what's ur excuse for not using firefox on android?
>can install ublock, don't need root to block ads
>google search ui isnt shit anymore
>firefox sync
What's ur excuse for not using firefox on android?
It's scrolling isn't smooth and is slow
bloated and slow as fuck
everyone is already blocking ads on their routers
Wastes too much battery and most pages are rendered wrong.
>google search ui isnt shit anymore
But that's wrong
Works for me
I like that you can use addons and about:config still. I don't get why peoplr say its slow. It's just as fast or faster than other browsers for me. Especially when using ublock origin.
Im using umatrix, https everywhere and dark mode addons, works smooth and just a little slower than chrome
i really like ff
>big black cockroach
fucking kek
why do you have a smartphone if you never leave the house?
>using firefox and not being a communist in 2018
He is probably self hosting DNS to block ads and self hosting VPN to reroute all his mobile traffic to his house directly and encrypting it as it goes out while simultaneously blocking ads. Get with the times.
so autism? gotcha.
I use firefox on android. But, it has one major fucking problem. It's SLOW as shit. With that being said, I take the slowness merely because of all the available addons. But yes, would be nice for them to fix that slowdown problem.
>not being technically challenged and depending on third party services for everything in your life is autism
Enjoy the botnet faggot.
Seems smooth enough to me, and my phone is 2 years old so it isn't the latest fastest thing.
isnt this shit essentially making your traffic look very unique though in terms of mobile traffic so creating a big footprint?
I have a hard time believing people saying it's slow. Or they or using old cheap ass phones.
just use bromite until firefox doesnt lag anymore
But Firefox doesnt lag for me.
Because you haven't tried Chrome yet.
Where can I find a build? I'm using Fennec myself since Firefox is just slow and broken in general.
chrome lags so much for me. And it crashes all the time. i only have 500 megabites of ram so that might be the issue
fdroid or bromite.org
>what is adaway?
>using google unironically
Firefox is faster than chrome when using ublock and blocking scripts.
>It's SLOW as shit
It's fine, and at least it doesn't have that lame ass smooth scrolling webkit garbage has.
Can't believe people whine about smooth scrolling.
>taking hours to do something retardedly over-complicated which does the same thing as installing a plugin in 4 seconds
>claiming this is because of you technical superiority and not your severe autism
Focus, I mean.
It looks incredible. Thanks, user.
Thanks user, it looks great.
Lots of samefagging going on...
No? It'll look like you're using wifi at home
But I am using Firefox/Fennec on android with uBlock. I don't use Google search or sync tho. Some people say Firefox is slow on mobile but it doesn't happen on mine. Maybe it's because I'm on android Kitkat.
>flavor of the month browser #290,473,106,378,472,374
no thanks
Bromite and Brave, fast and just werks
based and redpilled