
So, what'll it be fella?

Attached: 2018 lineup.jpg (1200x550, 150K)

none of the above

Attached: naw, i ain't into that shit.jpg (325x239, 15K)

But if you had to which one?

Nice bait thread

XS Max 512 GB because I'm neither poor nor a loser without friends.

Can you fill up that 512 GB before it becomes obsolete?

No, but it increase the resell value when I sell it next year and buy the next iPhone.

if you made me pick one of those three I'd pick not having a phone.

>muh status symbol

I severely doubt your friends are legitimate, lovable friends.

this. that's why I'm reselling my iPhon 8 256gb for $650 and copping the XR. only problem I see is no unlocked retail version

I’m upgrading my iphone 6 to the XS 64GB. Personally i never understood the need for more than 32 GB of storage space. I’m just exicited for the OLED screen and the better camera


Galaxy Note 9, my phone is a tool, not a toy.

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Laptops are tools. Phones are toys for taking beautiful pictures and uploading them to several social media apps. I need the newest toy so i can show off my wealthy lifestyle to poor people

battery replacement in my iPhone 6 and a DSD DAP

apple is dead to me

t. debian macbook air

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Who’s buying that trash tho
You could get that model new for 750, no one I know wants to buy a used phone for only 100 cheaper

I’d pick XR if they were same in size as SE. I can’t handle bigger than that.


Which is best for watching anime?

It is new, I've had it for 5 months and it has 1% battery wear according to iOS. That's worth $100 less

XS Max probably. OLED and 6.5" which is bigger than any other flagship


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This would've been okay but the current notch is too big

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Soup Jow Forums, I'm an unironic paid Apple shill.
You might recognize our agency's threads like:
>y dont u own a mac r u poor? lol
>post your apple products
>where my (apple product) bros at?
>WHO HYPE FOR (apple product/event)?
>(celebrity or notable person) uses (apple product), why don't you?
>lol green bubbles
>"Perfection" (apple product photo)
>macbooks are overpriced, ok show me a laptop that... pasta
>geekbench circlejerking threads
>look! this pro-apple blog says good things about (apple product)! please click it!
>it just werks (apple product photo)
>i used to use non-apple products but then i tired apple products and never looked back!
>rotate threads and topics regularly to avoid being caught by mods as "flooding"

We focus primarily on tech blogs and the like with hacked Disqus accounts that we can buy for like 1000/$50 on the dark web for a real post history and identity. Me, I got Jow Forums with a few other guys. It's easier to bullshit on Jow Forums since we don't have a post history and people calling us out as fanboys.
Mainly, it's based on how much positive Apple discussion we generate.

>pretend to need to X, recommend Apple products to ourselves
>enter non-Apple thread and convince people to consider Apple
>get shekels

>make thread but it devolves into Apple getting shit on
>no shekels

When we can't get any good shilling going, we'll just crap on the competition, THEN try to slip in a suggestion to try Apple products.
>OMG i own this HP/Dell/MS/Samsung/LG product and it SUCKS
>co-shill comes in the thread and plugs (Apple product)
>lololol loonix has no gaymes, windows master race!
>lololol wangblows sux, linux master race!
>step in after 100 posts and make up story about how great (Apple product) is

Mostly a side job and I make $100 every month or so for no effort, but I'm quitting because they bullshitted me once on a check, plus I'm graduating so now I'm outing them.
is my former coworker

Attached: 1521581162631.png (934x580, 122K)

No my [Instert electronic here is a tool]

no self respecting Jow Forumsentleman would buy an Apple product
>pic related

Attached: there are no apple shills on g.jpg (4500x3000, 1.6M)



None of those

The XR is bigger than the XS right?
I’d upgrade but the iPhone 7 is a perfect size, I don’t want anything bigger


None. My iPhone 8 Plus is still going strong and with the upcoming iOS 12 it should last me another 2-3 years.

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If I was forced, then the one with the audio jack

Xs Max 512GB

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>buying phones to get other approval

How does it feel to be a cuck?

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Note 9 you faggot shitskin

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it's literally the best phone you can buy, no other phone comes close to matching it's specs.

iphones, apple products in general have very good resell value

>extra shit
>extra shit max
>extra retard

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we get it you vape

Mods, please permaban that scat posting faggot!

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>So, what'll it be fella?

Attached: 0.png (819x137, 9K)

X, same as xs and is cheaper

The most expensive one then resell. I don't hate iphones or anything. If you posted a picture of Androids the answer would be the same.

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>getting a phone with a norwood III

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Lmao you can't be this delusional

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keep my current phone

Attached: iphonese_family.png (1000x1000, 492K)

Hello there

Attached: galaxy-note9_overview_kv_type1_s.png (657x494, 53K)

>Being this anally ravaged

Enjoy your b&

Pocophone F1

shut the fuck up, you cocksucking macfaggot

The one with headphone jacks, and without the notch.

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