>Linus is stepping back and letting other people take over the Linux kernel project
oh no no no no no nooooo
Linus is stepping back and letting other people take over the Linux kernel project
Other urls found in this thread:
hopefully it's a skilled developer like Gaben or Tim Cook
>linus leaves due to SJW pressure
>next kernel update
>banned words like:
>white man
linux has gone into a coma
and it doesnt look like its gonna make it
Can't wait for them to replace the master-slave terminology. Tired of having marginalized people become discouraged to contribute because this toxic codebase
they won't ban "white man" or "nazi" because then they won't be able to label people they disagree with as such
You don't understand how stupid this people are.
They literally already did this in EA's new battlefield game.
They also censored Titanfall, one of the game's competitors.
>and did i mention?
>russia also has
>C - R - Y - P - T - O - G - R - A - P - H - Y
the chat filter is broken, titanfall and battlefield are both owned by EA
>I am going to take time off and get some assistance on how to
>understand people’s emotions and respond appropriately.
He's already dead, burried somewhere in bumfuck Haapavesi, isn't it? They swapped him.
Please God no, I want my based asshole kernel manager back!
Come on. Not even fucking Mark Roberto Zuckerfuck would write something like wanting to understand people’s emotions and respond appropriately.. the hell is that.
The plan that's been forming is now becoming clear.
The CIA niggers drugged him and got his account passwords. God help us all.
First Terry, and now this. Coincidence?
How well does *BSD run on modern hardware? I got Ubuntu working just fine on my dell XPS 9570 but how much work is it to get it working on *BSD
the CIA niggers got him two, BSD soon, Front9 next
We tried to warn you guys multiple times. But:
>REEEEE I want to use systemd because I'm dumb as a rock and don't care about security or choice
>I love Rust now! Go purple hairs!
>FreeBSD sounds great, stick it in my asshole please!
Has anyone here read the new CoC or is everyone just spewing shit from their mouths after some fag on Jow Forums said some shit?
It's ogre.
Oh yeah
Whoa no!
I would wait for the 6.4 release, since you seem to be using a coffee lake's GPU.
Don't lump me in with them, and further there's a lot I tried to warn probably you and everyone else about, but to no avail.
The problem is that human behavior is incredibly easy to control in societies that have reached a manner and degree of vertical organization where deep conditioning and lifestyle control are feasible. Couple that with modern media and various control organizations, like the FCC, AMA, CDC, ACS, FDA, and so forth, there's a lot you can pull off.
Huxley and Orwell at first appear to suggest opposite futures, but it is not the case. It's very compatible. Huxley stated the future would be one where people are bombarded and drowned in such noise, alienation from the source of information, and just such a barrage of irrelevant garbage and half truths, that the truth would be lost as the desire for truth is lost. Truth speakers are drowned out. Orwell of course spoke of a future where information would be controlled, the truth would be regulated and kept from people, and they would be stripped even of the ability to speak of it. Both are happening.
People can't bring themselves to face that we're all just cattle to be trained, used, and thrown away as needed. You cna live your life believing you're making meaningful choices, but ultimately the broader population direction is readily controlled. The rich control the product of their labors, others do not. And it's that simple. With the right process and enough time, you can make people into just about anything.
What do we do? I don't know. Divide and conquer is brutally effective. There's a lot of apathy and emotional baggage out there. Communication is poor. So forth.
is linus losing it? are they sneaking onions into his coffee??
i just tried installing plan9 and openbsd after i learned about linux getting justed into oblivion, my ethernet card doesnt work on either one, im just gonna have to stay on kernel version 4.18 until an alternative is available
>linus just apologized for past behavior
There's a shin megami tensei game on Android where "Sega", "Sonic", "Gacha" and all sorts of random common words are all banned. I think they had "hole" wordfiltered but not "ass".
it is time to begin migrating towards plan 9 or inferno
if you work in consultancy or something like that, do the world of technology a favor and incorporate 9P and perhaps plan9 or inferno into whatever infrastructure you're designing
is it a fairly new atheros card by any chance?
yep, i dont know exactly what its called but im pretty sure its a qualcomm aetheros card. its the ethernet card on the x399 aorus gaymen 7 motherboard
i remember that happening on my laptop nearly 10 years ago with windows 7. no drivers. i thought ethernet adapters were quite standardized at least from the same fucking vendor.
That's fine... ZFS runs better on BSD anyways.
how much are decent ethernet PCI-e cards? if they are around 30$ id be willing to buy it to be able to actually use a non pozzed OS
>Huxley and Orwell at first appear to suggest opposite futures, but it is not the case
Huxley was Orwell's (Blair's) teacher.
Tell me more.
too bad satan runs the show *cough* oracle
Windows doesn't have this problem.
>Git is bought by microsoft
>Linus steps down
Github use git as control revision tool but git begin absolute independent github or Linus(today)