gayming hardware
dude le epic howtobasic so funny lmao xD
caught one
he mad lmao
OOP is obsolete
I actually wanted to post the original MSI guide but I must have had the wrong file
Still, triggering ensued
IQ is meaningless
holy fucking SEETHE
holy shit
>all that sickass green razor pro gamer gear
>white case with blue LEDs
don't get caught like this n00b, get addressable RGB.
Tabs > Spaces
"Double quotes" > 'single quotes'
that picture is from before that was a thing
also, you missed the macbook
shit I'm triggered
Isn't that what Jow Forums points out easily?
true af
why does this still surprise people? it's a pretty old thing. what most people really mean when they say they're against censorship is that they're against censorship of opinions they like. though i have to admit the right is overall more welcome to opposing opinions
t. disenfranchised liberal
dubs of truth
feel free to come to europe or a country where the right feel like they can get away with censorship, both sides are as bad as each other when they have the power and it comes down to it
Made look if you were replying to someone
I am bipolar and every time I see some fuckstain flaunting that shit it makes me want to punch them with a brick
Damn, the new Death Grips music video looks great
as an arch linux user i don't have this problem
I bet your Canadian. Fucken syrup nigger.
Jow Forums is toxic
>:20s mark
Well, net neutraly was kill in the US
3 4
Explain monads
Posting a cavalier attitude response to code style nazi discussions in daily programming threads. Sit back and watch ensuing chaos unfold. Works every time
KEK. Now that one triggers, let alone mentioning functional programming
>do you turn your computer off at night ?
So he's just like most young right wingers?
mentioning the superiority of macos always triggers the pajeets on this board
Posting code written by an attractive female
A black, female programmer.
the stupidity in this channel
That's a cute cpu
>That's a cute cpu
...but user, effeminate men are good for (((the tribe)))
did it died?
The proportions are the real bait.
got DAYUM that's a cushy plane
>>white case with blue LEDs
yeah but he didn't want to "over do" it, user. keep it tasteful
I made this
Is there any logical reason why you would fucking say that post is underrated? Has anybody expressed any kind of dissatisfaction or criticism at all against it? Are you delusional? Are you reading replies that are nonexistant? Maybe you come from communities with voting systems, but there is literally no way that you could know what other people think of that post you just replied to here. Maybe it's psychological. Maybe it's your own post you're replying to, like a 12 year old fucktard liking his own facebook posts thinking his swelling autism is going unnoticed. Maybe your self esteem depends on you tricking yourself into thinking someone out there thinks your post is worth something. Or maybe you are just a retard, the worst kind of retard, the one who thinks he's smart, the one who thinks he's the only one to have gotten the joke, to have understood the post. Well, guess what, faggot, that post is under no definition underrated so why don't you do the world a favor and go check out what the bottom of your toilet smells like?
even copypasta is shit these days
literally any use of the C preprocessor above the 10 IQ level will make /dpt/ shit their pants, it's hilarious
Your days are numbered, boomer
what are (You)s, you fucking copypasta newfag?
>a anime
really gets my autism 11/10