Trying to pirate a Russian-American film

>trying to pirate a Russian-American film
>find rips where Russian dialogue is dubbed in English
>find rips where English dialogue is dubbed in Russian
>not a single rip with original bilingual audio

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how about you buy the movie faggot

just use rutracker

imagine feeling entitled when pirating a movie lmao

buy movie, poorfag.
and a Passu too while you've got your credit card out.

But yes, dubfags need to learn how to read.

It's not available in Finland and almost certainly never will be, faggot. Unlike your third world tier WE WUZ ROMANS country, we don't suck Russia's dick.
It's not only this case, dubbing in general is the cancer.
If I could buy it, I would. But movies are not sold physically where I live, at all. The only way is netflix or shit tier Finnish imitations, or other online sources, or waiting 10 years until it comes on TV (if even then), and it isn't even on Netflix or anywhere.

>torrents in a current day and age still somehow have more content but i refuse to use them because i can't subsidise moneygrabbing publishers while doing so
have fun with no movies, lad

Torrenting is how you go to prison for 10 years. With torrents you're not only downloading but also uploading, and no one cares about downloading but uploading is given harsher punishments than rape.

Well too bad you live in top tier country
What's the movie anyway?

poor finns

I won't say because you could be FSB tracing my IP to deploy death squads, as my IP definitely was caught already by Russian piracy sites and they're all owned by Putin to entrap people... if I say here, I can't petition the Finnish government to rescue me if I get taken hostage or am held at gunpoint
It's the EU's fault, without the EU we'd be a great Turanic nation but now we have billions in debt and shit tier laws... better than western Europe, at least...

Wtf m8 i wanted to help you
BTW putin don't give a fuck bout piracy

Ok, it's "Beyond the Edge" in English... looking it up again, it seems to be only Russian? But it has Antonio Banderas in it and it clearly seems like both audios are dubbed at different parts (I only watched bits of it randomly for dialogue, it matches sometimes in English and sometimes in Russian so I figured, and Wikipedia says it's in both originally), so I thought it was half American-made.
>inb4 why the fuck do you want to watch that shit

Dude this movie is trash why do you want to watch it

It has Antonio Banderas in it, and also seems kinda interesting. I know all reviews say it's shit, I don't care, I like to watch shitty films sometimes. :^)

It seems they shoot it in english and then dubbed to russian, so you won't find original russian one anywhere. The absolute state tbqh.

So ya need English version right?

Hm. But why don't the English lines match with the lip movements sometimes, if that's the case? It's weird, sometimes they do, sometimes they don't... and every site says it's in Russian originally, except Wikipedia saying it was both Egnlsih and Russian. Confusing.
I want whatever is original.

Original audio is English m8 trust me

Probably because guy responsible for audio was drunk and retarded. """Russian""" movies lmao.

Huh, then there's no problem. It's just strange, the lip movements don't sync properly sometimes judging by the little bits I watched to determine whether it was, and all reviews say it was dubbed into English. Hmhmm. I guess this guy explained it, maybe it's just so badly made that it sounds dubbed even when it isn't... wew. Thanks

This one isnt? Ignore the subtitle.

Well that guy is right Most if our modern movies are shit

i wouldve thought such a big country like Russia would have strong movie/tv studios.

Ussr did
But now normal creators don't receive money they need

Well I already downloaded it in English without subtitles, so thanks but I don't need anymore. It just confuses me... Russia is weird as fuck.
Same in Finland desu, although recently I've heard there's been a huge surge in production quality. I don't watch any Finnish films, though, generally, because they're almost always really cringy. But Finland is a small coutnry, anyway.

Though our government do. Much to support our filmmaker it feels corrupted because money goes to the same people
BTW here's one of Hollywood killer" movie

>Фeдopa Бoндapчyкa

Though our toons arr alright
This might looks stupid but it's really hilarious

Torrents suck dude. Dont use it, unless u looking for some kind old rare shit or anything more important than these day movie. And, start learn how to use dork.
>Just saying

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