Other urls found in this thread:
2080 is using unfinished drivers and is underclocked.
1080ti is mature and has a 25% OC
>and is underclocked.
No it's not
>using unfinished drivers
"Running on Latest 411.51 Drivers"
You didn't even open the link, NoVidya shills on bankruptcy watch
How much faster is it at raytracing?
No one knows, but DICE already reduced their RT effects for "more performances"
>"Running on Latest 411.51 Drivers"
It might come as a surprise to you, but unlike amd, nvidia doesn't leave its gups with only launch drivers for the entirety of the gpu's lifetime.
Gaytracing is worthless and you probably won't use it
>future drivers will give +30% performance increase just wait for it !!!!!
Now that's brain damage.
Turing is worth it only if you have a HDR G-sync monitor
dumb ass your comparing a 2080 to 1080ti
the 2080ti will be like 40% faster than the 1080ti and even close to 100% faster if you upscale to 4k with DLSS.
stop being a dumb cunt.
*Raytracing off
>t. someone who spent his whole salary on a Memetracing 2080Ti.
Don't be so salty.
And obviously you don't have any proof to support your claim
Also :
remember when people made the same excuses for vega and people said "fuck off, shill"?
well, I'll do the same to you:
fuck off, shill
>Not waiting for the AMD 7nm RX 580 re-badging cards?
>2080ti will be like 40% faster than the 1080ti
Probably just a 15~20%, still an improvement, but not as much, we still have to wait for all benchmarks to come out, comparing all their gimmicks, and then, the end user will choose if it's worth for him or not, though it will be really influenced by marketing and the shiny new product.
I, myself, bought a 1060 6GB almost at launch (320€ for me) which was a significative upgrade from my old 750ti, almost got the 480 8GB. That was a bad decision, because I could have got a 980ti since it has been on the 280~380€ price tag on eBay since the 10X0 series, and the 980ti is even better than a 1070, really close to a 1080 (after several tweaks).
So, just read a lot of reviews, benchmarks and then try to go to any forums where people have attempted stuff like BIOS mod 980ti, ending with far better results that expected, and really good price/$.
There is nothing wrong with getting any card at launch, it's your money.
I traded a 760 out for one of those korean cafe 1060 3gb models because it was on sale with a rebate. I'm waiting to see what would be a better upgrade but given everything the new technology isn't worth it at this stage for my income bracket unless the 2070 can offer 1080 levels of performance for a similar price then i'd be happy since either way it's gonna be a really nice upgrade.
>I traded a 760 out for one of those korean cafe 1060 3gb
You sold your 760 and got that 1060 or literally traded it with someone? If it's the second one, then that's pretty good, and if it's the first one, then it's ok, you could probably have got an 390x or something like that, but if your PSU isn't strong enought, then you coudln't have driven that.
10X0 wasn't that bad, most midrange/old top GPUs were beaten by just the 1060 3GB.
stay mad, son
>You sold your 760 and got that 1060 or literally traded it with someone?
I chose my wording poorly. I still have both cards, the 760 was a gift a few years back so there was no investment lost in it but after rebate i got the 1060 for roughly 180-ish dollars i think? This was back when graphics cards prices were absolute shit too because of miners. Even AMD cards weren't a choice in that market and now that prices have somewhat stabilized the AMD cards just barely overcome the 1060 3gb or slightly lose to it.
I need to upgrade more than just my GPU though, PSU would probably serve well in a new build but the FX cpu would definitely bottleneck on a 1080 or higher. Given finances nothing is going to change for me into well into next year so by that time Navi and the 7nm processor might both be released at that time so i'll have more options to choose from.
vega didn't sell and WAS actually shit
nvidia is selling great and is actually great lmao
Nice meme fag
Yeah, this time isn't a good moment to upgrade, we have great options for CPUs, but prices are still fucked. Maybe you could try to get an old xeon and triple channel DDR3 using what you already got and some more. I was thinking about that myself, going from a 4790 to an x5670 or whatever.
And yeah, the 3GB for 180$ is good actually, there isn't much second had that can beat that price/$.
I don't have much free time but i am hoping to stick with AMD mostly because price point even on new stuff and i like to try and do more things than gaming on my computer and the multi threaded performance works more in my favor.
2700x was at the top of my to buy list but now that i know i need to wait anyway i'm looking more at the 7nm cpu's from AMD.
>the 3GB for 180$ is good actually, there isn't much second hand that can beat that price/$.
