What's taking so long?
What's taking so long?
Addresses too long. I can usually remember ipv4 addresses and they are fairly convenient to type in. When your numbers are in hex and are ridiculously long, that immediately turns me off from the whole thing.
ISPs being lazy
Just use DNS/DNS-SD. You should be remembering hostnames, not IP addresses.
It's the ISP's fault. In my country, I've noticed a few ISPs offer it, though.
IPv6 adaptation is going pretty well. IPv6 has little actual benefit to the end user, it's mostly just a behind the scenes thing and 99% of people don't even know what IPv4 or IPv6 is and won't notice changing between the 2. 3 Years ago we were at 5% global adaptation and now we're at about 25%. By 2030 it should be rolled out everywhere, sooner if you in a non-shithole as Africa and China and other such shit places are where there is near 0% adaptation, first world places are generally between 20-50% adaptation.
That's not what's holding it back, no one cares about your wrong opinion
Fuck that shit, if you ever gonna work in a place where you got dozen of computers, you'll not gonna remember every name the "DNS" has, you gonna remember numbers, it's easier to remember that every computer in a determined submask could be accessed like 10.10.0.{1..30}.
Your private home address is embedded in ipv6 packets. Scary shit.
why? its literally impossible to fill up all the ip
just add more network layers
it's shit. inb4 butthurt fanboys: it's incompatible