426th Happy day

Oi, Anone..!
Alone of Friday night~?

here, have some great music for the time
ᵃᶰᵈ ˢᵒᵐᵉ ᶜᵒᵒᶫᵉ ᵗᵒᵒ⋅⋅!

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Other urls found in this thread:




hello poland!


Cool music
Very metal

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Where's prince Abe? I composed him some of my best national music for all these times he enriched me with his pieces~
Nyud id
MK34 id
two sevens /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
G0I id
-,ʕ•ᴥ• ʔ
Alright, I'm saging every post from now on.
ʸᵒᵘ'ᵛᵉ ʷᵒᶰ ᶰᵒᵗʰᶦᶰᵍ⋅
Cheers Runner \o/
>F4X id

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uhh so ᵘʰᵐ⋅⋅
the reminder it must be!

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uhh... how are you today? not really able to think of much to say...

anti-sage protection

suck my cock

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Always rember happy day, user~..!

When winds blow dust into your eyes, smack you with rain and threaten stability of your cheap umbrella - remba those cozy moments in warmth and good feelings

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New tripcode..!
Alright, today's a contest v.s. Please, state the winner /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
I'm after a decent workout, my dinners are becoming bigger and bigger too.
But damn, isn't chicken in curry, provence herbs and that weird pricey mix I found in supermarket amazing =w=
I'm gonna make myself some yoghurt with bananas and apples, and roasted spelt or something~..
Also a beer ʕ•ᴥ• ʔ
ᵇᵘᵗ ᵈᵒᶰ'ᵗ ᵗᵉᶫᶫ ˢᵖᵃᶻᶻʸ
Overall, nothing else I could potentially want from any Friday, apart of Ade on my Terraria server.
And Maggy.
Yeah, would be pretty swell~
And how are you? c:
Thanks blonde spaghetti army friend o/
ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ᵒᵏ⋅

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shut up retard
bonus sage

I'm alone and I love good music.

>Thanks blonde spaghetti army friend o/
I'll just kill them all

ur mother anuse

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You know, I don't really miss him that much, but I really hoped we would get to know what's actually on his mind.
I hope it's not like we cyber bullied a schizo over Internet, r-right hahah

I just hope he's somewhere in the world.
Alive and such~..

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don't ok me

not much today, as per usual. woke up, got breakfast, slept for 3 more hours. thst kind of thing.

he's probably on "F" status


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I mean "S"


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no u

the one that has a doge image

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That's great because I've got a bunch

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>as usual
>slept for 3 more hours
uh oh..
okay! ˢᵒᵘᶰᵈˢ ᶜᵒᵒᶫᵉ⋅⋅!
I hope you are financially / school wise stable~
Middle ground with a slight favour of third direction, that's understandable and highly acceptable ʕ•ᴥ• ʔ
Thank you for your survey, we will now adjust your add database to your liking with utmost respect.
..aaalright, that's a brighter idea.
Cute kinoko /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\

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I summon le
@honest abe The fresh prince of Jow Forums
ᵖᶫᵉᵃˢᵉ ᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᵇᵃᶜᵏ⋅⋅
Also check this out - I'm a bard~!

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I'm joking, but Mike Kansas was an insufferable faggot, even more than the guy posting /lit/ stuff (I remember dealing with him with 3 different threads lole) or the Italian trap posting frogs from different proxies.

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the prince has arrived

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small penis

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>Also check this out - I'm a bard~!

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There were so many days, filled up to loss of strength
Filled up to a loss of breath, there were so many moments
When you regret those which were for nothing
You should know one thing, remember just that:

That important are only the days which we do not know yet
Important are those few moments we're still waiting for
Important are only the days which we do not know yet
Important are those few moments we're still waiting for

A famous person who had a house and orchard
Suddenly lost meaning and fell in with a bad crowd
Although his fortune was lost, he did not fall
He was able to rationalize that

Important are only the days which we do not know yet
Important are those few moments we're still waiting for
Important are only the days which we do not know yet
Important are those few moments we're still waiting for

How to recognize people who we don't know anymore?
How to pick up the disarrayed thoughts?
How to quickly separate your heart from your mind?
How to hear yourself among the singing crowds?

How to recognize people who we don't know anymore?
How to pick up the disarrayed thoughts?
How to suddenly find joy and hope?
Seek for the answers, there's so much time*

Important are only the days which we do not know yet
Important are those few moments we're still waiting for
Important are only the days which we do not know yet
Important are those few moments we're still waiting for

*ᴬᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ᵉᶰᵈ ᵒᶠ ʰᶦˢ ᶫᶦᶠᵉ, ᴳʳᵉᶜʰᵘᵗᵃ ˢᵗᵃʳᵗᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ˢᶦᶰᵍ "ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ'ˢ ˢᵒ ᶫᶦᵗᵗᶫᵉ ᵗᶦᵐᵉ" ᶦᶰˢᵗᵉᵃᵈ⋅

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He saw her very close,
So natural, beautiful Lily
He remembered a color and everything,
He's already in love, so in love with her!

In his eyes was a shimmer,
Colours and their shades,
And this promise that was given:
I'll paint the Lily's day!

