The Linux COC

A lot of people aren't understanding why this is a negative thing so, allow me to clarify. The average kernel developer is most likely autistic, has almost never had a girlfriend, and do extremely bad in social situations. They are on the team not for their ability to be nice to eachother, but because the are programmers. Most of these people are brash and could care less to act proper and dignified and would rather not do that, so the quality of the kernel will suffer immensly and production will be slowed down to a halt because every autist helping develop it will get rewarded for breaking userspace and have another saying, ''awww u diwint mean it honeybun :))''. And then the autist will respond in a manner that is unnaceptable because he has legitimate autism and will be kicked off the project.

Attached: cielos.jpg (500x334, 27K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Look what happened when Firefox and GNOME got cucked. The software went down the toilet because people are too busy crying about leftist crap instead of marking quality software.

It will poisoning the well.
The community will be patrolled by SJW and they will banned everybody mean which will makes everything slow and create drama.
Also they will add backdoors for big business and cooperate with the government.
This will be the end of free speech.

Does this thread have a code of conduct?

You don't even need to be brash. At some point assuming one's gender is going to be enough.

Linux is kill anyway. It's time to adopt nanokernels

this affects kernel devs which does not affect anyone on Jow Forums. making up fantasy scenarios where it breaks is worse than CoCs. If it goes down the toilet it goes down the toilet.

the very intent is to banish white men, they are not even trying to hide it

But Firefox is better now and they're actually innovating again. GNOME fucked up hard with 3.

mozilla is scamming hard these days though, mozilla research and the engineering guys are cool but they aren't decision makers.

Firefox is burretty fucking comfy do.

>The average kernel developer is most likely autistic, has almost never had a girlfriend, and do extremely bad in social situations.

Average kernel developer is employed full time by Silicon Valley. Those companies don't want your Joe Random hacker as a contributor and want linus out after he publicly shat on Intel meltdown patches. CoC is just a tool for these companies for power politicking, they can decide what is harassment, what is acceptable behavior so on.

just fork the kernel then?

oh wait, that's not going to happen, because your base assumption of:

>The average kernel developer is most likely autistic, has almost never had a girlfriend, and do extremely bad in social situations.

isn't actually true! You're only describing yourself and then indulging in the fantasy that you're not pathetic by self inserting into a diverse group of smart successful people and pretending they are somehow all like you lmao

yes you are all transphobic and therefore banned, lol.

yfw anonymity means immunity from coc

the software will get better, it's not like Linus is leaving. Remember that he's still in charge of the kernel and if anything he can just step in and adopt something different. He's just trying to take a break because there's no way out of a situation like that without taking some time to get out of the spotlight.. watch the kernel go to shit and then boom! Linus saves the day. Also Firefox has gotten way better.

Most people at Mozilla want to mutilate their genitalia

The global and Jow Forums rules, I guess.

No it's not
it gobbles up ram when I have a lot of tabs open and a lot of my favorite old plugins don't work since a certain special update.

I miss you, daily dilbert tool. And Cookie Editor+ (which I used for exhentai)

Attached: intense moral choices.gif (500x281, 992K)

he will be made to leave

I'm OK with this. People with autism should be receiving treatment to improve their lives.

i want to nakadashi tsumiki

>it gobbles up ram
This has been since forever.
Only browser that never gobbled ram has been old Opera.
And deprecation of old add-on has worked great for me.
I now numerous installed but enable the ones I need when I need w/o having to restart.

> allows system d and unaudited alphabet backdoor
Guys system d makes life so much easier
> coc
Omg Linux has finally been compromised

Linux users should die

not that other guy but the webextension regression killed like 80% of my addons for which there can never ever be replacements so can't upgrade ever.

backdoor? What are you referring to?

in all seriousness nobody gives a fuck anymore about the kernel ever since switching to version 2
the same time when we all stopped visiting /.

You probably should take that as a hint you were using old and unmaintained software all this time.

Firefox 57+ does not have Firefox 52 features. Regression. I'll write and maintain the software myself if I have to but there's no way to do that on "new" "maintained" broken software.

Who hurt you?

For fucks sake, you retards act like the people who work on the kernel all sit in a fucking office together. They don't. These degenerate trannies you're worried about, can't see you working at home.Lennart could be screaming "Nigger!" right now , and it won't change a thing.

Because Jow Forums can't understand A) mental health and B) getting along with anyone. CoCs mean fuck all since that was always expected of anyone who had a job.

slippery slope fallacy fgt

In the end the only one who remains uncucked is RMS-sama.

