What's taking so long?

What's taking so long?

Attached: ipv6-logo-2.png (304x168, 6K)

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Addresses too long. I can usually remember ipv4 addresses and they are fairly convenient to type in. When your numbers are in hex and are ridiculously long, that immediately turns me off from the whole thing.

ISPs being lazy

Just use DNS/DNS-SD. You should be remembering hostnames, not IP addresses.

It's the ISP's fault. In my country, I've noticed a few ISPs offer it, though.

IPv6 adaptation is going pretty well. IPv6 has little actual benefit to the end user, it's mostly just a behind the scenes thing and 99% of people don't even know what IPv4 or IPv6 is and won't notice changing between the 2. 3 Years ago we were at 5% global adaptation and now we're at about 25%. By 2030 it should be rolled out everywhere, sooner if you in a non-shithole as Africa and China and other such shit places are where there is near 0% adaptation, first world places are generally between 20-50% adaptation.

That's not what's holding it back, no one cares about your wrong opinion

Fuck that shit, if you ever gonna work in a place where you got dozen of computers, you'll not gonna remember every name the "DNS" has, you gonna remember numbers, it's easier to remember that every computer in a determined submask could be accessed like 10.10.0.{1..30}.

Your private home address is embedded in ipv6 packets. Scary shit.

why? its literally impossible to fill up all the ip
just add more network layers

it's shit. inb4 butthurt fanboys: it's incompatible


I work at a large university that has fully deployed IPv6. It's the majority of our traffic now with IPv4 far less utilized simply because the large content providers now all have IPv6 networks. I also have native IPv6 connectivity at home and I didn't even have to ask for it. It's getting there...

source pls

lol every answer is wrong

it's mainly Cisco's fault.

There's no pressing issue and no one cares.


There are several ways that addresses could be assigned. One way is to embed the MAC address in the lower 48-bits of the address, but you don't HAVE to.
Using the IPv6 privacy extensions is a much better way, where you generate a random address and periodically generate a new one.

There IS a pressing issue, though. They've literally run out of IPv4 addresses.

Oh, so that's why no one can make a new website and international commerce has ground to a halt.
Running out of IPv4 addresses isn't pressing.


Slow to adopt because people don't want to change modems all the time. Roughly 25% of all internet users use ipv6. US is ~33%.

IPv6 is a awesome, but we never really hit the wall with IPv4 as hard as people originally expected.

that requires you to be on a network with a host that supports DNS, which isn't always the case. Any industrial LAN (say, the one in a factory that lets all the robots talk to each other) isn't going to have that.

EnIP is a retarded hack. IPv6 replaces old with new, EnIP shoehorns new into old. Either way it's a new protocol and devices are going to have to support it.

I have a book on computer networks from 1996 that says "IPv6 is likely to be universally adopted within 10 years"

this is false

NAT is a dirty hack that ruins the nature of the internet, so anything to get rid of it is great. Nobody wants to keep adding layers and layers of NATs to try and cope with the address shortage.
It becomes even more of an issue as more and more devices come online, including people in third world countries now getting access to the internet.

Also, IPv6 literally routes faster than IPv4 (due to a simpler packet structure and no NATs in the way), so maybe that would convince you retarded gaymurs.

It is a bad standard and the implementation is aids and isn't easy to move over to without breaking things.

Why don't you give some actual criticism about the details of the standard itself, instead of memeing because it's "new" and you don't understand it.

Actually ipv6 has increased latency due to all of the overheads.

I'm not on an IPv6 connection right now, but you can run speedtests over both IPv4 and IPv6 connections, and IPv6 will be a couple of percent faster.
>all of the overheads
What overheads? The addresses are larger, but the rest of the packet is actually much simpler.

IPv6 removes IPv4 cruft and makes the options field significantly more useful. It removes the IPv4 checksum that was redundant given the checksums already implemented in link and transport layer protocols. This has made meaningful performance improvements that far outweigh the performance loss caused by increase in header size.

The implementation works exactly the same as one would implement IPv4, just with bigger addresses, fewer fields with niche meanings, and no checksum calculation to fuck with performance.

IPv6 also eases the implementation of route aggregation, which takes a lot of load off of routers. It also streamlines the operation of packet fragmentation, which fucked with router speed on IPv4 as well.

this is patently false and utterly retarded. What fucking overhead you dumb shit? Removing a checksum that has to be calculated at each end, removing the need for routers to be able to assemble and re-fragment packets, and the combination of multiple needlessly-separated fields into a single field is REMOVING overhead. stop talking about things you don't understand.

The address text is twice as large so that would mean bigger packets which increases latency. It's not difficult to understand you brainlets.

holy shit how retarded can you be
it's 40 bytes versus 20 bytes transferred at hundreds-of-megabits speed being parsed by a device with an instruction clock ranging from tens of MHz to a few GHz
compare that to evaluating an entire fucking checksum, reading a shitload of unnecessary fields at awkward shifts, re-assembling and re-fragmenting packets over and over...

Attached: lol.gif (320x240, 2.65M)