What do you lads use your Chinkpads for? Are they simply to rice Loonix?
What do you lads use your Chinkpads for? Are they simply to rice Loonix?
i use mine for regular computer stuff, op
I take mine up in space. Fits in nicely with the others. Only I'm running arch and i3. Comfy :^)
I only use mine for college at this point. I use a phone on the loo and desktop for everything else at home.
I use my trusty X200 for everything
to reply to stupid threads
For browsing reddit
Penetration testing
to watch interracial cuck porn
For me, its lesbian JAV porn
i installed nixos, did some ricing, then went back to my macbook. it could be good if you can't afford anything else, but seriously, the advantages of having a bunch of ports and interchangeable components really become a disadvantage when you feel how clunky it all is (battery clunks every time you pick it up and it is heavy). I had fun swapping out components (upgraded the cpu) and seeing what linux can do nowadays, it's certainly better than back in the day but eh, what can I say there is a lot of advantage to the mac tight integration of hardware and OS when you want the machine to stay out of your way and just get some real work done.
Watching animu.
netbooks- to play with different linux distros/OS's in general
notebooks- to do normal pc stuff
>his manlet mac arms cant lift a thinkpad
this is why you get a thinkpad
Got a T430 and used it to work away from my desk. Then the battery hit it's programmed death date and I haven't been willing to buy in to their battery scam so now it's just a server hosting some web pages and bots/scripts.
Radio Frequency
Music production
I use mine for slightly more secured shiposting/web browsing, and for any dev work I gotta do because fuck visual studio or any other windows IDE because you almost NEED an IDE for it not to suck writing code in windows thanks to all the concentrated pajeet autism involved with literally anything but getting on Facebook, Amazon, or Gmail.
What kind do you use?
Kind of what? Distribution? I use Debian.
what thinkpad dumbass
Not going to answer with that attitude.
sorry, im the dude that called you dumbass, i didnt even asked the question, i was just a little sad and angr, sorry
It's okay, the thread was about Thinkpads and should've put two and two together. I use a X220
Yeah, that wasn't even me that called you a dumbass, that was user. I probably would have said the same thing though.
VM Labs, studying exploits and malware, as a diagnostic machine for analyzing hard drives and handling data etc, studying linux in general.
I use the almighty t440p to watch anime and send encrypted emails. you know, like using a computer like a normal person?
No it's fine, I should've put two and two together. This is a Thinkpad thread after all. I use a X220
>studying exploits and malware
How does one get into this and possibly reverse engineering software in general.
Jow Forums
your regular internet shit
it's about time for me to put actual computing at home to bed. we're so close to having that full functionality with no concessions on phones.
i only had a gen1 nexus 7 on campus for my senior year of university. it was kinda nice.
get a P61 better than 70% desktops while being a laptop
Heavy procrastination. The resolution of my x230 is really shit for real professional work.
I should have gotten a t450s.
i have a P50 for work, it's a very powerful machine
but outside of working at home as needed on the P50, I have no demanding computing needs when not in the office.
get a T440P
damn, those machines cost like 2 cars in my country
yeah it has all the upgrades on it too ha
they think remote desktop-ing a distributed controls system requires "top of the line" computing capability. not sure i believe that but i'm not complaining
College lappy
too heavy to take it to school imo,
is it nice? for what do you use it? im between the x230 and the t440p
kek grow some arms/overall body
web browsing, programming, school coursework, keeping track of my lifts, and IM clients. What else would a schmuck like me need a computer for?
>Putting stickers on your laptop in 2k18
actual white trash
go with the x230 if you move around a lot, t440 if it typically stays on your desk.
>being racist in 2k18
your opinion does not count
I'm white you brainlet
>my best friend is white so i can say racist shit
thats not how it works Tayrone
I'm a big guy and deadlift fievplaet and still, it feels too cumbersome and heavy after having tried the t450s.
Yeah it's pretty good. It's a bit sluggish with Visual Studio 2017 open in a Windows 10 VM, but overall pretty good. For normal stuff, code, browsing, music, etc it's flawless.
>worst gen memepad
>worst OS
That building look very familiar, Kennesaw?
source: your ass
>btw i use arch
Ricing is for fags
>having a bunch of ports and interchangeable components really become a disadvantage
How having more ports is actually a problem unless you are a minimalist applel fag
They use zbooks in space you dummy.
for you
mobility is the point of a laptop user. that is part of it's use case and one of the features I use being a rational person to judge them.
when given the option between having more ports and having a lighter laptop, i will chose a lighter laptop.
If you haven't flashed coreboot/libreboot on that x220 you're wasting you time and might as well use Wangblows.
newfag here
do I need raspie (or the likes) to install coreboot?
>he thinks any amount of removing botnet will make him safe
NSA still has you owned sweatie.
List of things I use my Thinkpad for:
> Shitposting in bed
> Light vidya
I recently installed Solus to give Linux another shot, it's been pretty comfy so far.
T25 anniversary edition. Crisis management.
what's some good raspi then?
I use my X230T as a daily driver for everything. Only thing that bothers me is that touch support is horrible. Recently found out with Wayland touch gestures are working but the fucking stylus doesn't.
how much did you pay for it?
how is it compared to xx20?
also pic pls
They are all shit. Buy a 3B.
To do shitloads of stuff, that's why I use Microsoft Windows 10 as intended.
Desktop with win10 for games and adobe software.
Thinkpad with linux for everything else.
I managed to convince my austistic sister to get an X220. Please be proud of me user Senpai.