What addons you cannot have a replacement for? Even Tree Style Tabs and gestures have been ported. DTA is the only one I miss.

>A) i will impose my narrow view i learned from my tranny studies on a group of people i never met that's always memeing and are ironic posters
B) i do this so i dont have to acknoledge concerns that i dont have

>CoCs mean fuck all since that was always expected of anyone who had a job.
What exactly was wrong with the old code of conduct, tranny?

>free software should be like a job

capitalism apologists get out reeeee

This. Firefox triples its RAM usage every year or two. It's horse shit. The modern web is horse shit. Modern software in general was a mistake.

web2.0 btfo

obviously anything that would be split into multiple processes now, like things that work across multiple tabs or basically anything touching mozilla's stuff. There's still no acceptable vim addon for example since outside of the page context it doesn't work.

Jow Forums has one of the highest tranny populations on the planet, probly second to thailand. Nothing was wrong before but Jow Forums is still a bunch of tards.

all things that are done professionally have the exact same standards, CoCs are just enumerating them. The people who write CoCs should rightfully be out on their ass though.

>Average kernel developer is employed full time by Silicon Valley. Those companies don't want your Joe Random hacker as a contributor and want linus out after he publicly shat on Intel meltdown patches. CoC is just a tool for these companies for power politicking, they can decide what is harassment, what is acceptable behavior so on.


Not him, but LiveClick and with Moz planning on removing the entire RSS functionality from FF the chances for a full replacement are next to nil.

see also

The CoC is designed to benefit activists that contribute nothing and hurt exactly the people you describe.

The reasons given for adding CoCs are things that will almost never happen to people who make code contributions,
and only "protect" people that bring unrelated politics and other bullshit into a project from criticism.

just upgrade to windows 10

That might be their intent but they're a bunch of mentally ill people. That's just not how the world works.

I also think it's because of his Intel rant, Red Hat, Linux Foundation. They can get rid of him, so they are now trying to. Especially after 2018.

Red Hat wants KDBUS BUS1 (or whatever it is called right now) and new Lockdown mechanism with Secure Boot.

His rant in April 2018 against Lockdown via Secure Boot:

His rant against Poettering and Sievers / Red Hat (2012): "two-faced lying weasel"

His rant against Intel:

All rants are pretty great and based. They want to get rid of him. And get someone more convient. (see here for general collection mechanisms on how to achieve this vis SJW/Coc terror:

Attached: gnu_linux_portrait_by_deevad-daoe7p82323.jpg (752x1063, 119K)

Has anyone, really, used the built-in RSS functionality of Firefox? It offered nothing more than notifying you of new articles since you're given only a link. That is you never had the most important RSS feature: reading articles without having to visit a site.

None of this matters though as there's already a full RSS reader
which includes LiveClick functionality (besides being a complete reader of course)

>not using newsboat

not much of a fallacy anymore, trannies are as much men/women as furries are dogs. which is to say - not at all.

It's weaponized autism.

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>i know the mayority of Jow Forums irl lol
nothing was wrong with linus keeping the kernel quality with an iron fist it wrong for 30 fucking years. now the mentally ill leftists trannies will let the kernel at the mercy of mass surveilance companies and government agencies bcuz "hate speech reeeeee"

i use it

Mentally ill leftists and trannies don't run the kernel development. That's still corporations paying for contract work. Trannies that can't dance to the corporate song will be eliminated just like everywhere else in the world.

Important to remember: a high percentage of trannies are autistic and want to infiltrate other trannies into their favorite obsessions

Important to remember: Jow Forums has already been infiltrated by leftist trannies to spread their anti-outrage to further their isolation and tranny causes.

Not as convenient or fast as LiveClick for my use case. LiveClick gave me an alert in the bookmark bar with 1 click already showing me the relevant feed without having to open any extra tabs and tooltip showing me part of the body so just hovering over it was enough to see if I should bother or not.

>Mentally ill leftists and trannies don't run the kernel development.
Irrelevant as they run the decision process of who is allowed to run kernel development.

>Trannies that can't dance to the corporate song will be eliminated just like everywhere else in the world.
The "corporate song" is the globohomocomplex. The whole reason that trannies are successfully entering positions of power is precisely because of how well they dance to the corporate song.

They don't "run" anything they aren't being paid to run. Money is the only thing that matters and it has no gender.

>their brains literally behave like the brains of the gender they say they are
Gets my noggin joggin

aaa stop complaining about coc its a minor change and a positive one on top of that

its also not technology

also trash patches by shit people will have to be accepted because the coc forbids discrimination based on merit.

