Other urls found in this thread:
You're better off not using it anyway.
I wanted to read this article, BUT NOW I CAN'T BECAUSE I'M IN EU
So an americunt can't acces european websites but euroniggers can enter on
Just use a VPN.
Proxys are also a thing.
Rip in peace EU
what's so unreal about it? US-based websites don't want to update their policies or change just to cater to the handful of EU area visitors they might get
But isn't this hosted in Canada? How can i acces it?
If only you Euros had net neutrality.
These sites are spying on you.
Americans should avoid them as well.
GDPR applies to all European citizens. Blocking EU traffic only filters a fraction of the people who are protected by GDPR. What if you live in the US but have yuro citizenship? What if you're an European on vacation?
lmao Yuropoor problems
works on my machine in America
Thrn the Americans find out they shouldnt have set precedent with Megaupload
>what's a vpn
that's not the point, why is some bureacrat in bruxells deciding to fuck with the Internet this way??
>needing an extension to tell you the site doesn't support HTTPS
Yurocucks like big government.
>bureaucrat is useful for once
>somehow people still complain they can't have their dose of botnet
spoiler, it is the botnet fault for not servicing your wishes
Other way around. Euros can't access US websites that don't want to comply with the GDPR.
And nothing of value was lost
Simple - accessing a US website that has banned EU visitors is technically a CFAA violation, regardless of where it's accessed from.
That’s good news if true
It blocks the connection immediately.
I mean, it's bad if you're the EU national in question, since if you want to pursue a legal challenge against a site for violation of the GDPR, you're opening yourself up to criminal prosecution if the site owner decides to be a dick.
Virginia resident files class-action lawsuit against Culpeper County Sheriff
Jeff Say Culpeper Times Staff Writer
Culpeper County Sheriff Scott Jenkins faces a class-action civil rights lawsuit filed by a Hispanic Virginia resident alleging the Culpeper County Jail has an “unlawful practice of holding immigrants in jail past their release dates.”
The lawsuit, brought by the Legal Aid Justice Center and Victor M. Glasberg and Associates, challenges the Sheriff’s policy of honoring “immigration detainers,” which are requests from U.S. Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) to hold individuals in local custody past the time they are ordered released by a state judge.
According to Vic Glasberg, veteran civil rights attorney: “Keeping folks in jail without charges or a conviction is what happens in countries governed by tyrants. Actions like this must be resisted by those interested in living in a free society.”
Unlike criminal warrants, immigration detainers are not signed by a judge and do not authorize a local jail to continue to incarcerate an individual. Courts across the country have found that holding immigrants on ICE detainers violates their constitutional rights.
Contacted Monday afternoon, Jenkins said he could not comment on the lawsuit as he had not seen it yet. When asked when the Sheriff was going to be officially served with the lawsuit, the Legal Aid Justice Center said he was being notified via the media.
In 2015, Attorney General Mark Herring put Virginia sheriffs on notice that honoring immigration detainers was illegal when he issued an opinion aptly titled Legality of ICE Detainer Requests.
“I was pulled over and arrested for a minor traffic violation in Culpeper County,” said Francisco Guardado Rios, the plaintiff in this class action. “I never would have imagined that it would have led to me spending three months in jail.”
Being a dick is taking a site to court for violation of the GDPR.
part 2
Sophia Gregg, staff attorney at Legal Aid Justice Center, said that Jenkins has been acting “outside the law and today we begin the fight to hold him accountable.
“This case stems from our ongoing advocacy in Culpeper County and countless stories like Mr. Guardado Rios’ that we heard over the course of many months, all people, regardless of their perceived immigration status, have the right to be free from unlawful incarceration.”
Europe: nanny state tries to fix it but fucks the economy up instead
America: the free market fixes it
You mad, Europe?
I ran into this earlier today. Opened it in the Tor browser and it worked fine, kek.
>needing a child-lock for when a website doesn't support HTTPS
Yeah and?
I warned you Jow Forums, all internet survive because data mining and trackers pay our hosting, this 451 is ok because GDPR is wasting our resources if we cannot monetize.
this would be easy for that website to fix: just don't collect userdata and don't use tailored ads
ez pz
good riddance
Use Tor Browser or Brave browser with Tor tabs
you're complaining about the wrong law
The fuck is this shit? Does anyone have more examples?
>wwaaaah, I cannot be spied on!
