/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.
*Many free software projects have an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

Attached: apu-snap.jpg (800x546, 45K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Can you test Manjaro before installing? Kind of like Ubuntu does.

it's called live cd

Delete this garbage and kill yourself.

this meme can't die
deal with it

frogposting is based and redpilled

Repostan my question and adding another.
>I'm currently using Windows 7 as my main OS while running Linux in a VM when I need it but I plan to switch to dual booting with Linux as my main OS. I currently have two harddrives, a small SSD with Windows 7 and a 1TB drive with all my shit. I plan to add another HDD, will I be able to just install GRUB and my distro of choice on the new drive, change the boot order and have GRUB point to the old Windows drive?

And there's no risk for fuckery caused by modern boot software like UEFI?

I currently have a windows 10 install on my laptop for work and work only.
I want to have a ubuntu install on an encrypted 12GB partition on my 32GB usb.
How can I enable this kind of encryption, and how do I make this usb bootable with a .efi file in the esp boot partition ?
I don't want to usb to be bootable anywhere elsek only on this laptop wih the .efi file.

You can test it either in a VM or as a live CD.

I've always been pacman -S on arch and ngl it's built up to a bit of spaghetti but I heard many users don't pacman but compile everything? What does this mean and why?

I bought a Samsung Chromebook 3 and installed Xubuntu on it, but even though the touchpad is recognized it doesn't actually work. I tried fixing it myself before going to several other distros to see if the problem carried over (it did). The touchpad is called "Atmel MaxTouch Touchpad" which seems to be a pretty uncommon touchpad from what I've seen online. I've tried editing the grub, installing some drivers, and reinstalling repository stuff (yeah, I'm pretty new) but nothing's worked so far. Any suggestions? Oh, and the laptop's integrated keyboard doesn't work either

replace Xubuntu with Gallium OS, it has all the drivers for chromebooks as it has been made specifically fr them.

Attached: nice.png (600x352, 243K)

Also it's literally a Xubuntu fork with chromebooks drivers

I just finished the installation process haha, I didn't expect such a relevant distro to be available. regardless, thank you very much

You just finished the installation process of what ? Xubuntu or Gallium ? I'm confused

What is the easy way to set up a tiered storage with linux?

I think about giving it a shitty 60GB SSD and a like 200 GB of HDD space, should go fast.


Does it stack the storage volume or does it only mirror the frequently used files on the ssd?

Gallium, it's working flawlessly so far

I know this isn't exactly what you were asking for - but for my purposes I use a multiboot USB set up with this:


I just mount the USB as a directory once I've booted into a live distro, and encrypt files as necessary.

To answer your question though, I don't know if you'll be able to make the USB *only* bootable on your laptop. I think having the partition encrypted should be enough though. Just go ahead and install ubuntu on your partition as if it were an internal drive. You'll need to fiddle around with the bootloader on your laptop though -


Check this thread out.

if you mean "will the total usable space be the hdd(s) and the ssd(s)", no, that wouldn't make sense
you can make a spanned volume with for example, btrfs, that includes both the hdd and the ssd, but i'm not sure if btrfs has functionality to keep popular blocks on the ssd


how tf were you finished in installing it only 8 minutes after my post ?

--oh, it also doesn't "only mirror frequent files", it also puts random writes onto the ssd and serializes them, basically, it uses the ssd for things ssd's are good at, and leaves contiguous writes to the hdd (which hdd's are good at)

I was already installing it before you posted, but as I said, thanks anyway

lvmcache is my suggestion

I'm going to install gentoo tomorrow, i hope it'll be that distro i'm looking for

What are you looking for anyhow?

Nothing particular, mostly a work/learning machine. I've been using debian a while. Lmint is the family distro.

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I'm curious, does it actually run well ? How much utility do you have out of it considering the price of a Chromebook ?
Because I'm considering buying a Chromebook solely to run GalliumOS on it.

>being this dense
>posting frogs
sometimes it's hard to be friendly

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well I needed a new laptop for my CS classes so it's basically solely for programming and online homework. for that, it's running really nicely so far. the chromium browser is a bit of a cpu hog though. also I haven't tried compiling anything locally yet, but I'm assuming that'll be the most intensive thing I do on it. the chromebook costed $270 USD but that's only because I refused to get less than 64 gb storage. all in all though, it runs basic applications pretty smoothly, starts up quick, is compact and light, and has 12 hours of battery life according to the OS. maybe it's because I'm coming from an old, heavy windows laptop that was a stuttery mess with 2 hour battery life, and it's affecting my judgment, but this laptop is pretty much exactly what I was looking for.

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Is not being able to run dual monitors well an xfce issue? debian 9.5 xfce will not recognize my primary monitor connected by DP.

