I'm almost 30 and never had a tech job. At this point should I just continue being a NEET for the rest of my life? I feel like no one's going to hire anyone my age for an entry-level position.
I'm almost 30 and never had a tech job. At this point should I just continue being a NEET for the rest of my life...
How do you even survive till 30 as a NEET?
literally how?
1st world country not USA + Cheap internet access.
I'm mentally disabled and thus can take advantage of social security, subsidized housing, and subsidized health insurance.
Here where I live, we have something callef Asp-IT (Asperger IT). So if an asperger cunt can get into IT, so can you.
On the plus side, doing a CV should be straightforward.
>so user, I see you have some, eh, gaps here. Why should we hire YOU then?
So, you're a fucking leech? You better be mentally disabled to the point of not being able to work, but you're obviously using a computer just fine.
Here's a free tip. Create something on your own and when you apply for a job then show what you have done, it's also great way to learn. You could also try selling something you have made. Also if you are not sure what people like copy some great product and make it better. Just think what you can do realistically and don't try to make anything too complex.
>Why should we hire YOU
I hate this fucking question so much!
Are you actively trying to look for a job?
Yeah, but not a tech job. Just a regular blue collar job that will give me some extra money that I can spend on books, magazines, and computer equipment.
That looks fucking comfy.
how much are you expecting per year?
All you need is to look the interview person in the eyes and give them a firm handshake.
i know i may be asking alot for Jow Forums but any advice for a person looking for a tech job?
this is extremely common among white ""men""" in America
Better than being cucked by student debt and selling your soul to some rich guy who will make you work 80 hours a week.
have you tried applying to tech companies
holy fuck, you disappoint me.
>be 39
>18 years of full-time-engineering employment
>currently working with the same company for 13 years.
>lead software engineer, full stack-as-fuck
>$140k + bonuses
>$170k in savings account (because i just sold an old property)
>$550k in 401k retirement
>$12k in AMD stock (bought at $6/share)
>$8k in Tesla
>no gf (perhaps our only link)
I may be in the top 10% but how do you even exist?
I feel so bad for your parents.
Do you have successful siblings?
What region of the world do you live in?
Do you think your NEET lifestyle is sustainable? and I'm not saying you should revel in toxic consumerism, but still.
So many questions, so much confusion. You literally killed 10 minutes of my productivity.
yeah lol all i got is an email saying sorry the position filled out.
all i submit is my resume on the application page.
i guess i dont have much to show off on my resume but a niggas gotta start somewhere
One additional note: I'm a university level CS dropout.
..I got an internship that turned into a real job....i got sick of school.
30 is not too old.
i got an entry level programming job at 34, but it was after 5 years of mind numbing software testing work. i transitioned up after i impressed managers with my ability to break software and then i googles how to fix some of the software bugs. viola. get your foot in the door.
>zero years full time engineering employment
>currently working for same company for 0 years
>No fun title
>$0k + bonuses
>$100k in checking
>$2.5m in retirement
>$0k in AMD stock
>$0k in Tesla
>no gf...
Oh shit...
why work to someone? Do you want become . I think not.
I'm not wojak in the cage.
I have a sense of purpose.
I enjoy problem solving (for cash and prizes).
>Be me
>Be 30
>0 debt
>own a flat
>rent it for 1400e/month
>never worked
>free healthcare
Life is good.
any savings?
guess what, some people dont.
im doing all the study+job shit but is more about the social validation thing. the money is nice, but i wish i could just lay around playing psp for at least the rest of the year.
>based psp player
I'm old, I get it....but you'll look back at this defeatist attitude a decade from now and you'll wish someone punched you in the face with harsh facts. You need to take that PSP and break it over your head. Wake up, fag.
I'm just going for a part-time job working 15-20 hours a week, so maybe $10,000 to $18,000 per year.
dad get out of my blog
kill yourself boomer
this shouldnt be hard
>Why do you want to work here?
You could lie, or make a story about mental illness although that might be a red flag
>Why should we hire YOU then?
Because I can adequately perform the job?
Go get a non tech job then you fucking bum
I'd love to be that guy.
t. former neet now in community college
Would I be able to live comfortably as a maid?
All this cope LMAO. Congrats being nigger tier
>what are 3 values you think you can bring to the company?
>describe a difficult situation in your life and how you resolved it
>what 3 words describe you best?
>how would you like to be treated by your supervisors?
I have no job, no experience, 600k in checking and 600m in savings. Git gud poor fag
Let's see how you look in programming socks
> Be you.
