Now that Atom is owned by Shillcrosoft what text editor for programming languages do you use? I mean I would love to switch to vim but the interface is too autistic for me. To be honest I'm a hipster and would love to use sublimeText (although it a bit slow and addon mess is like gnome) but the closed source thing really bothers me. Isn't there some sexy text editor for programming languages like sublimeText? I know vim is super nerdy and it would be cool slick and sexy to masters it but like the interface reaaly bothers. me.
Now that Atom is owned by Shillcrosoft what text editor for programming languages do you use...
just use gnu nano
no plugin support means no ricing and no faggotry
I use vim because that's just what I learned to use first.
> Isn't there some sexy text editor for programming languages like sublimeText?
vscode is like sublime except better and open source
Just fucking learn vim. Takes you 5 minutes to be as productive as atom. Anything else you learn well just make you faster at editing
>what text editor for programming languages do you use?
Vim, like all the non-emacs users over the age of 20
here's an idea. stop being autistic and continue using atom.
Visual Studio Code
here are your alternatives:
1. vscode
2. sublime text
3. notepad++
1. vscode
2. sublime text
3. vim
its emacs light
Still foss
just learn vim or emacs like a normal person
Okay but if at least 30% of devs moved to gitlab after the acquisition of github by microsoft, why don't hipsters leave atom?
>at least 30% of devs moved to gitlab
Where the fuck did you get that number?
Because they're not sheep.
Just Emacs.
why the fuck were you using atom on the first place you onion ass onionboy
either vim or vscode
Use Kate desu
>integrated console
>built-in build tool and file navigator sidebar
>project browser w/git integration
>CTags integration
>works on windows and linux
it's inches away from being a full-blown IDE, yet it uses like 50MB of RAM tops
VSC for web development and simpler languages. Eclipse and Netbeans for Java, C, etc.
>text editor
>C, C++
if you don't use CMake: Visual Studio on windows, KDevelop or Qt Creator on linux
>Java, Kotlin, Rust
PyCharm or Kate
I use Kate, KDevelop, PyCharm, and sometimes Visual Studio at work. Embedded software developer.
>just learn vim or emacs like a normal person
99% of the population has no idea what either is
Vim when I can. Everything else is too slow.
emacs is for hentai tentacles monsters, those keybidings are insane.
vim, even if you use it as a text editor and move around with your mouse, it's still better
I use emacs with a plugin called "neotree", it works fine.
What's this font and color scheme called?
Fira Mono and color scheme is Atom One, default color scheme that comes with Atom
the absolute state of newfags