Can technology cure depression?

Can technology cure depression?

Attached: 9A8A97A8-BE1B-4568-83AC-DBEAAE91C661.jpg (1745x1846, 612K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Poor doggo, I bet it's almost as confused as its owner now.

Guns are technology

>you can legally grow your own traps in the US
>they look like that
damn, i gotta move


Click here to find out!

Is that Stephen Colbert's son?

Fuck off retard, she's a beautiful woman

>puff your face in every pic so no one can see your male features

Attached: 1429177114622.jpg (258x245, 12K)


Stephen Colbert is a man, idiot

No. Mushrooms and a nice summer hike in the wilderness will though.

Jow Forums - tranny mod playplace

Jow Forums is laughing at you guys btw

at least he's a skinny faggot

s(he)'s quite a looker

Attached: 0xxVwCG3dlrd--uZz005fe1wYN29QEHQriH9ThDMEN4.png (1372x1372, 2.4M)

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She's 16 and started hrt at 15 that's why she looks so feminine

Attached: 3DA1B883-C12D-40DA-848B-DE39294D7DC4.jpg (1552x1939, 325K)

>implying the opinions of Jow Forums users matter

Attached: dontberacist.jpg (2924x1396, 280K)

>caring about redditors

How is this legal? He will commit suicide by 20.

>has penis

Attached: 4vOu7mM.jpg (700x700, 43K)

>Can technology cure depression?
No, quite the opposite.
Read "The Shallows" by Nicholas Carr.

Attached: shallows.jpg (333x500, 34K)


Maybe one day we'll be able to do brain transplants and just let transexuals switch bodies

>Has XY chromosomes
Back to your shitty Discord mentally ill faggot.

I thought Summer was over.

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It lasts for 365 days here

It can. However, I'd say it does a great job of showing how horrible the world is.

Yes, it actually can. But I don't know of anything in widespread use that will do so. In fact, modern devices, that are generally wireless, directly cause it. How? Pulsed microwave fields alter calcium flux, and thus neurotransmitter release. They also cause increased free radical generation, which drives down activity in serotonergic systems. Inflammation = lower 5-HT.

Compare that to temporary spontaneous resolution of "treatment resistant" depression after MRI and exposure to short wave radio. Field characteristics matter.

Though overall my opinion tends to be "if you're depressed, you probably should be." Fix your shit.

Go away

Attached: 953316D3-7BA6-423F-B80B-0E6E7546E6EB.jpg (1406x1758, 565K)

Still looks like a man

>be tranny
>seek validation on reddit
Yeah I'm sure that will end well

you can have XX and be a male and you can be XY and be a female. there's a specific gene on the Y chromosome that sometimes is missing or sometimes has migrated to the X

god i want to fondle that bulge and fuck that tender boyhole into oblivion so badly

you're high

You're gay

>you can have XX and be a male

To my knowledge it's possible for XY to be female for the same reasons female cells are more resistant to lethal genetic damage, but I don't know of the other way.

Yeah next to that woman she starts to look like a guy desu

He looks like a guy anyways

Fucking pedophile, since when did you bastards get so fucking confident. Fucking disgusting.

No I'm just saying it amplifies the affect of her looking more like a guy.

SRY gene
first translocation found
wiki summary


imagine living in a third world shithole where age of consent is above 16

>"Ha, the ol' slippery slope argument if we legalize gay marriage? What a crock"
>"Hey, where'd all these pedophiles and transsexual children come from?"

Attached: 1525999874784.jpg (654x643, 40K)

they were always there

Huh. Neat. I think I can use this for something.

What did he mean by this? Everything >= 14 is legal.

trany mod is a man

What is it about the post you replied to that is indicative of paedophilia to you?

Someone mentioned she was a bit young

make sure to dilate ugly man now fake women that still looks like ugly man

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

left looks similar to eggman, maybe it's just the dead expression

Traps don't chop their dicks off

tranny mod

tranny mod 2

tranny mod 3

tranny mod 4

Jow Forums is full of TRSodomites so they are just as bad if not worse.


Attached: smile.jpg (1920x1440, 457K)

tranny mod 5

Not young enough for interest in him to be indicative of paedophilia.

tranny mod 6

Guns are technology, so yes.

Attached: 1274917997591.png (1094x575, 93K)

tranny mod 7

someone give this guy a buzzcut

Attached: sneaky.jpg (800x400, 80K)

tranny mod 8

Attached: dialation.jpg (1839x394, 163K)

trans mod 8

I'm Confused why this thread is still up. Maybe the janitor on duty, in addition to being a hell bouND degenerate, is also a eunuch Himself?

Nothing can unless you take care of your physical body and mind. Seriously work on it and you will see it for yourself. Wished user!

tranny mod 10

tranny mod 11

tranny mod 12

>genetic diseases are normal and not debilitating and not supportive of mental illness

tranny mod 13

tranny mod 14

tranny mod 15

whomst are you quoting

tranny mod 16

>He will commit suicide by 20.
SHE will commit suicide by 20, you transphobic bigot.

do qt traps get as much pussy as a male chad?

It will die by 20.

Attached: XANAX.jpg (685x385, 18K)


Why is everyone so aggressive against qt traps here?
That's a very temporal fix

so's cutting off your dick apparently

>That's a very temporal fix

not how it works retard

>started HRT at 15
reminder that criminal investigations should be done on the parents in these cases

It's not illegal

>pedophilia and child molestation isn't illegal

What? It was her choice
He probably went to a doctor and was prescribed HRT

He's saying it should be

its pretty clearly that any thread using that image isn't about tech, but is about mentally ill fucks. These threads don't get removed, so, i'ma guess there has to be one of these mentally ill fucks on the mod team

Cute af

>These threads don't get removed
Yeah they do but the OP keeps making them. He's probably made at least 10 if not more

No, but it can cause it.

whomst are you quoting?

Or maybe the thread doesn't break any rule how about that

Sounds easy enough.
What kinda mushrooms should I bring with me?