Why doesn't someone just fork OpenBSD and add features like a modern filesystem with trim support instead of making hundreds of worthless Linux distros?
Why doesn't someone just fork OpenBSD and add features like a modern filesystem with trim support instead of making...
because "trim" is an unimportant feature that a single Jow Forums fag decided to sperg about
why fork perfection?
surely theres something like fstrim on openbsd?
Umm no sweaty. TRIM is a very important feature.
Make that double
>no sweaty
Why is he so smug? It makes me seethe.
>assertion without any supporting statements
I'll bet you probably think the ball is in someone else's court now.
how do you tell the ssd controller that space is available when you fill the ssd and then empty it?
did they ever reenable SMT or hyperthreading after spectre and meltdown?
TRIM weakenes disk encryption, since it leaks information about sector usage outside.
Everyone and always should use disk encryption.
Therefore TRIM support is not necessary.
Besides, there are countless other things in OpenBSD that should be fixed.
Because MacOS already exists.
basado y rojopastillado
TRIM was very useful on 10-year old SSD drives.
It's completely useless nowadays.
How do you know if trim is necessary or not? Is there a Linux command to check if your ssd has firmware trim capabilities?
because linux has functional DEs that can be applied to FreeBSD.
Lurk more sweaty
this. stable de, bsd userland tools.
if you want a somewhat slow, very secure OS lacking features, you go with OpenBSD.
If you want a fast, fairly secure OS with a lot of features, you go with Linux.
BSDs do not have enough developers to implement meme features and mind security at the same time.
hello sweaty please ,
can you install team viewer I will
uninstall virus
There are too many devs working on meme BS distros and 500 Ubuntu spinoffs that aren't needed , when they could be contributing to a real OS like OpenBSD.
Reminder: what windows users think of Linux users is actually a justifiable opinion for Linux users to have about OpenBSD users
>Everyone and always should use disk encryption.
Fucking why? I want 3 second boot times, not 10+password
It's not that easy. Also why waste your time on OpenBSD when Linux is better in every way?
Pick a distro with the best repository and you are set.
People who make distros are not the same, nor skill level, of those who contribute to the Kernel which is what you're asking for.
Except they couldn't
I dare you to look at the top 100 people that contribute the most to linux in general, and see how many of them are on the same level as openBSD devs
That doesn't mean necessarily that they are worse, but writing code fast doesn't equal writing good code
most firmwares handle this now, don't they
it's still there, just off by default
openbsd is the most modern unix-like operating system
You just want to justify the lack of actual development in OBSD. Besides shitposting you should start contribute to it as without trim support OBSD is a complete garbage in embedded systems or on SSD rigs. Good luck with that.