*ruins your language*

*ruins your language*

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Other urls found in this thread:


>thinks only niggers were slaves

So what's next on the linguistic chopping block?
>penetration tester

>"private complaints"

>3 thumbs up
>120 thumbs down
Nobody is taking this racist kid seriously

>vstinner merged commit 5e92265 into python:master
forgot to change the branch eh?

who will save us from this madness

Attached: hegel wizard.jpg (342x525, 25K)

>garbage collection


t-thanks g-guido...

Attached: .png (800x791, 53K)

>oppression charter
>emancipated minor
>network rapist
>caregiver chip

Attached: 1535275947649.png (770x775, 304K)

>packet sniffer

>physical layer

just use Lua

>it's always a whitey

I can't wait for issue about transgender electronics.

Attached: COM_991_01.png (1560x1147, 410K)

Too late,already merged boi

>kill my project i don't care

I can't tell if he's the basedest or just a-political and doesn't care. His Twitter didn't yield any answers.

Don't worry. Maybe they'll go full Rust and ban the thumbs down, since it might hurt fee fees.

male/female ports

￸￸￸￸￸ ￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸ ￸￸￸￸￸￸￸

￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸ ￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸ ￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸ ￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸ ￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸ ￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸ ￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸ ￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸ ￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸ ￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸ ￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸ ￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸ ￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸￸ ￸￸￸￸￸￸￸

Open a new one changing parent back to master because your parents abused you and parent is triggering to you.



Literally this. Historically all ethnic groups have been subject to some form of slavery. Why the fuck do blacks get all the pity for it?

In fact, the word "slave" comes from the same word as "slav" as in slavic

>you'll never see someone like this get permabanned for posting garbage and have the admin say "shut the fuck up" and lock the thread

I'll just use activepython lol. It's sad to see oss to be so cucked, though.


Attached: kramer.jpg (622x816, 64K)

and only jews died in WW2

commit into python:master

oh no no no no

fork my dongle

Attached: adria-richards.jpeg?w=500.jpg (500x494, 73K)

male to female is perfectly fine user.

python is clearly a gendered term it is akin to the words of the great sir mixalot himself. my anaconda don't want none unless you've got buns hon.

>Implying you can ruin Python any further than what it already is.

How cuck can a man become?
I'd understand not using the words in a brand new language, but don't lose time if it already exists...

I'm not an SJW by any means, but why DID these terms come into use? Why not "primary, secondary"?

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numale betas that cannot compete will try to backdoor by being female's loyal lapdog for attention and approval.

yes it's super pathetic. they are worse than incels even because at least incels have the dignity to not stoop so low.

I'm afraid to ask - is this real?

MASSIVE FAGGOT that Victor Stinner. He resembles a bitch. Might as well chew on a dildo, nigger.

I guess if it's not broken, don't fix it scenario for several decades. I'd appreciate if it were renamed under another reason rather than DIVERSITY, which was never an issue worth concern.

To be fair, mainboard is better than mommyboard.

>negative numbers

Attached: whatw.png (569x1090, 660K)


Primary/secondary doesn't imply control.
It simply implies that the primary is preferred for some reason, for example if I have two cars but prefer one over the other, I might refer to that as my primary car. It could be used in a failover context, where the primary is used unless something goes wrong, at which point the secondary/backup takes over.

Master/slave implies that the master controls the slave in some manner or another. They aren't even mutually exclusive, for example, if your master DB server replicates to a slave DB server in such a way that the slave DB can take over in case the master fails, then the first server is both a master and a primary, while the second is both a secondary and a slave (until the primary fails).

It was always obvious that Python is for cucks.

What? Another thread of little snowflakes butthurt over 2 words?

The histrionic won, schizoids can't fight, autists can't fight, BDP only care about themselves. You can't fight the hyper-sociable shameless normies

Sometimes I just feel like getting a cabin and going off the grid. I hate society a bit more every day.

Well we are being exposed to way too much of it and usually through sources with an agenda.
It's no wonder everybody is going fucking nuts.
There's too much propaganda for the mind to really process.

