>be me >take this ap course with a english teacher who is so fucking annoying, and also grades extremely harsh and expects everyone to write on a extremely high level despite not having to do a writing assignment for all of last year >class is full of people who are either thots or special snowflakes who follow all rules to the extreme >drop that class for on level >get bored one night after turning in a assigment >make a meme depicting this teacher whiping a black man >the whip has text over it saying "unrealisticly high standards" >the black guy getting whipped says "ap students" >airdrop it to some of my friends and random people
>be op's friend, about a week after op airdropped the meme >the teacher says in class: "someone posting a image depicting me whipping a man of color, whoever posted this has already had their parents contacted" >everyone in the back of the class starts to laugh
>be op >friend tells me this >laugh so fucking hard >get an idea >i'm going to make so many memes about this teacher it's going to be like the CNN meme war but on a smaller scale
If i'm going to actually follow up on this i'm going to need a VPN so the school can't trace the memes back to me. What's a good VPN app?
then what can I do to prevent them tracing it back to me?
thanks btw for the answers
Austin Gonzalez
I don't know, but I just realized the significance of the fact that the guy who talked all the time about running down a cia nigger with his car, gets run down by a train.
well I'd look into a different method of distributing the memes. Maybe something p2p related
Anthony Scott
that's a good idea put I want to have a way to distribute the memes directly, not have "subordinates" who would share it. I want to be able to accidentally airdrop it to a administrator and still have it be untraceable.
Ian Martinez
Brayden Gutierrez
Landon Perry
Mullvad + Tor If you can't cough up 5 bucks, atleast use tor by itself.
Joshua Rodriguez
Put memes in envelope and put them in your teacher's mailbox, car, staff room, everywhere.
Ayden Perez
Bumperoni for this good thread
Christian Campbell
At least post the meme.
Eli Bennett
Whatever you do, make sure it's an elite VPN that will actually hide your IP address and not just encrypt your data as it's going through the ISP, then send it in the clear after it goes through the VPN server. VPNs are not by default designed to hide your identity from the server, because the server is assumed to be trusted. This is because the original VPNs were literal trusted networks where people could connect to a corporate LAN from outside without having their packets sniffed. So a VPN protects you from MitM attacks, but the server itself can still tell who you are, unless you specifically get a VPN that also hides your IP.
I just started using TunnelBear yesterday, and it's pretty good. Only problem is I have to turn it off every time I post on Jow Forums. Planning to buy a Jow Forums pass sometime soon so I don't have to do that.
Joshua Mitchell
ProtonVPN free tier would probably work for this
Isaac Cruz
>18 posts in and ONE person has mentioned OP being underageb& >90% of this thread consists of retards actually helping OP with his shitty Jow Forums-tier """meme war""" on "le ebil english teacher" >100% of this thread consists of retards who aren't able to tell that this is obviously a made up/extremely exaggerated story by some 14 year old who most likely just emailed his english teacher a picture of an asshole on a disposable email what the fuck is wrong with nu-Jow Forums
Nathaniel Gomez
mullvad sadly doesn't have mobile apps, and setting up openvpn on phones is too difficult for most people.