Daily reminder to use tldr instead of man

daily reminder to use tldr instead of man

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command 'tldr' not found


Attached: 4013-full.png (137x103, 9K)

no, thanks

>be 14yo gen-z faggot
>be on adderal and other methamphetamines to treat "OCD"
>don't have the mental fortitude to stay still for 5 minutes and read a man entry
>write own man, only with shorter entries that spoonfeed the users everything so the user won't learn anything
>oh, and of course use shitty javascript

>omits all the useful options
Just git pull the existing man page and add more examples you fucking moron.


Go to hell boomer. Your generation over complicates things for the sake of it.

Attached: image.jpg (281x324, 72K)

Oh yes, I do love having random examples instead of detailed explanations.
Also tldr ffmpeg is fucking pathetic.

>node somescript.js
talking about overcomplicating things. install a JS runtime so kids don't need to learn shell scripting and can keep using babbys first programming language for everything

Wrong way to fix the problem. Use plan 9, it doesn't have an obscene amount of shit in its utils

It's boring to read a man page, and it's fucking ugly.
I just want to know how to use something, I don't want to know ALL about it.
If it's in JS, thats not a problem

>what is info

manpages are 40 years old or some shit but /EXAMPLE in the man pager does half of what tldr does for free

There's a time and place for both tools. Even the best documentation doesn't mean you shouldn't have examples. If you just want to be introduced to a tool, use tldr or tutorial. If you're familiar enough to understand what it's doing and need to know about more specifics use man or the documentation. Nobody wants to read an entire man page before using something, and reading on the relevant sections can sometimes cause issues.

I don't have problems with man pages.

:$ whatis man
man (7) - macros to format man pages
man (1) - an interface to the on-line reference manuals

>There's 2 man pages for man, man 1 man, and man 7 man.

Man pages that come with examples are a godsend sometimes, but they're not everywhere yet.

Personally I'd love if the efforts are combined and the tldr community improves man pages knstwad. I guess it's unlikely given the amount of politics behind some projects.

There's a difference between random and good examples. tldr ffmpeg explains how to use VP9's constant quality mode, but in no example does it cover the usage of filters.

Why https? I'm not exchanging private information to that site. This is solely being forced by Google and the ISP lobby to sell more data plans because compression becomes impossible using https instead of http.

tl;dr fuck google

I hate with burning passion every program that does this and thinks it's sufficient documentation. Go shove your useless fucking "tutorials" up your ass, and properly document your shit.

Yeah I agree. I think both the man pages and tldr are insufficient for a tool like ffmpeg though. ffmpeg has so many uses, with each use having different nuances. Personally in this case I find the ffmpeg documentation does a good job of giving an overview and the ffmpeg wiki does a good job at specifics compared to both man and tldr.

This is fucking great, how didn't I know this before?

>He doesn't use HTTPS Everywhere
Your roommates are laughing at your trap porn search history right now m8

man looks readable
reddit man looks retarded

Attached: gnuclear.png (601x469, 217K)

>npm install -g tldr

Yes I'm sure you sit there reading the whole 2 bibles long man page when you just need to find that one basic option, you are very smart

> deciding not to cater to the general populous
This is why you free software people are dying out.

most man pages are fucking worthless

Daily reminder to use MacOS or Windows instead of ganoo minus loonicks

ffmpeg -h
ffmpeg -filters
ffmpeg -h filter=smartblur

Perfect amalgamation of 14 yo zoomer tech. I don't even need to say anything, the pottery writes itself.

Attached: 1459792880830.jpg (469x437, 77K)

ffmpeg has one of the best documentations I know of and filters are actually covered about as well as you could wish (in ffmpeg-filters(1), not ffmpeg(1)).
The one thing that is not quite as good as it could be is documentation for encoder specific options, for example they rarely say which end of the scale is best quality.
On the opposite and of documentation quality would be imagemagick which has just abysmal documentation.

tldr exec
not exec --help

Oh putain le bol!

quel bol

to be fair I don't have the patience to read through long fucking manpages either
I just pipe it into grep to get what I want.
this kid is retarded