First week of c++ class

>first week of c++ class
>first guy to class
>sit kind of near the front but not the first row
>really pretty blonde chick comes and sits next to me
>she makes some small talk and I just kind of laugh and say some dumb bullshit because I'm awkward as fuck
>nigger sits on the other side of me
>he's clearly really interested in the girl
>lecture starts
>he's constantly talking to the girl, making me feel really awkward because they're on either side of me and I'm just trying to focus on the lesson
>lectures over, time for challenge problems
>end up helping both of them

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never help your classmates unless you get something for it.
the classroom is a competitive environment.

take your cuck problems over to r9k/

/po/ was right again

>c++ class
>really pretty blonde chick
yeah no

>being this much of a fucking pussy
>actually thought you had a chance with hot bimbo in $current_year
>all it took was a simple

pic related

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How somebody thinks this kind of things? What they have in mind?
It is really interesting the mind of this people


>not even a for loop

That's the good thing about English, it is so retarded that a retarded like me can write without any study

I agree

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one of the kids in class got in trouble for using """advanced techniques""", the prof just wanted us to write a simple program such as the one she wrote

>first week of c class
>early to class
>sit near the front, but not the front row
>cute milk maid sits next to me
>we start talking, normal small talk
>she says she likes my socks
>I tell her that my grandmother made them, and makes a pair for the whole family for christmas every year
>for some reason this is awkward to her and she stops talking

why are people always afraid to get personal with people? it's all shitty small talk that they want, or to explain someone to death.

did end up with a jap america girl in the class tho, so all worked out

how is that in any way awkward

>ywn cuddle with a milk maid

that's fucked up
wheb the teacher saw me doing """advanced techniques""" the second weej they just offered me to take a "big" test and complete that class for the semester

well this is a (((state funded))) university
they probably just want to keep us here paying tuition as long as possible

phobeposting is hard

Yeah, you fucked up. If a hot blonde girl is sitting next to you on your her own, she has predicted that you'll help her. Never help anybody unless you're good friends and you help each other regularly. Too many cunts I know got their degree because there was always some beta who would do all their work.


And private university don't want you to stay as long as possible? Are you retarded?

he's gonna fuck her while you do their assignments for the year. better switch majors.

this. somehow women can tell both when you're a beta and when you've made the leap to disregarding roasties

You got cucked.
Also, Jow Forums

most white women (the ones without daddy issues) will prefer white men

advantage you

>being this much of a nigger lover beta cuck
enjoy doing their assignments for the rest of the year


>be in physics 302
>top tier LAC
>9/10 brunette sitting to my left
>she looks aggressive and sweet at the same time
>lecture starts
>she asks question about wave equation and how to simplify using obscure differential method
>professor nods, amused; i have no idea what the fuck she just said because high level mathematics

i hate when this shit happens

You hate when what happens? When you don't know the simplified notation of the wave equation?

Jow Forums is not your blog.

>include but not use it
>using namespace std;

yeah they are all using visual basic which has a bunch of gay templates
I'm using the chad method of ssh'ing to my house, writing it in vim, and using g++

From my experience at university sometimes you benefit, sometimes you don't.
Guess it depends on the gap between your level of knowledge/intellect and that of your peers but mostly whether or not they are willing to contribute, sometimes their train of thought can bring in a different approach or insight to an obstacle you are facing even if they are less knowledgeable.
Even if there is a wide gap the act of mentoring someone can be insightful, granted they are willing to contribute and learn, not just get spoonfed answers.

Maybe I am still young and naive, but I believe if I help people possessing the right attitude to work they can scratch my back at a later point and build some positive rapport in the process for better future prospects.
But that is more workplace related than academia.

#include tier stuff

Go back to your containment board fucking paper folder

absolutely niggerlicious

Looks like she doesn't know how to get user input.

Also why do girl coders feel the need for an explanatory comment on EVERY SINGLE LINE OF CODE?

the problem asked specifically to hard code the values in like that
[spoiler]I'll teach her how to cin while she gets fingered by tyrone ;-;[/spoiler]

Based, best answer.

that was kind of a blonde question as learning the topic at that level implies deriving the equation, it wasn't necessary to ask. now maybe she's doing a 2000iq move to show 'engagement' in the subject to get further bumped up grades from the prof (who would already bump up her grades because she's attractive, and at least seems to understand the basics)

go put on a wig, some knee-high stockings and start taking hormones user. I don't think you can compete against 9/10 if you don't.

