Do you buy a new phone every year?

Do you buy a new phone every year?

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>are you so stupid to buy a new phone every year

>NEETs buying phones

I can't stand people who don't update their phone at least once a year.

no I just use whatever phones my family wants to get rid of

No, just when the current one fucks up. Usually they go slow, start overheating and lose battery capacity.

>a new phone
>one new phone
>a year
what are you, poor?

Swipe right if you don't own the latest iPhone and Apple Watch.

I don't buy phones. I accept whatever hand me downs or free phones I can get. I used to use a Samsung flip phone until 2017 when I got an Iphone 5 hand me down from my mom.

I have a ipHone5

if i can already browse Jow Forums and call my mom then no


Sounds about right

nah man, had my phone for like 5 yrs

i will be buying pocophone f1

I keep breaking my phone every year or so. Basically yes.

every 2 -3 years

I replace mine when it breaks if it's out of warranty.
If the current turd I have lasts for 10 years I will be using it by then.

Still on an original Moto G.

so far I had only two smartphones in my life

I only buy a new phone when my needs basically force me into it. Currently my CAT S60 excells at everything I do and shows no signs of being behind the curve for my use for a long time.

Doubt I'll need to get a new phone until the battery gives out. Since it still runs a week between changes after 2 years of hard use, I imagine it'll be a long time.

I have a HTC 10

I'm waiting for a good notchless phone.

I buy phones when they break, get slow, or I want a justifiable upgrade.

would still be on that if I didn't actually physically break it, on a G4 now

actually comes with microSD storage which is a big improvement for me

How did yours not shit itself yet, mine fucking died like 2.5years into having it so I had to get a new phone