Grey world will go away,
Colorful dust will fall from sky.
The wind was carrying it slowly,
Magic dust, magic dust!

He was enamoured of her joy,
Enchanted by parade of her words!
And out of his mind,
One gave him courage to he say to Lily:

I will paint the day with your hand
The miracle will appear in the Earth.
My touch will colour to blue,
Black will change into rose! x2

Billion new stars in the sky,
Billion poems that she's already known.
Thousands colours, where she's sleeping
And a few gold roses, few white roses!

She got everything for her one look,
For little touch, accidental move,
But it's not what she dreamt about,
And One told him, to he say to Lily:

I will paint the day with your hand
The miracle will appear in the Earth.
My touch will colour to blue,
Black will change into rose! x2

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And when these days will be gone,
And his sweet Lily
Will leave on the black horse in the mist - OLE
He'll say that it's not a sin!
It's his turn to move,
'Cause he knows, where she is,
And he'll take into arms
the black sea and her,
He will put his spell in this night!
Saying to Lily:

I will paint the day with your hand
The miracle will appear in the Earth.
My touch will colour to blue,
Black will change into rose! x2

Overall, it's about a guy who lost his true love to suicide and now travels the world with a chaplet of hers, trying to revive some of their memories / make their dreams about travel come true.
..or at least that's the most common interpretation~


Please tell me what you think about those.
Oh, and this one if you're still not disheartened.
cute paladin is cute

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I really like em m8!
what ya think about this one
its more meaningful if you have seen jojo

It troubled me that my reality was…
…different from everyone else

Instead of trying to understand others
I gave up and shut myself in… until that day

The emerald’s faint glow
I ponder the reason I was allowed to keep on living

If you can see that
It means I’m no longer alone
I come out from the veil of despair, and learn the meaning of hope

Those loud, noisy days
They felt like spending time with an old friend

The emerald’s shining determination
No matter what lies ahead

I risk my life fighting,
And I don’t regret any of it
I swear I won’t go back to my old pathetic self

I’ll protect you, till the end
Because an important person is awaiting our return

I listen to your lame jokes
and laugh at how stupid they are
As I look at myself like this, I think this is how I’m really supposed to be

this one is soo good
its really masterpiece
so much emotions

>Saying to Lily:
It should be something along lines
"To Lily he will say one thing"
I haven't watch JoJo apart of half first season but I can see this character clearly with such soul filled singer and lyrics

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Tell Jow Forums that Yuji Sakai, Kappa, Saucy, TacoKid, Oro, Real Real Real Suebi, Shiro Poster 2, Butte Sniffer, a/u/tist, Renko, Magick, Wagick, Alcoholic Neko loli, Akari Akaza, Boii, jellysquishe, CTS, Cakemaestro, The Voice, Snugs, Spicmaster, The Hotwing Man, Knux, Potato, yoogee, cute poster, Tomoko poster, Sucy, Bulgogi, Radical Edward, Kekkats, Bumstead, lurk, Nodoka, yesdoka, friendly mean person, g8rh8r, NameFig2018, Sewkasa, jungle is massive, Shiro Poster, Dandy, Catfish, Avery, Tragick, sillyhead, rip in pieces akari ;_;7, Akari Akaza, BBHC, fortune, vaporeon, soda, smiley dude :), git, Arulson, Kekky McDubberson, ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)\_(ツ)_/⊂(◉◉)つ, le shit nigger, Kaonashi, git, Sekiro, Alexander the Seeker, , swaglord, HE, Bulgogi, le monke, AnonPrime, bum smiddly boobop twiddly boperoo, Boii (drunk), The Black One, q-ie, Akari Akaza's Phone, Yuiposter, yoogee, DuckTits, ■[^_^*]●¤TACO KID¤●[^_^*]■, le patt e, Catfish(Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl), C'MON CRANKY TAKE IT TO THE FRIDGE, Polly, le piss cracker, end my suffering,12Damdo, Jewwy, Garlic Salt and Doremi Poster said:


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I would love to learn about the backstory of at least half of these names one day.

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what ya think about this one?

Versability between those two songs makes me wanna watch JoJo.
But as much as latest one was a romantic farewell, this one sounds just like a good credit music.
ᵀʰᵒᵘᵍʰ ᴳᵒᵒᵈᵇʸᵉ ᴺᵒˢᵗᵃᶫᵍᶦᵃ ʷᵒᵘᶫᵈ ᵇᵉ ᵖʳᵒᵇᵃᵇᶫʸ ᵗʰʳᶦᶜᵉ ᵐᵒʳᵉ ᵖᵒʷᵉʳᶠᵘᶫ ᶦᶠ ᵘˢᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵉᶰᵈ ᵃᶰ ᶦᵐᵖᵒʳᵗᵃᶰᵗ ᵉᵖᶦˢᵒᵈᵉ ᶦᶰ ˢᵃᵍᵃ~
Especially with a good slide show =w=

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welcome back, mate.


