Good thread
Android, by Goygle
u mad white bois?
>"choose what your nigger is allowed to do and what we should punish him for with unskippable ads"
I honestly hate niggers more because of all the pro-nigger propaganda.
Annedroid, by Jewgle
>pajeet hand
Racemix goyim
This unironically
>not 8.01 MB
I'm disappoint
triggered much?
>technology board
>whiny Jow Forums thread about muuh aryan snowflakes
Fucking cancer
lol all americans are fat
Honestly this looks so forced and unnecessary.
You will always be a nigger
>it's another Jow Forums crossboarders get triggered over absolutely nothing episode
optimize your pics goyim
>loves niggers
nice emoji sir....
t. Proud cuck
Hey, looks like my parents
They were doing it before it was cool
Stealing data?
>if you're not a racist you're a cuck
apple sort of does the same thing, every white woman in the marketing videos is paired with a foreign man, and in fact if you go to their website i don't think you'l see a single white guy anywhere on any product page. although the company is run pretty much entirely by white men although some black woman got a diversity leader position (fitting)
to be fair they literally can't help it
it's hard-coded into their reptile dna
>both male hands
pooglers on genocide watch
Took the words right of my mouth. Now get back in your shed.
>if you allow your women to be bred by other species and spend your time and resources raising their children for them, you're a cuck
Yes user, that is literally the case.
cant we all just be frens
>your women
God I wish more women would sleep with dogs and horses
footfags get triggerd by this android screen too
t. sharebl*e shills or 15 year old zoomers who grew up with this brainwashing and think it's the norm
The absolute state of linux.
>he doesn't know that the genetic distance between white people and niggers is quantifiably greater than the required genetic distance to define separate species.
[citation needed]
They're actually just straight up /leftypol/ and they've been active here for a while, seems they're slipping tho, and more sane people are taking up interest in privacy and security lately.
You asked the wrong guy for citation. I'll be right back, nigger lover
That's entirely irrelevant to what I said
Fuck off Jow Forumsack.
>if the mere sight of a brown person doesn't trigger you then you're /leftypol/
what does this stupid feature do anyway is it for dick pick sharing can someone explain why ppl need this
It's the J00S who push this.
It's called Linux. Linux can run without communist Google utile.
Which is made by whites, not blacks. Hate yourself.
I don't jerk off to hentai, so I'm not a cuck
Finally a technology related thread. NICE
I don't drink soda so I'm not a cuck, too. Feels good
they.... put black people.... in MY ads?!?!? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES *into eternity* (average Jow Forums user, probably)
back to shitcord/plebbit/twitch you go faggot
>they.... put black people.... in MY ads?!?!?
honeybuns, it is always white womyn with the blacks in the ads
can't wait
>dead squads
nice zombie fantasy
REEEEEEEEEEEEE*suck my dick* *cough* *cough* REEEEEEEEEEE
fucking kike race mixing propaganda. google kikes will swing from the gallows next to stallman and other commies
your mother has to be jewish to be jewish i mean im not sure the hardcore zionists are that much into mixing
Just pretend it's a WM/BF couple.
I am racist and this triggers me REEEEEE
that girl in the beginners square looks autistic imagine being autistic and from pakistan
i don't really give a shit about whether they call it a partner or gf and how black are hands of people in icons, but thinking about all of the effort put into "diversity" amuses me greatly. imagine
>google hq
>bunch of nerds in corner work on improvements to some system that predicts changes in roads based on google maps user gps data
>two other guys sit in some abandoned little conference room and brainstorm to make new google pixel an successful device
>bunch of interns are figuring out bugfixes for various google android software
>and then there is huge, brightly lit conference hall in the middle
>full catering, drinks, comfort
>all of those "diversity workers" who got hired because you can't reject them
>sitting in one hall (because why should they be anywhere else)
>discussing on whether icon of salad with egg might be offensive or not
Whites are behind all this faggotry.
When you don't have any problems, you have to invent one.
Being too nice is a sickness.
I cant stand boiled eggs and find the emoji on the left "triggering" tbqh
I+it could be a WMBF pair right?
I can't stand people that don't quote the post they're replying to and force me to figure it out on my own.
Jow Forums is the worst that ever happened to Jow Forums
me2dude worst thing on this board rn
Jow Forums is the worst thing that's happened to any board not Jow Forums
>How Jow Forums sees themselves arguing vs. reality
no, zoophilia is disgusting
Niggers suck
>"I am mad because I hate niggers"
>an argument
I voted Trump, but I still hate you faggots for being cancerous pieces of shit.
I lean conservative and an oldfag, but since when did Jow Forums become so Jow Forums?
Jow Forums has honestly ruined this site
Jews aren't white
You're free to leave at any time
This website was exactly like this before Jow Forums even existed, newfuck
This. I dont hate BLM because they are black. I hate blacks because of BLM. Used to have black friends.
10 years ago there was less racism across the board, subjective ofc but i lurk a lot
This is actually sexist
you see egg is a term for trans who haven't hatched into chicks yet, these people are literally oppressing an entire group of people by saying they shouldn't be included in the salad
>lol based and redpilled cuckshed hitler niggers 1488 race war nao!
>why is everyone screaming Jow Forums at us? this makes no sense!
Uhh, lol?
Notice how the black hand is in the power possition.