Jow Forums relentlessly shat on systemd and that wasn't part of the kernel and can easily be removed by installing gentoo. This actually affects the kernel and therefore all distros of it.

last I checked Torvalds is married and has children

>durr ur average dev is a 90 lbs virgin

>ur average dev is a 90 lbs
who the fuck said that? Don't be retarded

So what we need is an OS developed purely anonymously on a blockchain.

We will call it HitlerLinux

that's another angle. the biggest issue is you're giving moral authoritarians power.

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So, SJW trannies have backdoored Linus with CoC. Figures

>accepting a tranny's CoC
Choke yourself, faggot.

They are trying to replace him now.


promoted/retweeted by: (the "author" of on which the Linux "Coc" is 1:1 based on.)

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-18 Valerie Aurora on Twitter.png (640x374, 39K)

accelerate it desu.

Attached: 1401327973259.jpg (373x350, 100K)

Jow Forums is our only hope.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-18 Coraline Ada Ehmke on Twitter.png (640x158, 16K)

>not being railed by Jow Forums on a daily basis

RIP Linux

but this was gonna happen one way or the other. Torvalds is getting older, one day in most of our lifetimes he'll permanently retire from the project and/or die, what's gonna happen then?

also, RIP computers and programming in general
>Terry's dead
>Linus is cucked into submission
I just have this inexplicable feeling that this is all the harbinger of dire times ahead. things have been escalating for years now of course but it feels like we're in for some truly dark times in the coming years. of course it just HAD to happen when I'm nearing the end of my 20s and looking for anything resembling stable employment.

I'm just going to brace myself for when the bubble inevitable pops, and you all should too

Attached: hard times.gif (497x373, 489K)

Twitter needs to go down. Now.

>we've watched this happen dozens of times, it always starts the same way
>muh slippery slope

Go fuck a dog, commie


It's not all of tech that's dying it's core silicon valley shits that are going down. They're losing their base and tech companies are moving all over. Texas is pretty big on tech firms already.

fucking this
every commit is based on it's own merrit
not the reputation or social status of the submitter

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, Contributer Covenant/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Contributer Covenant plus Linux. Linux is not an inclusive environment unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning CoC made useful by the inclusive standards, emphasis on diversity, and anti harassment components comprising a full safe space as defined by Coraline Ada. Many computer users run a modified version of the Contributer Covenant every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of the Contributer Covenant which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the Contributer Covenant, developed by Coraline Ada. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the community they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of a social justice mission, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the Contributer Covenant: the whole system is basically the Contributer Covenant with Linux added, or Contributer Covenant/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of Contributer Covenant/Linux.

This is going to end as well as that engineering firm whos diversity hires led to a bridge collapse

Fuck all this shit. I'm ready for the Jow Forums and reddit hordes to come in and start flinging shit and burning it all to the ground. I'm tired off all these faggots putting their petty emotional schizo bullshit over the work. This shit is counter intuitive to actual technological progress.

>Money is the only thing that matters and it has no gender.
Money doesn't matter in the slightest to the people enabling this bullshit as they've all already made their fortunes and the goal now is to change the world so that no one else can.

that's only part of the picture. major political happenings are underway and it will affect everywhere big money and lobbying exists. I'm not going to elaborate my position on this board but anyone who's been looking and knows anything about cycles has seen the signs, and anyone who's been following politics with a truly open mind as free from bias as possible understands the greater political implications behind the recent political chaos and disarray, both in the US and in the world at large.

don't get me wrong, I feel privileged to live in such a turbulent and interesting time in history, but still, I wish I was born 15 years earlier so I could get a job in my field and be well-established financially before all this shit goes down.

Money is all that matters.

>not going to elaborate my position
cause you're a fucking mental case conspiracy shitter as bad as any tranny.

>Money is all that matters.

Which is precisely why they will burn down the world to ensure that no one else can accumulate enough of it to challenge them.

"It's over" is NOT an option. Do you want these ((("guys"))) to win?

>CORALINE: I once had a Q&A at a conference and someone at the end was like, “Why do you call yourself a code witch?” And I’m like, “I write code and I’m literally a witch. It’s very obvious.”

>CORALINE: [...] So, I’ve been involved with occultism since I was 13 years old. And I’ve worked in a lot of different traditions. I did Golden Dawn. I did Thelema. I invented my own magical system based on a reinterpretation of ancient Egyptian religion and magic. And then I fell out of it for a while. And when I transitioned, I decided that I had room for that in my life and I wanted a spiritual component in my life again. So, I adapted what’s called Chaos Magic. So technically, I’m a Chaos Magician. But I find the word witch very empowering, so I use that name for what I do.

