Why most CS students don't have self-awareness

Why most CS students don't have self-awareness.

>going to study at the computer lab. because it's comfy.
>noticed two idiots talking about anime and shit
>tried to ignored them but they started watch anime using the computers speakers

>the anime had female characters making the typical scream
>the whole room was cringing

Is it going to get worse?

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who gives a shit what normalfags think?

whoever made that comic must be really fucking buthurt that they cant do fizzbuzz

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It's a strategy to clear the room out sometimes you just need more compute power.

manual labor cucks will always be salty about their back pain and insurance premiums

The anime fags are always the first to drop out. Don't worry. Just focus on learning and remember your professors are bumbling idiots so you gotta go out on your own.

>The anime fags are always the first to drop out
seething and probably got beaten by an anime fag in the exams

they're more Jow Forums than OP ever hopes to be

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>tfw half the contributors to media codecs have weeb profile pics

Imagine how asspained someone must have been to make this.

thank you, I was looking for that picture to piss off my CS and SE friends

kek, real men know how to use a hammer and a screwdriver. Sorry you have 0 motor skills to clean your own asshole.

what if i know how to use all three?

odd. i still haven't dropped out and soon gonna finish my thesis. :^)

like doing what? for putting nails in the wall for frames or open your PC case?

Someone overestimates the skillset of modern day blue collar workers
What passes for a smith nowadays has probably never seen an anvil in their lives
Chinese children in a sweat shop
>Construction workers
>without cranes and other sophisticated machinery

>CSfag walks into cafe
>can smell him from the other end of the room

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disassembling my car, screwing plasterboards, wall demolition and gay shit like that. i worked construction at one point, too.

no shit, a tradesman in Jow Forums. Hard to believe. Do you visit /diy/?

People always say this, but if your job is to exercise all day, you stay really healthy. My great uncle was a construction worker and he lived into his mid 90s. My grandfather had an office job and he died at 80 after 20 years of heart attacks, a stroke, and diabetes complications that lost him his legs. Your body was meant to labor for a living. Not exercising just makes you weak so you die faster.

i lurk there. i mostly hang around here cuz i'm studying cs (le good at installing adobe reader meme) and it's nice to stay up to date with latest news in tech. also, shitposting.

Sounds like your Uncle never made anything of himself and your grandfather was a fat fuck.

I do all this shit too and I was an IS major kek. Shit isn't difficult, that's why YouTube exists.

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holy shit we've come full circle from the comics about nerds getting back at their middle school bullies.

It's more likely than you think. I'm also a software developer / electrical engineer /carpenter /plumber /electrician / welder / mechanic, among many other skills. Being a productive person in real life demands learning a wide variety of skills. Growing up poor as fuck probably helped this along, we never hired anyone for anything, and I was expected to learn some shit basically as soon as I could read.

>implying 90% of my internet time isn't spent looking up medieval cultural traditions, weapons, forging techniques and food


At my uni, the computer lab is overseen by a student worker (like the library assistants) and you can complain about the behavior of students to that person. If they really are that obnoxious, they would get thrown out once reported. Maybe your school has this?

This picture is such a blue-collar fantasy. Everyone would be equally fucked -- it would be a free-for-all. 99% of the population has no idea how to fend for themselves. That's why I have a gun, even though I hate guns. If there is ever a sudden riot in LA, at least I have a gun...

>that's why YouTube exists
very true. it's worth learning stuff for when you won't be able to access youtube, though.

t. butthurt

Play good anime louder

What anime was it? if you don't know or you didn't care enough to look then you don't belong here

I'd rather have a tazer and body armor.

Hit someone with a gun, depending on the caliber, they might not go down. Hit someone with a taser, they're going down. Unless they have body armor too, but at that point it's all gone to shit.

god damn look at how fucking FLAT that chest is

>being too much of a bitch to confront literal autists watching anime and instead crying about them anonymously on an anime forum

Plus, CS girls get horny for dickish guys. Almost every single dude in CS is a meek pushover. The guy that every girl sat next to in my classes was this tall, 7/10 dude that would basically shit on everyone's final projects. Seriously, every project, his hand would come up, and then he'd fire off three or four reasons why it was crap.

>CS girls


keep on user. It is always good to improve your skillset

Yes. The four people in my C++ class who verifiably had vaginas.

You could also walk up to them and ask them to please be quiet, but that would require OP not to be a massive autist

>implying you ever verified anyone's vagina

You're right user. I forgot about the obvious solution: talking to people.

yes indeed user but that would also create a scene, which not anyone wants to.

>"Hey guys, could you maybe turn off the sound? I need to concentrate."
>"Oh, sure thing man, sorry."
Wow, that was hard

This actually happened to me once, I went to the librarian and told them these guys were watching porn on the library computers and they got kicked out.

it's probably better to have an office job with a sit/stand desk and make sure you get vigorous and plentiful exercise outside of work

I had some idiot sperg out when I told him I don't pay for digital distribution and don't give money to Steam.

gayest shit i've ever heard

You have absolutely zero understanding of how either of those defense methods work if you believe this leftist spew.

oh shit here comes the Jow Forums gun defense brigade with their 8 webms of people getting shot.