What do you do with your old computer(s)?

What do you do with your old computer(s)?

Attached: raw.png (400x312, 208K)

turn them into servers

Why do you need a server

Use parts for decorative purposes. Build a large tower out of the cases.

install gentoo.

i need somewhere to put my files, i need a VPN to bypass blocked websites and hide my trail on public networks, i can run a couple of scripts that archive websites 24/7, etc etc

or give them to family, anything with a c2d or better and at least four jiggerbites of ram is plenty for a facebook/youtube machine

>Use parts for decorative purposes. Build a large tower out of the cases.
I am so confused

Who pays your electricity bill?

Attached: 1446013013168.jpg (211x246, 9K)

why do people always ask that here? it's not like computers are a huge power draw. it'd be stretch in most places to say it costs twenty bucks a month in power to run a server

it only draws 60 watts


>why do people always ask that here?
Sometimes it's cheaper to replace aging hardware with more efficient, new hardware.

Install firmware backdoor and leave them out in public

I have lots of old hardware piling up in a cupboard. I might get inspired by something i see in this thread though

This. My old desktop now runs OpenMediaVault with Plex for media, a torrent daemon and a OpenVPN server so I can reach my network when out and about.

yes pay $300+ to save $0.19

Play comfy DOS games

how to i turn one its to a vpn?

Store them in my closet because...
>one day, I will need these parts.

Install gentoo on them

Attached: scrot.png (1024x768, 1.02M)

In the thumbnail I thought that's a street with a grey building to the right and your window looked like a power transformer you'd find standing on the street

Attached: 100 cats.png (362x433, 330K)