Why do Jow Forums always blame pajeet?
Why do Jow Forums always blame pajeet?
Because Jow Forums has been ostracized their whole life. Now that they're on a Micronesian basketweaving forum, they feel a greater sense of unity. Jow Forums is the amalgamation of intellectuals, retards, and degenerates. We have to put someone down to feel better about ourselves because we are the scraps at the bottom of the barrel.
They try to make you focus on Pajeet shitting on the street to distract you from them shitting up the board
Because they still support a caste system despite their "muh biggus democracy" bullshit.
They think everyone else is a dumbed down slave like them.
Have you ever met a good programmer from India?
They're smelly and think everyone's dumb when they're actually the dumb ones, their accents are straight up disgusting, make me feel sick
we also blame jews, trannies and niggers
poo in loo lol
They shill AMD garbage nonstop
This. 4ch is a white supremacist neo Nazi social network. We blame all but white males. We cannot be the change we want to see. We instead choose an easy way out and start the blame game like a teenage girl.
Indianfag here, caste system is political tool to gain votes in an election(votebank politics) than help upbringing of the poor.
Eligible people take all benefits of this even if they don't deserve it.
"""Normal""" students gets fucked in the ass because we have to pay full fees for our college during admission and harder to get a seat in top college, degenerates who belong to lower caste get away by paying 50 % to 10 % of the fees and get admitted to top colleges despite being a brainlet having low IQ and low scores.
Politics is the reason caste system isn't being abolished.
Pajeet here, who cares I wish I wasn't born in this fucking shithole, life is hell here.
>low iq
>curry eating hindu body odor
>disgusting personality obtained from eckart tole self improvement blogs
statistically it's a most likely a south asian's fault if anything bad happens
Google the "Asian creativity problem".
This is what we're talking about when we say that Asians have no soul.
If you want feel really sick like you want to kys, just try havin a talk with amerimutts lmao
Shoo shoo nasty pajeet
>phone ex-internet provider because they charged me a bill this month due to a failed communication between the two companies
>phone call is answered by some hindu scum
>can't do anything for me and just transfers me to someone slightly better (a scot)
>get transferred again to someone without Irn Bru and skag in his veins
Because out of the few people here who actually know how to code, 90% of them are so mediocre they have to compete with low skill immigrants for bottom of the barrel jobs.
Wrong, I'm a mestizo liberal socialist and I hate pajeets.
There are legitimate reasons to hate them.
They basically run the IT industry like a cartel and only hire other pajeets. It's the most blatant form of systemic racism that currently exists.
Yup this, and no one can call them racist because they have shit colored skin
A lot of companies in the west outsource shit like tech support to india, which just means that a good amount of the time there's a huge language barrier and it's impossible to get decent service. If you've worked in the tech industry, you've probably had to deal with unintelligible indians at your workplace as well. Not to mention the crap qualifications they can have, but I haven't personally dealt with anything like that. As long as you can speak english well and your accent isn't so strong that you're hard to understand, and you're not a complete retard on the job, the stereotype doesn't really apply.
>They basically run the IT industry like a cartel and only hire other pajeets. It's the most blatant form of systemic racism that currently exists.
So what you saying is that...
Pajeets are the Jews of IT?
>basically run the IT industry like a cartel and only hire other pajeets
Actually yes, I agree with you on that and that solely makes me hate Indians as well but I think if they write good maintainable code, they're okay. And then there are bunch of them in Redmond writing NTkernel with print statements for debugging.
>lying this much on your resume
this is why
fyi you are not as intelligent as you think you are.
and look at this fucking pajeet who is actually so entitled he thinks he's too good for india than trying to improve it. get the fuck out please if you want so much.
much rather my hard work go to indians who like staying here than you faggots
all true , any indian who denies this is living in delusion.
much rather own it and try to better from it than these other shitholers ITT.
Common enemies unite people. Poos just happened to be a convenient target.
I agree with that post
ya'll racist scumbags aren't any better than SJWs infesting FOSS projects with muh diversity meme, fuck off you amerimutt brainlets