Even if i could find something second hand which i have been looking bit coin miners are flooding the second hand market with graphics cards that are probably only just barely working still if at all. I think graphics cards prices are fucked for years to come still, i might look to getting back to AMD GPU's if navi releases in time for my upgrade with favorable price to performance ratio.
Mate no way in fuck turing won't be a dud even Fermi wasn't this bad it's compete sidestep with so much wasted die space on 12nm with ai rt meme shit
good now we don't have to get all angsty because we're poor
>not waiting for VEGA end of the year / 2019
1070/1080 performance for half the price guaranteed.
Post "bankruptcy" and Nvidia is so ridiculous I cannot help but snigger. With the current trends Nvidia can coast for years and not worry about shit.
I got a 1080ti recently for £480 (+£10 delivery).
To see this makes me not regret my decision at all.
Yeah, 2080 sounds cool and all. But a brand new one at its cheapest at the moment is like £715. I got my 1080ti used I will admit but the card only came out last year remember.
So. Does the 2080 justify a price difference of £235 in my case? Even with it overclocked and with newer drivers, it would need to be significantly better. Like almost 50% better.
except there is missing
>the meme cores
will be a lot faster
the 2080 will already be 20% fast you turd
That's ok if it's 7% more expensive than the 1080ti
>Memory bus clock
>7000 Mhz
GN's take on the architecture
But that's exactly what they do. Nvidia cards show almost no improvement from new drivers compared to AMD cards
Name a better hardware focused youtube channel.
Hardware Canucks, Linus Tech tips, mkbhd
just like 980ti was 40% faster eh?
only to discover than nvidia had special drivers ONLY for the reviewers and the consumer driver gave only 19 to 28% perfomance
here's a (you)
>unfinished drivers
I think you mean special press drivers that are never released to the public and have a few very accidental bugs that increase fps at the cost of image quality.
When is the last time any tech reviewer bothered to do image quality comparisons?
Drivers aren't out yet. Cryptofarmers in total cognitive dissonance, they want to sell off their old cards now that money has been drained off crypto. Don't fall for their ploys.
Idiot you are gonna regret this so much. Oh well, fool and his money parted...
25% higher IPC +20% more cores
I have a 6700k. So my CPU is my bottleneck in this case anyway user.
I'm going to enjoy 4-5 years of the odd new release and my massive backlog, slowly downgrading as games become more demanding. And then I'll upgrade the whole lot to whatever is good at the time. AMD, Intel or Nvidia. Whatevers going good and strong.
It takes a lot to bottleneck it user. But it can be a bottleneck vs 7700k or 8700k, especially the latter.
But its not massive amounts. I'm set for a good while as is. I'm happy.
>it's okay when nvidia does it.
exactly, which means the cards gonna indeed bring a lot less performance increase than people were expecting. If the review drivers are AMD tier of immature, that would be a first for Nvidia cards.
>it's okay to comare a Vega 64 to a 1080ti.
damn, Nvidiots are exactly at the same level of denial than AMDrones. The same fucking fucking arguments, all around.
> no 7% woodscrews
the state of Jow Forums
>Bought a 1080 Ti a month ago
Should I have waited and copped a 2080 RTX?
Vega 7nm is kinda wishful thinking.
There are some rumors lending credence to a refresh for consumer tier Vega 7nm, but officially it's a prosumer card at the least (that thing between the workstation tier and high-end mainstream).
I have [email protected] and strix 1080ti@2066/11,000 and they seem to even eachother out with 1440p/144hz gaming. Definitely happy with the combo for a bit.
>unfinished drivers
It's Pascal rebrand with new non-backportable features, your point is void.
Vega was shit but you are an absolute idiot if you think it didn't sell. All Vegas were basically unobtanium for the entirety of 2017 due to XMR mining demand.
seven thousand megahertz of what?
jewish tricks?
>all this kvetching
Just buy it™.
Posted from my iPhone.
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>comparing ti vs non ti
>drivers have not been updated at all
>comparing high binned overclocked gpu vs stock
2080ti is about 44% faster than a 1080ti
>44% faster
>70% more expensive
>trying to sell this as progress
they had to use a larger die to increase performance since tsmc couldn't mass produce 7nm. larger dies are more expensive since you can fit fewer on them on a wafer and the chance of it not working is higher.
also there are allot of pascal cards flowing around so in order to not compete with them, they increased the price
they had to do this, i'm not happy with it but i can accept why. I'd go with amd but amd can't even compete.
I'd rather have a more expensive card then a cheaper refresh
>This much tech illiteracy
As processes mature yields increase and therefore larger dies get cheaper. See: GTX 600, 700 and 900 series getting progressively cheaper per die area on the same process.
