Now that pythom bent the knee to SJWs, whats stopping you from using a language written by a traditional, christian man?

now that pythom bent the knee to SJWs, whats stopping you from using a language written by a traditional, christian man?

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Because I'm atheist and I don't give a fuck?

perl also faster and more flexible
and free from any "ideas"


Snek >>> camel

Perl is just dogshit.
There is absolutely no language that is more shit than this.

No joke OP Im already planning to drop python like a hot potato... ppl say it is just a superficial change and maybe they are right but what is rotten here is the downhill no brakes stance of the bigheaded ants developing python

Im thinking to move to Golang however

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Enjoy having no job.

Perl is very hard and has a lot of issues.

The syntax is really atrocious. It is like bash but with fetal alcohol syndrome. The only two things that Perl has going for it are being available on most *nix systems and its fantastic Regex library. However, the Perl Regex library is used by other languages, such as Python and AWK, and can be included as a C library in other projects so you don't have to use Perl if you want to leverage its Regex support.

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Joke's on you, I never moved from Assembly.

scripting languages were a mistake anyway.
they enable non-programmers to write complex code. perl is no different there.
sounds great at first, because now people can write little scripts to automate their tasks. but in reality the more people there are following that approach, the messier it gets.
instead of writing a collection of scripts they should've just hired a programmer to write an actual program for it.

Use Ruby. It's literally unfucked Perl.

>made by google
If politics is the reason for the switch why choose something that is inherently rotten?

Faggot detected. Atheists are second class citizens and their opinions are irrelevant.

But it is also filled with SJWs.

Ruby is actually the original source of all SJWs
Even though Jow Forums says they were created by Jews they were actually created by Mormons

enjoy your poison faggot. meanwhile camels are more expensive than gold

I have lived under a rock for the last few years. What happened to Python?

faggots ruin all things sacred

>Refusing to use a programming language because they changed the terminology to something that offends you and you alone.

but what did the faggots do to ruin it?

Is Matz itself one of those crazy leftists or is only the community around that is pozzed?

>A bunch or rich retard Arabs use camels as a status symbol
And therefore they are valuable?

Some onions developer made a pull request to remove the term Master/Slave from CPython. Most of the contributors were against it but fucking Guido swooped in out of "retirement" just in time to approve the pull request and lock the request from further comments. Said onions developer also wasn't a native English speaker and used childs instead of children so another pull request had to be made to fix the grammar error. On top of that, the onions boy went on a three week "vacation" because of all the fucking heat and negative attention he was getting.

I think the change has only been made to the documentation so far. I don't think the actually code has been changed. I could be wrong though. Also, this happened just a few days after Redis started making a similar change. Which is where onions boy probably got the idea from.

Truly this is a deep anal fucking. Everyone's ass has been filled with semen by this incident.