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it's also worth keeping in mind that anything you can do with a disk, you can also do with a partition, or even a regular file
if you don't want to use the whole ssd as a cache, you can instead so something like;
ssd0, 44G, /
ssd1, 16G, bcache cache device
hdd0, 200G, bcache backing device

this way you only have a net loss of 16G, while still giving your hdd a boost

Also why did you remove ChromeOS ?

it's 64gb of eMMC storage. I was originally running crouton, which let both ChromeOS and Ubuntu run side by side, but I kept running into issues where ChromeOS wouldn't let me boot into Ubuntu and had to reinstall it twice. after the third time it locked me out of Ubuntu I decided I was done with ChromeOS since I would only ever use Ubuntu anyway. ChromeOS is nice for a basic user, but I really needed the functionality of a full Linux distro

usb tethering my phone to my linux mint gnome installation displays the "mobile broadband" entry in the network tray notifier and displays signal strength. it displays the "connection established" notification message and the tray icon changes to connected.

however once i try to navigate to a webpage, i instantly become disconnected and the "mobile broadband" option is still present and showing signal strength, but is greyed out and unselectable

does anyone know why this is happening? my service plan supports tethering and the same machine will tether fine in windows7.

please respond

good to know, thanks

When I enable USB tethering on my Android phone it is detected as an USB ethernet interface, it works like any other interface. Mobile broadband connection is shown only when connecting one of those 3G usb modems.

I doubt this is xfce related. What GPU and drivers are you using?

Planning on building a lfs. What's the best distro for compiling? Like, which comes whith lots of libraries that I don't need to endlessly look for and / or build from source?

I am currently only running the live disk to try it out. Gpu is gtx 670

Likely driver issue. You can't quite fix it on a live OS, since it needs rebooting.

Then how do I know which distro will be most suitable for me without comitting to an install?

You could probably fix this more or less easily on any distro after it's installed.

But if you want to go the other way: Sure, grab etcher and test Sabayon, Fedora, Mint, Ubuntu, SuSE ... next.

On live disk it's using the nouveau driver, when installed you can install the nvidia driver and it should work.

Yesterday I bought an ssd to speed up my piece of shit asus shit "gaming" laptop and put it in the machine and installed Ubuntu from a usb, and found that my trackpad didn't work correctly, super laggy and the laptop frequently froze.
I then tried install an old lts Ubuntu 16 version and had the same issues.

Is it possible that the laptop is hard- configured to only run Windows? Does jewry of this level exist? Any info would be appreciated as I had no idea this was a potential issue. I'm reluctant to go back to windows 10.

Attached: Screenshot_20180912-223555_Instagram.jpg (1060x1036, 644K)

is this the end all be all just werks solution?

Not at all.

It's something to try if you want to already possibly have it working in live mode.

Why is apt so slow to install shit compared to other package managers? Pacman for example is just downloadinstallboomyadonenow, whereas apt is just
preparing to unpack blah
[inexplicable long pause]
unpacking blah 1.1 over blah 1.0
[inexplicable long pause]
setting up blah
[inexplicable long pause]
user@localhost~: cmon now

Try other distros, or try other trackpad drivers/read diagnostics.

I don't do very demanding stuff. I use Krita for digital painting, play quake world (FOSS) occassionally and listen to music alot.

lmao I made a driver for my laptop how do I put it on mainstream linux? will linus himself rape my ass on the mailing list due to my shitty code?

>will linus himself rape my ass on the mailing list due to my shitty code?
Yes, if it's shitty code, but probably mainly if you approach this with "it's ready for inclusion" rather than "it's a driver, but I'm worried about quality, can someone comment?" and even before that you might want to read the Linux code guideline docs and stuff.

PS: From your PoV it will be a bit of work - but from the Linux maintainer / user PoV it's the only fucking way the Linux plane will continue to fly rather than crash and burn.

Also: If you put in the effort to make the driver proper enough for the Linux kernel, thanks!

Try with the live disk of some rolling release distro like Manjaro. If your laptop uses new hardware it could give some problems on older kernels, probably on newer ones (4.18+) it should work

Every search I do for this is people thinking it's the connection speed IT'S NOT THE FUCKING CONNECTION SPEED it's the installation of the packages themselves, I remember hearing something like it makes a backup between every package or something like that? HOW DO I turn that off good lord i have battery backup i dont fucking care about the unlikely event of the power going out while i'm installing something

well of course its not ready, im not even sure if this thing works well since i'm not an experienced driver writer or anything, could use peer review. also it probably only works for my specific model, and im not sure if I should structure things to be reusable (I dont have other models to see if they do things the same way) or let it be hardware specific

I'll read those guidelines, maybe i'll manage not to embarrass myself in public

Yes. I have my work PC set up with UEFI and Secure Boot. It loads GRUB2 (UEFI variant) on first boot, which then loads either Ubuntu MATE (on the external USB3 stick with GRUB) or Windows (internal SSD). It's very comfy.

How do I stop KDE from updating shit
I like having control over when and how things are updated and this piece of shit just updates everyday without even asking. I just get a notification that its updating.

Attached: unknown (1).png (1277x725, 1.07M)

Why does this happen occasionally after returning from sleep/hibernate?

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-09-13 13-00-02.png (1600x900, 1.12M)

I tell wget not to download the index.html file like this:
wget -R "index.html"
But it downloads a file name index.html.tmp then. What am I doing wrong?

KDE doesn't update. Your distro does.