How to download and use VPN; Niggered down edition:
>go to:
>scroll down and download and install openvpn-2.4.6-I602.exe
>now go to:
>look for OpenVPN and download either EU1 or EU2 profile
>EU1 and EU2 servers are hosted in Romania
>now when you have those profile you need to edit them
>right click on profile and click on open with
>open with notepad and add block-outside-dns before and then save that shit
>do this for all the profiles
>now start OpenVPN if you haven't already
>right click on the OVPN icon in your system tray, click on import file and select your profile, lets say tcp 443 and click ok
>now go back to the website and under the available profiles there will be a username and a password
>now right click again in the OVPN icon and hover over your preferred profile and click on connect
>type in password and username from website, click ok and you're good to go
>but wait we need to check if you're IP is leaking through the WebRTC protocol, we already fixed your shitty dns leak
>so open up preferred browser and go to:
>if you see your WebRTC leaking the do the following to disable it:
>Mozilla Firefox:
Type "about:config” in the address bar. Scroll down to “media.peerconnection.enabled”, double click to set it to false.
>Google Chrome:
Install Google official extension WebRTC Network Limiter.
Type "about:config" in the address bar or go to "Settings". Select "Show advanced settings" and click on "Privacy & security". At "WebRTC" mark select "Disable non-proxied UDP".
>so after you have done all this you're pretty much done
>congrats you're not a WebRTC, DNS leaking nigger and you know some shit about this setup
>little bit of an explanation of WebRTC and DNS leaks in next post
Both have the same result: to increase profits for a select few. What's happening in Europe is no different than the US.
It's like the difference between abusing a child by barely feeding them vs beating them. Both have the same result: a child suffering.
What is a "WebRTC leaks"?
WebRTC implement STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for Nat), a protocol that allows to discover the public IP address.
What is a "DNS leaks"?
In this context, with "DNS leak" we mean an unencrypted DNS query sent by your system OUTSIDE the established VPN tunnel.
Why my system suffers DNS leaks?
In brief: Windows lacks the concept of global DNS. Each network interface can have its own DNS. Under various circumstances, the system process svchost.exe will send out DNS queries without respecting the routing table and the default gateway of the VPN tunnel, causing the leak.
Should I be worried for a DNS leak?
If you don't want that your ISP, and anybody with the ability to monitor your line, knows the names your system tries to resolve (so the web sites you visit etc.) you must prevent your system to leak DNS. If you feel that you're living in a human rights hostile country, or in any way the above mentioned knowledge may harm you, you should act immediately to stop DNS leaks.
Nah, spanking a child is valid punishment, barely feeding one isn't.
95% of EU citizens live in Europe, the other 5% are immigrants anyway so who cares?
Will we see less angry slavshitposting now?
>be european
>move to US
Except that almost never happens, nobody ever emigrates to a worse off country.
What has that to do with the thread anyways? The site is blocking you. That has nothing to do with https or not you fucking retard. HTTPS does not hide your ip.
kek imagine living in a europoor nannystate
If you're an above-average Euro, there's plenty of reasons to move to the US. Wages are significantly higher, even accounting for healthcare costs, and goods are generally cheaper.
>be euro
>speed upwards of 100Mbps
>cant use the fucking internet
>be me live in a 3rd world shithole
>shit speed (4Mbps)
>mfw at least i can use the internet
I would prefer not to.
You'd be making almost double your current salary and paying less in income taxes. That's a pretty good deal for a lot of people.
can't you just paste that into an archive site and use it there?
Yeah this one works
based retardposter
Are you serious?
Im in Serbia, so not EU, can read it.
yea just paste shit in
and it'll clone it so you can view it lol
>spending triple in inferior quality healthcare and being so unsafe you're almost 5 times more likely to get murdered
>not to mention I compared Italy, one of the worst EU countries
That's a pretty terrible deal for most people, and the ultimate proof of that is that nearly all EU citizens never emigrate to America. Stay deluded.
>not in EU
of course you can read it
Yeah, but that shit got passed today right?
I havent been on Jow Forums for a few days.
I didnt expect it to hit already.
>hurr durr our freedom of speech index is still highter than you!
>more rights are bad!
Europeans never got over the internet being an American invention, and have been trying to insert themselves into the governing or it for ages. They're getting their just desserts now.
Your source is trash because you already pay more for your healthcare in your taxes.
I guess the best medical schools in the world are here as a joke right?
web =/= internet retard
t. American
>die 2.47 years sooner
>be 86.4% more likely to die in infancy
That's what I call inferior.