Also they didn't have to make the dies that big. Large part of it is wasted on deep learning and ray tracing memes that will not get utilized in the majority of games.
lol what a dumbass
gtx 600, 700, etc were not build on the same processes as rtx 2080
also deep learning and rtx cores ARE utilised in gaming
im looking forward to when games implement ray tracing and its a huge step in creating more realistic graphics. a big part of what differentiates a pixar movie to a game is ray tracin
ITT: seething tracelets
Now compare to AMD
>dumb ass your comparing a 2080 to 1080ti
They have the same launch MSRP, not comparing them would be the not fair thing to do.
the price is still a major turnoff. yes (if the leaked benchmarks are accurate) it performs better overall but not worth the insane price it commands. im glad i went with a cheap 1060 until amd shows their hand/nv releases their refresh line
heh nice one lad
Hilarious how AyyyMDrones try their hardest to shill against people buying Nvidia and Intel.
The 2080 and 9900k will sell truckloads and will be the standard gayming rig until Q2 2019
This delusional faggot.
>9900k will sell truckloads
yeah coz the 8600k is really starting to show its age... fucken hell all you shills are delusional
Family it is a known fact that AMD drivers get better over time
They are also more stable
>nvidia doesn't leave its gups with only launch drivers for the entirety of the gpu's lifetime
AMD releases two to three drivers per month. You may want to send your no driver memes back to 2008 where you got them from.
>mfw my 7700k and 1080ti are the last products before a slew of shit storm products started floading the market and making people flame war
As much as I like progression, ryzen causing intel to spaz out about cores and this rtx bullshit becoming the new gaming advancement meme makes me want to wait a few years till things finally level out once again.
>flame wars only started recently
at 100% more money
turd burgrlar
it felt bad putting a 1080ti in my new 2700x build. what would mommy su think but amd are nowhere gpu wise. maybe next year.
Didn't say it did, but its definitely more prominent now than it was before.
wait the 2080 is getting 27k in firestrike according to that but my 1080ti gets 29k? wtf
theres always been flame wars all over the internet since even the old bbs days. i guess its easier to see now that we're inundated with media/social networking everywhere
Sure thing, pajeet.
Vega 64 was NEVER aimed at beating a GTX 1080 Ti. It was made to compete with the GTX 1080. The whole primitive shader baloney and shitty AMD marketing (Poor Volta) thing is what got the Nvidia fanboys and AMD fanboys alike making comparisons. When that did not happen Nvidia fanboys gloated. But in reality it was manufactured to compete with the GTX 1080 and any additional performance after that was a bonus. It was mostly hyperbole from a messy launch schedule and not being able to deliver on white paper stuff never actually 'advertised' as a feature. As well now know all that stuff will not be used in GFX9 (there is a slime hope but pretty pointless waiting on it ever happening). GCN remains bottleneck and 7nm will not fix that unless they can remove that from GCN (fat chance). Navi might change that but again that is just a wait and see scenario. Does Navi use GFX10 and enable primitive shaders in the driver? Again it's a wait and see thing.
Basically reviewers compring Vega 64 'directly' to a GTX 1080 Ti is a nonsense and any reviewer doing such is an idiot.
Either way Vega 64 was never good value for money with cryptoniggers inflating prices. Vega 56 was a decent GPU if you could get one at MSRP (I did on launch day) and can be pushed to 'near' Vega 64 performance with a BIOS flash and some tweaking.
GDDR6 is 14GHz
This. Jesus fucking Christ the hypocrisy is unreal.
ray tracing won't do shit for anime style so idgaf
even though mining is more dead, you cucks are gunna be stuck with high gpu prices still, including me, since a lot of you just pay the price
How about they make a CPU that calculates raytracing better instead?
What the fuck does kvetching even mean
So it's rare that I get to submit some OC but the story here was that I was doing some random stability testing for my Vega FE which I just brought for cheap, and I saw RTX scores in Final Fantasy XV because the scores get submitted to Square Enix like a botnet so someone who is doing reviews ran the benchmark to get numbers and not the full game which doesn't do that for some idiotic reason.
So here's a comparison in 4K high quality between the top tier Nvidia/AMD cards. Yes, it's a poor benchmark but it seems to correlate highly with the numbers discussed above so they are looking accurate at this point. It's also interesting to note the Titan Xp is actually faster than the 2080 here by quite some margin.
Forgot link in case you want to see other scores/presets.