The state of Jow Forums

Parent process is unironically a better term than master process. That said, as a anti-natalist I find the terms parent and child highly offensive and without a doubt worse than master/slave.

Fork python or let it die.


Attached: cry.jpg (380x310, 24K)

Children can refuse or run away - slaves can't.

Binary is toxic and we need to switch to multi-valued fuzzy logic

Are you actually retarded? What was the underground railroad?

>fork python
I would laugh so hard.

Grow thicker skin

Good change.

handshake - are they implying my greeting gestures?
kickstart - combustion engines are destroying our planet, ban this word.
abort - still illegal in some countries
class - Communists want these abolished

can't you just say "no"? the only reason this shit keeps going is because not enough people say "no, we're not doing this dumb shit"

How does one create one's own language?

I'd make my own just to have "Alpha" and "Cuck" as those words.

This game is literal gold for this shit.

well python always was a meme pleblanguage good for small scripts. anything above that only brainlets would try to accomplish

I think just he isn’t autistic and realizes it’s not worth any amount of effort to fight over such a trivial thing

>Be c++
>Needs years of ISO meetings to make any changes
>based af

>be pyhon
>some xir faggots are whining about nomenclature
>fuck this shit PULL PULL PULL
>there are 3 versions of python now

I personally believe that a society with a slave class would be more diverse because it would have more classes of people.

Why of course not, my dear. Try reverse searching it to clear your doubts.

What is it about programming that attacts so many poofters?
t. Brainlet

have some free motivation

Slav comes from "slovo", which means "word".

>network rapist

Not from slava, which means glory?

Calm your tits its just new words for the same thing. Nothing's gonna change just stop crying about minor things you don't like like a bitch.

I bet you 100 internet dollars you can't even write python.

>what is compatibility
It's not like there is just this version of Python you know

shut up faggot who the fuck cares if its called master/slave computers aren't human

t. someone who's offended by the thought that people might be offended by the thought that people might be offended by the sight of harmless words

What game?

No wonder this passed since the first guy who opposed him was a libtard.

Attached: wtf.png (815x526, 76K)

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I believe it's the Human resources machine (from the World of Goo creators)

its not even black people who are whining about it. It's white people in some weird reverse racism: they see blacks as lower at some deep part of them and feel the need to help them as a result

because stealing stuff is in blacks' blood.

i fucking hate everything the tech industry has become. embarrassing. no idea why i became a programmer, should go back to the trades.

oh no no no

I seriously hope this is bait

Google is extremely helpful in the matter.

Attached: Capture.png (1280x514, 88K)

Amen. It's literally snowflake millennials complaining about every little thing.
>oh no, they changed the terms we use
Get a grip of yourselves FFS.

Common language sounds like a more likely hypothesis.

You do realize that just 1 small group of people changed those terms and now most of us have to actively remember who fucking uses what terms instead of everyone just using the same ones, right?

>t. millennial
Can you even begin to imagine caring about such trivial bullshit? It boggles the mind.

Your objects have nothing to hide. Right?

It's my literal job faggot
Not everyone is a code monkey, some of us have to write careful reports and terminology is very important

>ssl: replace master with server
The ssl module doesn't even have an object to represent a X509 certificate yet. I've been waiting forever for something a bit more polished than "here's a path, read the certificate from it", a guy even made a pull request with this feature, and yet this is what they focus on.

Go be triggered elsewhere, snowflake.

I know you're trolling faggot but this legit makes my job harder for no reason whatsoever

Actually "master" and "parent" cannot always be used one in place of another. A process which forks is called "parent" and its subprocesses "children", while "master" doesn't imply forking but usually a kind of process that controls one or more "slaves" through requests or messages.

>everyone who says things I don't like is trolling
I'm deadly serious in my disbelief that people can care about such trivial shit. For the first time in life I truly understand what people mean when they say "first world problems".
Deciding between scratching my ass or my nose seems like a better use of time than getting triggered about something as meaningless as this.
There are hills you die on, and this sure as hell ain't one--nobody will ever take your word seriously if you are known as the person who tries to fight every battle, no matter how small and meaningless. Good luck doing your job when everyone ignores everything you say.