>turns out his professor prefers cuteboys
It's worth a try.

>go to free HTML/CSS class to get out and meet people
>literally everyone has a Mac
>pull out composition book and pen to take notes
>the girl next to me looks over at me
>even teacher is wondering why I have no laptop
>no one else even has a pen, all computers
>Teacher is late 20's qt, not fantastic but at least worth two glances
>looks directly in my eyes a few times and smiles while giving lecture
>smile back a few times and nod head
>hardly look at slides since I'm furiously writing notes
>multiple people have a document open with two bullet point lists with 3 items each
>I have multiple pages with layouts that make sense to me
>"Okay, now it's time for the fun part, we actually get to code!"
>still haven't taken out my computer
>time to whip out the beast
>unzip bag and pullout my X200T
>palms start to sweat
>fear for my life that someone is going to point to me and ask wtf is that like all the Jow Forums memes say
>no one even glances
>feeling smug and humiliated at the same time
>teacher still giving lecture and explaining tags
>"And to save the document you can press command + S... or control + S if you're on a... PC."
>can hear the slight hesitation in her voice as she eyes the strong black coating of my ThinkPad
>she tells them to open Atom if they downloaded it before class or sublime
>never got the WiFi password so I just use Geany since it's what I usually use anyway
>4 people don't even have anything to code with
>one girls she needs help and asks teacher to come over
>"Well I have TextEdit, can I use that?"
>teacher somewhat taken aback but says yes, she just won't have some of the features
>follow along with the teacher
>answer any question she asks the class since I'm bored as hell
>class ends and we fill out surveys to help make free class better
>I'm the last one in class since I'm trying to give constructive feedback
>"Thank you" I say with a smile and walk out
>"Good night" I hear the teacher pleasantly reply

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For the love of God this.
Bouncing ideas for implementation or other concepts back and forth with my peers isn't always consistently fruitful, but some of the most important and useful caveats have come from these discussions and were never mentioned by my professors nor found in any of my books. It was typically something that a friend may have figured out from working on some unrelated private projects of theirs.

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>as she eyes the strong black coating of my ThinkPad


a cuck in the making

It's funny how you quoted the part about "strong black". It seems like strong black and sex are somehow connected in your mind. Do you understand, why?

she wants your [spoiler]X200[/spoiler]

Clearly user invested too many skill points into Black magic. My guess is he's going the demonology route and plans on making a slave pact with a succubus. Personally I think a hybrid specialization of some demonology and some Hemomancy works better since then you won't have rely so heavily on demons.


Probably he'll use his ThinkPad as an artifact to bind the teacher to his will.

or let them copy paste your shit, that way they will never learn the content, cuz they passed and don't care

>end up helping both of them
Fucking beta just tell them you don't know and answer it anyway, if they won't work leave them behind

>literally everyone has a Mac
So that's where web 2.0 comes from.

>c++ class
>really pretty blonde chick
Why come to Jow Forums just to lie?

There's a nigress in my digital forensics class who has a 32 bit amd cpu and 2 gigs of ram and the class relies heavily on virtual machines lol

She was hoping you would tell her where you bought them so she could buy a pair for her bf. But since you got them from your granny your value diminished from beta-conversation-partner-with-cool-socks-to-pass-time-with-until-i-can-get-home-to-chads-cock to insignificant oxygen consumer. Hey, at least you got the hapa consolation prize

My grandad has a better hairline.

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>expecting anything "good" looking from 3D
user you are a fucking retard, you deserved it.

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Why tf would you need to ssh home to compile simple programs? Literally autism tier setup

It's better to carry around a cheap shitty laptop to use as a terminal so when it gets stolen or damaged nothing of value is lost.

>he thought it was actually a girl

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dear god you incel fucks are fucking pathetic

college is for people with no discernible charisma. Stay made virgin faggots, the chad HS diploma wins again

Dear Diary.....

Does it even matter op?
Did it ever matter?
He's going to fuck her, then she'll fuck you in a few years when he's still Bix noods. But do you even want her sloppy seconds? You God damn virgins are all the same.