>CORALINE: [...} And my data model is based on Kabbalah.

>JAMEY: Oh, that’s so cool.

>CORALINE: The ancient Jewish mystic tradition. And it makes sense to me, because for thousands of years, before the introduction of organized science in the 1700s or the 17th century rather, people have been studying the relationship between self and other and self and the universe and self and divine. And that’s not something that you should lightly throw away, just because the scientific method wasn’t applied yet. There’s a lot of really valuable insight and a lot of valuable work that’s been done. And it can absolutely be repurposed.

>Notable Rubyist, Nefarious Code Witch, And Notorious Social Justice Warrior

Attached: Screenshot_2018-09-18 075 Code and Witchcraft with Coraline Ada Ehmke.png (1014x972, 1006K)

thats all I can post right now

you literally cannot make this shit up

Just make a cocless fork of linux.

Attached: nococ.png (474x474, 71K)

i meant to this user

Anyone else kind of want to see this happen?

>purple-hair omnigender joins kernel team
>yay I finally made it in tech!
>ok time for your first task sweetheart
>this motherboard is reporting invalid EDID information on the PCI2 channel, can you fix that and make sure you validate the kernel buffers afterwards? Thanks!


sounds fun but reality is this sadly

>some beta bitch boy will do it for her and they continue their moral faggotry

this information is being removed from Jow Forums and reddit
a thread on it was just removed:

This is concerning. There may be a deeper cause for the recent behavioral change in Linus.
His own daughter is apparently in on the concept presented in the "Post-Meritocracy Manifesto" written by Coraline Ada Ehmke:

>Meritocracy is a founding principle of the open source movement, and the ideal of meritocracy is perpetuated throughout our field in the way people are recruited, hired, retained, promoted, and valued.

>But meritocracy has consistently shown itself to mainly benefit those with privilege, to the exclusion of underrepresented people in technology. The idea of merit is in fact never clearly defined; rather, it seems to be a form of recognition, an acknowledgement that “this person is valuable insofar as they are like me.”

>Interpersonal skills are at least as important as technical skills [...] We acknowledge the value of non-technical contributors as equal to the value of technical contributors.

Linus' daughter Patricia Torvalds has signed the document, runs the Portland branch of "Guerrilla Feminism", affirms the need for "safe spaces" in the Open Source community:
>I think this applies well to attracting and maintaining a talented and diverse mix of contributors: Safe spaces are important.
>I have seen the misogynistic and racist comments made in some open source communities, and subsequent dismissals when people point out the issues.

The Patricia interview:

A LOCKED Jow Forumslinux post on the topic, posted 3 hours ago:

>The Patricia interview:
she makes it pretty clear she has zero interest in technology.

Better download old copies now then?

you don't have to follow every conspiracy angle through to completion and see if it rings true or not to see that we're in a politically turbulent time right now. I'm not going to derail the thread by enumerating recent incidents, election results, and political actions in world politics to prove my point, because I think it's self-evident to anyone who pays a modicum of attention to the world around them.

in tech specifically, you have social media sites being publicly interviewed by elected officials as to the nature of their business. and you even have guys like the guy who showed up from Twitter giving interesting responses to questions, showing that, despite appearances, they're not naive to the greater power their platforms have and the societal influence they wield. if I told you this would happen 20 years ago you wouldn't have been able to comprehend that the web would be so normified to the point where we have to even ask ourselves the question, "do social media platform owners wield power comparable to that of state governments?" yet here we are today

we have supercomputers in our pockets running the most bloated tech stack conceivable to send text and multimedia back and forth between client and server, and present it on the screen in an interactable way. crybabies who never left high school mentally unironically push for the abolition of meritocracy in open-source projects, and the project leads bow their heads and and drink the "diversity" kool-aid. Redmond is overrun by irl furries (not even joking). tech just sucks today and the prove-yourself-to-get-the-career-you-deserve job position where you hang out with other autistic dorks and make cool shit with computers is a thing of the past.

Attached: 1493667065578.png (760x839, 760K)

Are we seriously getting to the point where all we can trust are ancient computers running tiny open-source OSs, and handling entirely plaintext files?


Is Debian 9.5.0 uncucked for now? I am downloading right now

>women can't Tech
>LARP women can't Tech
Absolutely based