What search engine should I use to avoid googles liberal propaganda?

What search engine should I use to avoid googles liberal propaganda?

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An encyclopedia set

Duckduckgo is the only one you need.

Funny you say that, I always used Google purely because its search algorithms were on top of the competition. However, now a lot of the content I want to see is BURIED under a sea of garbage, most of it clearly sponsored in some way.

I was just thinking today, do you think Google will ever get to a point where they start disallowing you to search for certain words?

Just now I searched "cool nigga" and found this great image to share with you all. For some reason, I feel as though it's inevitable that in the future searching for nigga will come up a message saying that I'm being racially insensitive and that my nigga request has been omitted.

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Another advocate for duckduckgo. You're not gonna get personalized search results so you're gonna have to get over the "google magic" and learn how to actually use a search engine. but duckduckgo does just about everything google does minus the Jew.

How the fuck is the $1200 32 book set of the Encyclopaedia Britannica going to find the trap doujins Jesus recommends me?




Nice try, rajesh

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fuck off kike

those are still google

that's soviet propaganda

>personalized search results
you mean a shit load of trap ads right?

Duckduckgo results are garbage
You cant have a good search engine without data collection

the results suck ass tho

oh no! I don't know how to properly use a search engine!

Heres an example of duckduckgo crap search results

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-13-05-39-41.png (1080x1920, 294K)

The only decent options are startpage and searx. I'm pretty sure the guy who runs duckduckgo still logs everything.

Try not searching for things like some ESL.

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Probably not outright refusal, or direct confrontational messages, but they will and do direct you to information about "why" the information you wanted is "bad". Theyll just keep increasing the things they do this for as time goes on, expanding into things their advertising clients don't want you to know, like how a their dining room tables they sell you rot away after a year or so. They'll probably never do such a blatant redirect for your specific search there, too many blacks use the word to risk implying they're wrong to do so.

google is unironically the only good search engine. hands down the best results and no settings you have to tweak. privacy focused search engines are shit, sadly. most of them have safe search on by default and shitty results.

Oh no! I don't know how to use a search engine!
Seriously, if you are getting repetitive searches just ad a -. for example.
>my girlfriend is cheating on me -cuckold

>liberal propaganda
Doesn't exist.

t. ((()))

Neither do wise idiots, but how people love the flattery of movies that purport they do. It's an irony far spookier than that which makes watching ghostchaser silliness enjoyable: To want liberal propaganda to exist is about as cozy as paranoid schizophrenia.

nice fud faggot