Why do people use Linux the most to hack?

Why do people use Linux the most to hack?

Attached: ss-blackhoodie.jpg (288x342, 4K)

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So people can easily hack Linux? Why do people use Linux to go on the Darknet then? Should they us Tails instead?

use windows 10 to hack and see how that works out

what would happen?

1. To prevent being hacked. Linux is open source so you can read changes before compiling it yourself and decrease the odds of using a compromised system.
2. To modify the system.
3. It's free.
4. You're not giving money to (((Google/MS/Apple))).
5. Several GNU/Linux distributions are redpilled. Just be careful of the ones infected with SJW parasites.

Attached: 28330128-concept-of-potentional-internet-danger-with-teen-girl-amd-man-in-disguise.jpg (1300x1112, 159K)

to the last point, not anymore

I'm out of the loop. Is Gentoo pozzed? What about Debian? Ian of Deb-Ian seemed redpilled and based at the end. Did he kill himself because he lost control to SJW maintainers?

in soviet windows, computer hack u

You could hack in windows but you'd have to install a bunch of random and maybe closed source toolkits, that might reveal you. If you use linux, most things are already installed (ssh for example) and its all open source so you know you won't be compromised

not a hacker but just from using linux and windows for years I would not want to use windows to hack

new COCk

>Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include:
>* Using welcoming and inclusive language
>* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
kek...oh really?
>* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
>* Focusing on what is best for the community
>* Showing empathy towards other community members

>Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
>* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances
>* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
>* Public or private harassment
>* Publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission
>* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting

Well see how long before logic is replaced by liberalcommunist emotion. The bright side is that it's hard to see how the kernel itself could get too pozzed. Although I won't count it out as an existential threat creeping closer. With enough time only a certain "type" of person will have a say there.

Attached: concerned.png (586x666, 612K)

I hope they'll get rid of all supermacist and racist terms in kernel.

They really don't, Windows is the most used operating system for developing software, and some hacking tools are only available on Windows, like Core Impact, GFI LanGuard, NetStumbler, Wikto, etc....

Does the term slave trigger you?

Attached: white slaves.jpg (403x287, 45K)

Nice propaganda.
Where did you got it?
From annual white power conference?

You're disgusting scum!

Are you trolling?

Whites were enslaved by the millions and that's not including tens of millions genocided and enslaved in gulags. Whites are the only race in history of modern civilization to abolish slavery by law, combining high IQ with high empathy. The difference in history is that whites who descend from slavery aren't dumb enought to need to play a victim card forever after. They rebuild.

Attached: jews slavery dewolf.png (815x871, 620K)

Slavery is white invention, stop spreading lies!

Windows has SSH built in these days.

I'll assume for your sake you're trolling, although low IQs actually think that.

Could you stop raiding us pls?

Linux is mostly used by companies for servers

>Kikes in Jow Forums
Go back to /v/ to spread your stupid ideas to kids stupid jew incel