> Overworked.
> Stressed out.
> Aging quickly due to stress.
> Think you're better than NEETs because you can affort more material goods.
> Be me.
> Unemployed or work part-time jobs here and there.
> Work always ends when I walk out the door.
> Not stressed out.
> Living comfortably.
> Happy.
> Have lots of free time.
> Enjoying the things that really matter in life, like learning, self-improvement, and building friendships.
> Don't give a fuck.
Contributing to society is a meme created by the elites in order to shame people into working for them.
>Contributing to society is a meme
Exactly, which is why we should remove all welfare and let people like you starve
Not overworked. When I leave work, it doesn't follow me home. I'm not Japanese.
I'm not really stressed out. I like what I do and like my coworkers.
Aging quickly? Nigga what?
I can afford plenty of things and invest. That's the point.
I have way too much free time. I get bored a lot and watch random YouTube videos or anime. I went through periods of "neet" (like 3 months summer vacation when I was in uni) and got super bored and wanted to kill myself. I do hope everyone becomes neets one day so the taxs run out or Muhammad and his children take it all.
How do you refute the point that if people didn't contribute to society there would be nobody to contribute funds for people who can't provide for themselves?
They can't refute. They project their feelings and pretend it's the norm for people working. They're just like uppity niggers
I work since 18 and I want to be you. How?
Is that a comfy 1280x1024 display?
user you are so right, but sadly these neets wont really appreciate what you are trying to convey
Just type the words out on Jow Forums dot org. It's easy
>currently working with the same company for 13 years.
who the fuck does this
nice bait, niggerlover
*cracks* back in my day when we worked for a company we really WORKED FOR A COMPANY *sips*
When you're work is vital companies will compete to keep you.
I am work
People who get a company pensions & stocks.
sorry kid, nothing personal.
>I'm mentally disabled
LOL, does that mean you're always going to be legally mentally disabled?
I mean it's specialized. I work for a medical device company. We don't make gay widgets or clickjack millennial's attention spans.
I spend hours looking at, creating specs, testing device communications, writing algorithms to match disconnected/denormalized drug library sources, optimize algorithims that detect the lung capacity of neonatal patients and coma patients. I write code in python, c#, typescript, c++, F#, tsql, Java and JS.
I frequently get on phone calls and conferences with hospital IT, directors of pharmacy and work closely with hired penetration testing agencies.
I'm also not autistic and can socialize with all kinds of people. I think I'm underpaid at $140k.
Are u living in Asia/South America OP? Seems there's so many neets from asia or south America.
>$12k in AMD stock (bought at $6/share)
>$8k in Tesla
Truly a genius.
Yes you could. You can apply to helpdesk it's 0 entry level, it' shitty but it still IT. Then you can move further. Just lie in your resume, google that you need to know some basics like installing OS, TCP/IP, configuration of software, BIOS settings etc then apply. I'm 30 years old and I did that and got a job so and you could
Good luck op. I am 35 and have no idea how to function anymore. I used to maintain work until 10~ years ago in which I had a mental breakdown. I have (professionally diagnosed) schizophrenia, bipolar and depending on which shrink depression. I can barely read anymore. the best I get is a short paragraph like shit on here but actual book comprehension is impossible. Filling out forms went from a 5-10 minute boredom to an hour+ struggle.
I am fucked and will be killing myself soon but I genuinely hope you neets make it to become happy individuals. Thank you for reading my blog. Also never take SSRI's.
are you banned from owning guns?
Nope. I am pretty sure the government knows I am unwilling to harm anybody else and that adding to the death tole of gun violence via suicide is a good thing for them.
What caused you to have the breakdown? I feel terrible for you. Do you have a family?
some people are not meant for """greatness""".
but you can still find happiness in who you are and living with contentment
me on the right
I've been fucked up since I was a kid, I was on medication since I was 11/12. I don't think anything specific caused the breakdown but it was always a possibility since my mother had schizophrenia. The other issues were apparent early on.
Most of my immediate family was dead or gone before it happened but I ended up abandoning my fiance which was probably the worst part of it all.
I'd go back to wage slavery any day to have even the remotest fulfillment in life. So again heres to hoping op makes it anybody else neet or otherwise who is struggling in life.
> New grad
What career path do you go down if your high tier dev, but don't want to be a code monkey with social autismos?
Is it true that aiming for management roles are less valuable? Is creating your own start up the only way to go?
