Terry Davis

Say something nice about him.

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when is this retarded terry circlejerking going to end?

>suck his brothers dick
>reddit meme

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>posts a literal kike who rides everyone else's coattails

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>that last video where he is talking about how he doesn't actually have divine intellect and is actually a horribly sick impure person
>"I think that maybe I'm just like a bizarre little person who just walks back and forth"

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I can't believe he died :(

stay mad cock sucker praiser

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He was assassinated by CIA niggers. People don't just fall under trains.

He was walking on the train tracks tho.

he was brilliant

he is the smartest programmer in the fuckin' world

Occasionally, I tell the story of Terry's adventures (minus the sexual parts) to normalfags, they're always amazed and fascinated by it.

He's finally dead.

Did anyone ever write up his adventures/life story?

I usually piece together fragments I saw in articles and videos about him, but I've never found a comprehensive biography.

He was Mr. God's favourite entertainer

I think there's a timeline on the Jow Forums wiki or somewhere else

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Never cared for him, did he actually do that?

When Terry posts a new video.

I'm glad he's dead

I sold him the van he lives in. He was actually pretty coherent and very polite.

He reminded me about how fun real programming is at a time when I was stuck in enterprise hell

I didn't keep up with his vlog stuff though, so I don't know most of his philosophy on life. I'm sure I'll eventually piece it all together like with CWC

He is dead