>muh babies
nigger and spic babies now outnumber human babies.
US is a dead nation.
[This reply is unavailable for view in your country.]
That's only if you're poor.
>what is drug use and abortion
How about you keep away from those and you'll be fine. You also have a lot less minorities in yurop barring the inner cities so much less crime.
The EU is looking more and more like China these days
>you already pay more for your healthcare in your taxes
I most certainly don't pay more for my healthcare than you do for yours. You pay a lot more than me. Socialized healthcare is waaaay cheaper than privatized healthcare. Read literally any study on it.
>muh best medical schools
That's beside the point, your healthcare is overall inferior because you never see a doctor from one of those "best" medical schools unless you're filthy rich. Most of the time, the doctors you'll see are Indian, Filipino or Pakistani immigrants who went to shitty schools abroad.
Also, European medschools aren't worse on average than American medschools - if anything, they're better. Take Italy for instance, since that's what we originally compared America to. America is one of the top 10 countries with the most candidates to the IMAT exam in 2017 (it's the unified international admission exam to several Italian medschools). If your schools are so great, then why are Americans trying to come here to study?
Ohly shit I have it too, what do ?
>this is a bad thing
Shitholes often have great Internet though.
the US really seems like a bad deal compared to much of Europe. The main benefit is that the US still has freedom of speech (for now), while the government in Germany or Britain will throw you in jail if you have the wrong opinions on Jews or Pakistani enrichment gangs.
Also, far more severe than the GDPR stuff are videos and search results censored by google/Youtube in Germany at the behest of German intelligence agencies. If you want to watch a video like from a German IP you'll just get an error message.
This site either doesn't care about your privacy or actively profits off violating it. At least they were nice enough to admit it.
Hitting a child with a frying pan is abuse.
Somebody was hit with a frying pan growing up...
You thinking breaking your child's bones or causing brain damage is an acceptable form of punishment?
>breaking bones
>causing brain damage
Shit, what are your frying pans made of?
>being able to deny the holocaust and blame the jews and immigrants for everything and watching a bigot rant against the illuminati and defend Hitler online are the main benefits about living in the US
You seem to have wandered away from your home board, friend. Here, I'll show you the way back:
>He actually believes this is what free speech is about
>Openly arguing against free speech
I literally can’t say the word Nigger if I’m white on a public social media platform in the EU without losing my job. I can say it right in front of my coworkers in the US who are black and nobody gives a flying fuck. If I speak up about Arab rape gangs that have quite literally have groomed, raped, tortured, and killed THOUSANDS of innocent juvenile females, I will be the one thrown in prison.
You are a cuck and you like it. Enjoy your basic fucking human rights violations.
Anodized aluminum is superior, user.
Freedom of speech is about so much more than that, it's the very foundation of human interaction and the ability to resolve issues and further society.
gdpr and article 13 are different things my dear
Never forget how the Euros' inferiority complex about America got so bad that they willingly turned themselves over to a faceless amalgamation of tyrannical corporate overlords just so they could pretend to have as much global influence as the Yanks. It's coming back to bite them.
I didn't know you get constitutional rights for entering the US illegaly
>Openly arguing against free speech
Hate speech is not free speech, user. I am pro-free speech.
>I literally can’t say the word Nigger if I’m white
Why would you wanna say that?
>If I speak up about Arab rape gangs
That's a myth. See pic related and read this (specifically the comment by Imaginary Petal):
>You are a cuck and you like it
I am not defending Europe. I am American. I'm telling you to stop defending America like that, because you're not really defending us, you're making us look worse. There are definitely several benefits about living in the US rather than Europe, and being able to spout hate speech is most definitely not one of them - because that isn't a benefit. So shut up!
>Enjoy your basic fucking human rights violations
We are the ones getting our basic human rights violated in comparison to Europe. Every time hate speech is uttered, that's a human right violation. Healthcare is a basic human right, and we don't get it. Water is a basic human right, and yet Americans in Flint still don't get it.
Stop posting, that shit might stick on Jow Forums, but it just isn't gonna cut it here.
That pseudo-philosopher has been debunked extensively already.
Constitutional rights must be, by definition, universal, otherwise they aren't _constitutional_ rights.
>That pseudo-philosopher has been debunked extensively already.
Good thing someone told you what buzzwords to use when wrongthink gets shared with you.
Sorry to hear that you need a field guide that tells you how to think, lest you read something enlightening for a change.