What is a good and useful homepage? Ive just been going strait to new tab for years

What is a good and useful homepage? Ive just been going strait to new tab for years.

Attached: 1488334750975.png (128x128, 24K)

Who is that bear? I like his look.

that's a cool looking bear

>What is a good and useful homepage?

Love this bear

coolbear just don't give a fuck

dude that bear is sick

he's a good bear

incredible bear

Attached: 1536933000593.jpg (762x574, 30K)

Isn't that the bear from that Jontron video

This bear could teach us things.
Rad bear.

I must've missed something.

Try www.google.com! You will see so many relevant advertisements, it will really improve your life.

fucking hell mate that bear is sick

wghats this bear from


a blank one, faget. no need to start new tab.

it's the bear from toy story, obviously

develop your own and insert that bear somewhere within the page

Go to the /WG/ thread for this and dig through theirs then make your own.

>then make your own
why didn't I think of this

That bear owns!