Is Bunsenlabs good as an every day driver?

Attached: 1_5.png (1920x1080, 2.23M)

They weren't kidding when they told me Debian stable is stable. I've had zero (0) major crashes or problems since I first installed it July last year. This thing is rock hard man.

but is it retard proof?

No, use it as a fortnightly driver.

Yes, just follow these: wiki.debian.org/DontBreakDebian

but I don't play fortnite.

how come Xfce panel comes with clock that does not even show seconds

Can you run two X server at the same time and switch without problems?

Its users have problems with the concept of microwave time.

httrack exists

>how come Xfce panel comes with clock that does not even show seconds
To spare your CPU.

that holds true because i have no clue what you just said there
oh, then thanks mr. Xfce

Can someone explain to me the concept of making money off free software as described in the GNU philosophy page because I keep rereading it but can't wrap my mind around it?

You can sell support.

This is the KDE update application, because gnome didn't do this. It just told me there were updates available.

Again, that's your distro updating.

Ship it broken for free and

It's still your distro's updating application [a QT one written for KDE and messaging through KDE's notification maybe, but it's your distro's].

No, your distro does not control the updates from KDE. KDE spends time developing it and then they push updates, the kde update center is not your distro, its kde, because it is only updating kde, not your disros packages

>Pic related
What a "Kanker mogool"

plz respond

Best distro and setup for my mum? It falls on me to maintain my mum's laptop now. So far she uses Win 7 and I think of migrating her (pic related) to Debian with the usual (Firefox, LibreOffice, VLC etc.). I'd prefer to give her xfce, but how normie-friendly really is it? KDE better here? Or should I just give her Ubuntu?
Alternatives for Thunderbird I should consider?
Many thankings.

Why is it when my system gets close to exhausting ram (around 5-6 gb / 8 gb in) the entire thing locks up for a good 10-30 seconds?

Are you trying to run an application that requires this and testing it out. . .?

XFCE has some weird behavior with windows sometimes disappearing, or drawing wrong. For example yesterday qbittorrent's window was frozen and drawing my browser's screen. And I had to right click and try to close it from the taskbar so the prompt to really exit appeared and fixed the rendering.
Give Budgie a look as well. But what's wrong with thunderbird?

Lubuntu or Debian+LXQt is basically Winbloze in terms of appearance

You nearly got an epic get. Anyway. . .

>boomer g-parents finally got hacked
>go to Big Box and get whatever they told them to
>seriously tech illiterate
>kind tech installed ubuntu instead of Window$
>they love it

I was floored. 18.04 is so idiot proof it seems that 75 year olds who think a shell is what you step on at the beach love it.

Their documentation is great for newfags too.

feel like moving to BSD 2bh but don't see the point in making all the effort because I'm very lazy

is there any significant advantage to using BSD or should I just stick with ganoo+loonix?

That's exactly how Greg started. Don't panic.

>Best distro and setup for my mum? It falls on me to maintain my mum's laptop now. So far she uses Win 7 and I think of migrating her (pic related) to Debian with the usual (Firefox, LibreOffice, VLC etc.). I'd prefer to give her xfce, but how normie-friendly really is it? KDE better here? Or should I just give her Ubuntu?
>Alternatives for Thunderbird I should consider?
>Many thankings.

Why did you delete?


>XFCE has some weird behavior with windows sometimes disappearing, or drawing wrong.
Doesn't happen for me. And dear mum won't probably use any bittorent (but what do I know).

>what's wrong with thunderbird?
She has the tendency to never delete her mail. Mail storage gets big and runs into the known Thunderbird troubles. And I fear a bit for its future maintenance.

I'll look into it. Thanks.

Perhaps I install Ubuntu and the suggestion above and let her choose.

Because I accidentally uploaded the wrong picture.

You don't know anything about BSD. You will never use it, nor did you really consider it. By the way you asked that quesitons it's obvious that you're a fucking poser. I doubt you even use Linux distributions for more than typing "free -h" in your virtual machine that you start once every other week.
Fucking retard.

>getting mad
>over some guy's VM
>on a taiwanese cartoon imageboard

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Made this thread on /v/. Curious to see how it goes.

>Ugh I hate Windows 10. I hate its forced updates, I hate how it spies and collects data on me all the time, etc etc...
>So why don't you switch to GNU/Linux, user?
>user but Linux doesn't have any ga-

Here's a relatively small sample of 111 games that spans 40 years (1978-2018) that I assembled for demonstration. All managed through Lutris for convenience. Mixed bag, with a bunch of native GNU/Linux games, a bunch of games that werk with Wine out of the box, a handful of modern games that use Wine+DXVK to run well, and some older classic Arcade or early console games through MAME/RetroArch, all hooked up into Lutris. Which handles even controller support all just fine.

So what's your excuse, friends? Free yourselves from Microsoft/Apple and their closed source, privacy-hell walled gardens. Free as in freedom.

With Gaben integrating Proton (fork of Wine+DXVK) to Steam via SteamPlay, there's hardly been a better time to try it out.

Attached: 40yr_sample.jpg (1542x952, 259K)