Jow Forums is officially cucked, an anonimous version of red*it and HN, contaminated board for pajeets hiding their skin colour
Jow Forums is officially cucked, an anonimous version of red*it and HN...
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don't use shitskin next time, just say pajeet.
we love our shitting pajeets
This always happens with new janitors doing it for free. They come from reddit in hopes to clean up Jow Forums. They get bored when they realise they can’t change it. Just keep on keeping on.
Friendly reminder Jow Forums is a leftist board.
I automatically send a renew request to my ISP every hour so I don't get to see those shitty warnings.
You have to go back!
don't worry you can cry about brown people elsewhere
We own this board now friendo :^)
looks like you'll have to migrate to the other place
I've had enough of these fake kikebots pretending we are the rest of the internet in happy sappy libtarded land where everyone is equal and that the mathematical principle that defines random sequences (the 20-80 law) is "rich people stealing from poor people."
get fucked, soiboi
> when 13 year olds realise that even on Jow Forums, there are consequences.
are you ok bro?
inb4 bread moved to /qa/
how it must feel to know your very appearance is enough to raise somebodys blood pressure and distract all their thoughts.
Pajeets are literally the backbone of tech today.
Heh, nah, just pissed at a "Sustainable Entrepreneurship" brainwashing class I'm being forced to take by my company that wants me to get an MBA. One of the defining principles it outlines is abolishing the gap between rich and poor, showing that 20% of people have 80% of wealth, then I broke down and wrote out the mathematics proving this was 100% unavoidable even if you had no wealth, power just takes its place...
it's fun being this delusional, isn't it? just because you and one other pajeet eat shit doesn't mean everyone else does
We run this board now. Go back to your Israeli cock sucking containment subreddit _donald
For reference, if someone else comes across this kike trick.
Yea nobody wants to listen to post-ironic racist drivel on the interweb.
>Jow Forums is one person
Yeah yeah we've all seen that and nobody cares. What everyone cares about is banning racist spam posts like yours.
>You have to go back!
No. :)
Its because of
>shitskin paki
Literally no one bats an eye at
Fuck off, newfag.
wrong, lots of people do. I do.
Jow Forums is objectively NOT a leftist baord. We are NOT a hugbox for crybaby bullshit.
Go build your own chan then, friend :)
Reported, get back to your containment board
God back to your containment board.
>God back
God isn't real, friend :)
>God back
Phoneposter with autocorrect enabled detected. Get out.