True Technology Redpill

Computers, you just need one laptop and that's it. Desktops are used by retarded gaymers and manchildren. Desktops are also not portable.

All you need is a Flipphone. Smartphones are literal tracking devices, when you walk around with your phone, they can track you ezpz. No phone is the way to go if you are super autistic

>Software + Privacy
Honestly, take a look at this website and install GNU/Linux

>Network connectivity
Only normies use WI-FI and there are so many vulnerabilities with WI-FI. If you have a router, flash it with openwrt if possible and disable wifi so no one can break into your wifi. Also, use ethernet since is way faster than wifi anyways.

Attached: img_4769.jpg (1704x2272, 802K)

Stallman isn't using wifi?

I guess I'll use my "portable" laptop connected to a non portable Ethernet cable. That makes sense if you're super autistic.

kill yourself dumb freetard

The only three friends I have from highschool communicate through WhatsApp
IDGAF if my location goes to some cia server. I barely get out of the home anyways
You might be right on the desktop thing but I fell for the gaming meme and in any case it's comfy for running VMs

>using ganoo/shit
haha no

>There's wifi in the middle of some stupid south american ruins
>You need wifi to work on a laptop

suck my 4 inch cock u little bitch

is bad for your posture
has bad display
and fan is noisy

>is bad for your posture
if you lack discipline
>has bad display
yea right
>and fan is noisy
uh huh stfu

>if you lack discipline
what discipline fgt, the screen is attached to the keyboard, you HAVE no choice but to have your neck fucked

what thinkpad does stallman use these days?

you should read his blog. he basically downloads webpages to read later.

a very old one because he doesn't trust newer intel cpu

I like duel monitors for web browsing and productivity.

>you don't need that, gaymer retard.

Every work computer at my job has two monitors. I had to go without one for a day and it was torture, It really does improve productivity.

>thinks flip phones arent tracking devices
gahnoo slash loonix users everyone

Attached: b35.jpg (353x334, 56K)

his blog says that he uses t400s
isn't the cpu just too old? like to compile packages on linux?

dunno, stallman says he doesn't know how to install gnu/linux. he says someone who knows what they're doing do it for him

I need my blu-ray drive to burn pirated games onto blank blu-rays
fuck paying for digital

I heard RMS has a thick cock.

>No phone is the way to go if you are super autistic

Filthy yid.