Why are they 'hidding' the notch?

Why are they 'hidding' the notch?

Does this mean they are finally admitting is it's ugly as fuck?

Attached: apple-iphone-xs-xs-max-hands-on-2-720x720.jpg (720x480, 84K)

that's called marketing, user


mi mix 3 don't have this problem

Attached: mmx.jpg (2048x1366, 832K)

>1 trillion dollars and this is what they come up with

>Does this mean they are finally admitting is it's ugly as fuck?
>admit anything short of a court order

Their operating costs don't surpass 8 billion.

that is vile lmao

Rather than notches, I fucking hate those rounded corners. Why does noone else speaks up about them

t. phd in economics

>Does this mean they are finally admitting is it's ugly as fuck?

signalling to your customers that you don't have confidence in your design choices is good marketing?

Not emphazising a bit controversial "features" you cannot change anymore at this stage, to not further fuel the discussion actually is.

The notch however is still retarded, as is the price, the rounded display and anything else about apple.

totally, expect apple to invent the first™ true™ notchless™ display for the next high-end iphone

I got an s8, did I do good?

You see, I actually feel the rounded corners comfy. They remind me of the Palm Pre.

>Why is an openly Satanic company deceiving people
Did we really forget the Apple logo missing a bite out of it is a biblical reference?

because they're nice

The notch is the best solution. Although personally, I would rather just not have a front facing camera. It is a pity there is only Apple leading the way in phones and everyone else just copying them rather than a true competitor. I want a screen only phone with no cameras or anything on the front.

I don't discriminate, I hate them all:
>Round display corners
>Curved edges
>Protruding cameras
>No headphone jack
>No memory card slot
I swear to dog, I have no idea what I'm gonna do when my current phone shits itself.


i know the feel, user
I think our last refuge may be with blackberry, which makes me want to puke

>notch is the best solution
Consumerist bitch detected.
Notch is the """solution""" for a made-up problem. In fact, it creates more problems and headaches than it solves.

>those way too round edges
its not just the notch, my dude

Attached: 1522930664324.jpg (500x333, 64K)


Notch is the best solution!!! The notch won, you lost.

>The notch is the best solution
how about just not making the entire front of the phone into a screen?
I get filling as much of it as possible with screen, but by filling up the corners around the camera with screen, you're just introducing space that's virtually unusable.

Now that I think about it, I think the LG V20 (and some other LG phones from the era) were onto something. They put the camera off in the corner. As a result, there was one big, continuous strip of space to use for their "second screen" feature. Because it was one big, continuous space instead of two small spaces, the second screen is actually able to provide meaningful functionality to the phone, e.g
>being able to get at the wi-fi/flashlight/notification sounds/etc settings without opening the notification tray
>music controls, clock, and notifications without having to wake up the phone
>heads-up notifications that don't get in the way of what you're doing on the main screen
Now, take LG's second screen and just combine it with the main screen, and now you have one big screen that can maintain all of the second screen functionalities, while potentially being able to contribute even more since it's now part of the main screen.

Attached: lg-v20-hand-angle-640x640.jpg (640x427, 47K)

Just find galaxy note 4 in good condition, i think it checks all of those things out

there clearly is a front camera
are you retarded?

Are you 10?

It also has a CPU which will inevitably lag and low quality EMMC. Thanks a lot Samsung.

it's a slide mechanism, you can never open the front camera if you want so.

No, I thought the person I was replying too was though so I was using their language.
>Consumerist bitch detected.

kinda agree with this, have my upvote

>not have a front facing camera
Not everyone is an ugly incel like you.

Yes. The best solution would be to bring back physical buttons and put the camera off to the side.

marketing, sir.

aesthetically pleasing simple pictures are kind of a thing in that realm of the world

But he's right, only a mindless consumerist bitch redditor would defend the notch.

Soon it will be no notch and sound will just come out of the screen where the notch used to be.

enjoy your chinkshit, never understood Jow Forums's obsession with the MiMI phones.

this "chinkshit" phone made all the industry to follow the bezeless trend (incluiding apple)
in the past apple was the one who everybody was following after their iphone design and features.
funny how the times have changed.