I am in the same truck. I know it seems like you're alone but there are other people that have been neets for a long time like me. You should be honest with yourself and improve yourself. Take some customer service classes at your local community college, it's a business class. If you have good customer service skills that opens opportunities. Whatever you get into wether it's networking, software development or help desk know what you're getting into.
I'm not on welfare. And only a very tiny portion of your tax dollars go towards social programs. The vast majority of it goes either to banks or to funding the government's bloated military budget. If we just took away 10% of the earnings of the top 10 richest people in the country and didn't tax anyone else, we could easily pay for every NEET in the country.
Truly a tragic life. Have you tried reconnecting with her? I only ask because you used the word abandon. Maybe, deep down, you didn't want be a burden to her? I don't think it's a blemish on your character.
A parasite NEET that can't count is also a commie why that is not surprising.
Do freelance work and do contracts.
I do it with a guys i knew from college straight outa school
Its pretty sweet.
>No boss
>Choose your own hours
>sick earning if you can work fast
>Can live wherever the fuck i want
I am 30 for 5 minutes now. Such cases.
>then just walk away
Oh, I can count perfectly fine. It's just that the three richest people in this country control more wealth than the bottom 50%, and that's a statistical fact. You can google it because I'm not making it up.
Did you 3% of all the farmers make 50% of the food?
Is it cause they are good at farming or did they steal that food from other farmers?
Get a job commie
link your github, then we can properly judge you
>I have way too much free time. I get bored a lot and watch random YouTube videos or anime. I went through periods of "neet" (like 3 months summer vacation when I was in uni) and got super bored and wanted to kill myself.
Because you're a dull moron. It could have been great if you spent that time learning about something or refining a skill but you just watched anime and got bored. Some people are just meant to wagecuck I guess.
If you have free time then try to spend it away from your sources of entertainment. Instead try volunteering or networking or reading in the library
I'm kinda in same boat. I'm 35 and really all I wanna do is be a low end Support Tech/Network Tech. I'm A+/Network+ Certified + got a few other Certs. So qualification wise I'm good. My problem is that I'm handcuffed by my employer. Been with them long enough to have to much time invested + got good benefits/job security to just toss it all. Only got 15 years till I can retire w/full payout. They don't got in house IT anymore, gradually outsourced it all (least the positions I want anyway). All that is left is Mangers, Developers. Nothing against them but not something I wanna do. I started out in a "dead end" non IT job, finding my way around how the "company" did things. I got moved into my current division which is still non IT but is stress free as fuck and there's no bullshit. I admit, I got lulled into being content where I am. But again it ain't really what I want to do for my whole career. In the mist of all this they (higher ups) were slamming the door on in house IT job openings. As people left/retired they just "no filled" those jobs and gave a contract to some outside outfit. I didn't catch on till it was to late to really do anything. Those people, the contractors, even the low end ones make $18 an hr. I know cause just for grins I looked at one of the job openings they had.
News flash, that is how most neets live. I went to the gym and worked on side projects but I had fucking 24 hrs of nothing. Nothing matters if you are a neet so no real reason to work hard
Dunno where you are from, but im from Belgium and i know a guy who is a contractor in Network he makes 115 Euro/hour as an independent contractor in that sector.
He started out as a nurse went out of college at 31.
You're awesome and have my dream job.
Can I have your job please?
>I am fucked and will be killing myself soon but I genuinely hope you neets make it to become happy individuals. Thank you for reading my blog. Also never take SSRI
Why? I am taking 50mg sertraline+permazine for about 2 years, can i still lay it off??
Then go to the plenty of other companies hiring. You hate it because it exposes how aimless you truly are, and will accept any position thrown at you. I don't want someone who can take anything they can get, I want someone who relentlessly delivers.
Just another case of 4/10 programmers, applying to 9/10 companies, and getting mad when you are found out. Apply at companies more your speed, since they can't afford to be as choosey.
happy birthday user
>underpaid at 140k
If you live in a high cost area perhaps, otherwise you are a bit delusional. If your goal was to make money, you would be hopping companies and making offers until you reached your price. Or maybe you can't and you just tell yourself you like it, so the lack of money is worth it.
Do you not notice the lock on the cage?
Get a job, fucking loser. Even my alcoholic brother has a job. Take 4x your prescription of Adderall, fuckface. You fucking disgust me you piece of subhuman garbage.
Then I read this. Man, you're a special kind, how do you even live with yourself?
i love you user
please help me to be you