Explain yourselves GNUtards.
Freetard design
Not every DE loves wasting space like GNOME 3.
free (as in freedom):
hurr dur rburr
I have literally never had this problem, what the fuck is this from?
Blame gnome and GTK. They're responsible for everything bad about desktop linux
this is a bug. file an issue.
GTK isn't bad in and of itself. It's the devs changing the API every 15 minutes who are at fault.
Also proprietary design:
Both of them are free.
How the fuck did you do that
I think it's a joke on gnome making everything large with a lot of spacing
works fine for me but they should remove the stupid email image button that some retard decided to put under the save button
Yes, it's a commentary on design choices of specific desktop environments and not meant to be taken literally.
I'm glad you were able to understand.
I don't care about the modern poo-tard Wangblows OS, but classic Windows is the most aesthetic and functional UI.
What the fuck is Windows 10 lol, it's like a mash of 4 different UI styles.
Computer illiterates and phone/tablet users aren't good at hitting small buttons/menuitems
OP is a retard
no u
good point OP
Yeah. I wish some sensible group would fork GTK and put an end to all the bullshit
To be honest I'd use it.
>not using qupzilla
I am exclusively running Gnome and I have never seen this shit.
Stop making shit up you are not helping your cause, people will find out about your lies the second they try it out and will never trust you or the company you're shilling for again.
Die in a fire shillenabler
You don't get irony
we need more safe space