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ᴬᵐ ᴵ⋅⋅?
I'm back~! is that you Aussie - te one who posts the image I will post in a second after finishing this post..?
Oii, welcome welcome Russy ^-^
How's life, how's training, how's girlfriend? c:
ᴵˢ ˢʰᵉ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵍᶠ ʸᵉᵗ⋅⋅?

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this. This is you.

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I like it even better~

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>How's life
Been quite busy this week with studies and other stuffs, pending things are starting to pile up! What about yours?

>how's training
Too busy and tired to train, sadly. How's your training going?

>how's girlfriend? c:
>ᴵˢ ˢʰᵉ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵍᶠ ʸᵉᵗ⋅⋅?
It's, uh... difficult. We talked about it and we decided it's better to say she's not, even though she pretty much is. Complex stuff I'm not good at explaining desu~

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nah it's not me, mate.
I'm the mildly rude aussie

Studies, studies..
I'm oke but it's often hard to fit in time everything I want + my eating habits are in the orbit right now, apart of supper that I sometimes just give up on - especially while eating dinner at 7 PM
>complex stuff
I hope you are honest to each other~
Oh.. mildly rude (´・ω・`) ᵐᶦᶫᵈᶫʸ ʳᵘᵈᵉ⋅⋅?
I mean, I rember you but I can't even tell if it was half a month or two ago.
Or even a week \o/ pardon me.
How's your day going~? It's Friday in the end ^-^

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I'm doing fine. the whole mildly rude thing is that I'm usually ruder than all the other aussies but not a rude as heaven. I was just watching the sun come-up and while having a cigarette.

Pls rember that eating well is bery important!

>I hope you are honest to each other~
So do I. We've actually talked about honesty and she seems to be honest, but still gotta be prepared for any outcome just in case desu~

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>I was just watching the sun come-up and while having a cigarette.
>in Australia
I've heard that all of your continents civilisation condenses onto shores, is that true? Are you met with limitless spaces outside your window? Is it city? Can you see sea?
>just in case desu~

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I am depressed
I am alone
I want to die

Is that so..?
What brought you upon such misery, buddy?
Enough depression comes with renewing catharsis, why dwelling into the details when you can let time sort out the pieces~
Unless you're scared of that.
I'm not even halfway through your first link but I respect your choices ʕ-ᴥ- ʔ

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Yeah, that's true. We mostly live in coastal areas since most of the interior of australia is either barren desert or dry grassland that's only good for cattle, sheep and kangaroo.


How many types of meat can you find in a typical butchery?
Here, I can get only chicken, beef and pork. Maybe if I would travel into mountains, there would be some lamb too - or a horse!
Herry Bummy~!
Keeping it coole?

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Its for passing a message in the retro style

Im sooo tired now, just got home from a meeting

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hurr durr I'm depressed gib attention

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lots, lamb, beef, pork, turkey, duck, kangaroo, emu, crocodile, goat and quail are the more common ones, but not unusual to find venison, wild boar, rabbit, pheasant and water buffalo. even though most younger australians just eat mostly beef, chicken, lamb and pork, people who are more traditional will pretty much anything that has 4 legs and isn't a table.

Remembered as always

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fuck you I'm just sharing music. The attention whore here is you stupid namefag



If you are sade and feel like listening to some music, please check out these posts
I really like them /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
Hahah, what the frick.
ˢᵉʳᶦᵒᵘˢᶫʸ, ʷʰᵃᵗ?
Are they all in rather reachable prices? What's cheapest, what costs more? I'm really interested now~
Hello there, my based neighboor OP id
[ᶫᵘᵍᵍᵃᵍᵉ]ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ Looks like it's time for me to go.

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based leaf, would you do me a favor?

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the price mostly depends on the meat, venison is on average at about $40 to $50 per kg, kangaroo at about $15 per kg, and lamb and turkey at about $6 per kg. meat is so common in australia it's not rare to meet fully grown men that only eat meat and refuse to eat no vegetable aside from potatoes and onions.

a magical place..
I mean, here chicken is like 4.84 - 6.71 Aussie dollars.
But lamb being this cheap..

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Hello newfriend, isn't Reddit a nice place to go? someone told me you will love to go and stay there.

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I can buy 600 grams of turkey here for about 1.9€ (Lidl)

I don't care what you say, Jow Forums is an anonymous place and that is what makes it special, idiots like you don't understand it and just come to post crap. Now go back to your discord full of faggots

hurr durr didn't read lole, check my both gets faggot

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go back to where you came from retard

You don't deserve a shit


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that's pretty cheap

remembered! hello!

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Remembered and helloed~
I'm gonna play Metro 2033 in a moment, have you played it before?

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nearly 808
nearly 707
SSP numbers

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Of course that's not the normal price, I usually buy things that will go next week out of the date (about 20-30% of discount)

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oh, here you usually buy fresh chicken legs for $3.50 per kg so I usually wait till the end of the week when they half priced and then binge on meat till wednesday.

Heck yeah I am. I'm relaxing in my bed right now.

What do you want?

I just looked outside and there's a raid going on on Jow Forums..!
I'm heading to bed, even though I hate sleeping with thundres.
Have all the funs comrades~
Hecc yeah, joining in a moment.

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Nighty night! Hope you have an amazing day tomorrow!

goode nite

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