I don't use an adblocker because it's stealing ad revenue from content creators

>I don't use an adblocker because it's stealing ad revenue from content creators

Attached: 1536908452664.png (416x435, 114K)

>I use the internet

Attached: 1536608939401.png (430x441, 86K)

Real NPCs don't even know they exist.

I don't use an adblocker
It's bloat

>nah I don't need an adblock
>I don't mind the ads
Seriously, what's wrong with these people

> my physiognomy when somebot tells me the web is a pull medium

Attached: 0866BC6C-99C0-4BCE-90DF-11BD3864BA63.png (234x264, 16K)

Wow I just downloaded ublock origin
This is awesome

>Am content creator, still use adblock and torrent music because why not.

Even pirated my own music once for the lulz.

>""""""""""""""""""""content creator``````````````````

Attached: 1507517663936.jpg (643x720, 80K)


>using graves
europoor detected

Seething goodgoy.

>not paying 12€ for youtube premium.
>Still not being able to play youtube videos with a locked screen on your phone.

Psst, nothing personnel kid.

>I am connected to a network

Attached: npc.png (636x773, 8K)

I'm convinced that the NPC life is the good life. Ignorance is bliss.

Install youtube vanced, faggot

this is just a script they're say over and over.

>no video
the absolute state of your generation

>>Still not being able to play youtube videos with a locked screen on your phone.

Attached: index.png (192x192, 5K)

Attached: arbeitsamt.jpg (259x194, 6K)

How do retards even wander on to here

I use only firefox build in tracking protection

Just edit your HOSTS ninjas, you can even download ready ones.

How about you donate to the content creators instead so they dont need the ads, if you really appreciate them?
Faggot, but you're OP so that goes without saying.