/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Search: qwant, searx, ixquick or startpage.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.
*Many free software projects have an active bugzilla where you can check and report errors.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Previous thread:

Attached: rms.jpg (2272x2119, 1.7M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Glad you understood!

I'll just ask again, how is your experience with Guix?

Mods keep deleting threads about the tranny menace

>That picture.
I have not enough memory to hold all the eeeeee of my reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, and that's even assuming they swap memory pages into compressed virtual memory.

well usually it is just shell scripting, with embedded sub-languages like sed and awk. if you need more than that you can use Perl or Python.

a good dividing line is that you write a shell script if the primary purpose of your program is to run other programs and feed them input and display, process, or pass along their output somehow. You need a "real" programming language once you want to write something more self-contained that's doing its own thing much more than its going to be calling other programs.

That statement would be true if you replaced meritocracy with judaism

is gud

Getting Gamergate flash backs from /v/

Does this thread have a cock?

"Do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny."


BASED commie

He speaks the truth.

I have been trying to install arch on this system (a sempron 3000+) and tried everythibg from arch 32 to anarchy but it keeps kernel panicking
I can only install debian lubuntu void on this system
> pic related
> sorry for shit quality

Attached: 20180917_223210.jpg (3264x2448, 1.47M)

What's a good font set for Linux?
The one I've got right now is shit. Arrows and emojis are all like this.

Attached: shit arrow.png (71x27, 1K)

>the guardian

You're in the wrong thread, user.

>phase out meritocracy to protect fee fees
>all code becomes horribly bloated and programs require 300% more resources

why can't i make this directory?
mkdir github.com/user
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘github.com/user/’: No such file or directory

mkdir github.com
mkdir github.com/user

Does github.com exist? If not then either create it first, or tell mkdir to auto-create non-existent directories with "mkdir -p github.com/user"

mkdir -p github.com/user

>The guardian
Is this a troll?

>spent more than an hour watching a podcast with larry wall
>it was boring af and there was absolutely nothing interesting

Attached: 1501397071785.jpg (670x641, 94K)

>Linux becomes Windows
dear god no

So i'm going to dual boot linux and w10. Linux will be used for pretty much everything i do (programming, web, multimedia, games with proton / native) and windows 10 for steam and ue4 dev.

I've only had experience with ubuntu on unity (mostly 14.04 lts), and to be fair i love unity, it just feels very productive and clean. Still i'm thinking about trying out kde neon. Can you recommend it for programming? How do workspaces and shorcuts compare to those of ubuntu?

Those of Unity *

Also tl;dr: 18.04 LTS with Unity vs Kde neon, programming, general usage and games

do a memtest. From what I saw MCE 4 is related to RAM problems.

There's always Open/Dragonfly BSD.

>more of stallmans communist bullshit
If i work hard and obtain a higher status and level of life, its my life to do with as as i please. The exact same opportunities exist for you, more that if you arent a white male, as such you have greater resources to use to obtain the same status. If you choose not to use these resources, and sit back and wallow in your own self pity and filth, thats all on you and enjoy it. But do not say that what i accomplish is some how demeaned because you're too fucking lazy to try it.
stallmans told status:
[] Not told

The rest of Stallman's quote actually debunks you:
>The idea of "meritocracy" has served as an excuse for making life harsher for most poor people. The fact that a few — those who are exceptionally hardworking, gifted, and lucky — win a better life provides an excuse for the elite to claim that the harsh life for the rest is their own fault.
>In most cases, those few are competing for a limited set of slots. Even if everyone were as hardworking, gifted, and lucky, they couldn't all get the rewards.
>But even the slots were plenty, we can't demand that everyone to be gifted and lucky. We don't live in Lake Wobegon, where all the children are above average. We ought to make a decent live available to everyone, even those who are less capable, or unlucky.

Attached: the-needs-of-the-many-outweigh-the-needs-of-the-few-quote-2.jpg (733x519, 50K)

These threads on suicide watch.

Attached: NOOOO.jpg (393x393, 38K)

>comes into your thread to shit all over you
and to think we're so butthurt


>"the exact same opportunities exist for you"
>said the upper middle class privileged white kid whose parents paid for his college
Get lost, this isn't your echo chamber containment board. We have enough critical sense here not to fall for that cheap illiterate rhetoric. Return to

Im fucking mexican+

I've been here since it was the proper thread title
/FLT/ - Friendly Linux Thread

Implying you have to use gnu is excluding a very large portion of Linux users. But gnufags dont care about that as long as they get their name on someone elses work, thats all they care about
So no, you get out of my thread with your communist bullshit and hippie rhetoric

>drug addicted junkie mom
>no dad
>put in foster care at 17
>find poor friend, move in with him and his poor family at 18, help pay bills and buy groceries
>join National Guard, get secret clearance, go to university, become contractor for military
>have tranny gf
It's so sad to see that Jow Forums has also succumbed to the SJW menace. The fact that you put incredible value on skin tone is a testament to your - and your movement's - terrible, cancerous hypocrisy. Your post displays prejudice, exclusion, and focus on race and socioeconomic status. You are among the most cancerous, hypocritical, up-your-own-ass faggots the SJW movement has brought about in the past 6 years. Please learn that.

you should make that thread and see how well it does against these. you can shit all over everybody there instead.

>you worked your entire life to achieve a successful life
>you are now entitled to give away all your fortune and success because ITS NOT FAIR that others are being lazy and dont want to achieve anything but want the rewards.
stallman is just mad that those around him in the same time were more successful them him.Such as steve jobs and bill gates. Same time period, but stinky stallman would rather bitch about things other people do then attain the same things and then distribute his wealth to the poor.
Notice how he has never used his fame/popularity to gain resources and distribute them to the poor?
He stays poor and lets college students give him free money for existing.

i want to switch from ATI/AMD drivers to AMD drivers, former named radeon latter amdgpu, i have checked that i have CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU_SI=Y flag in kernel, appended MODULES=(amdgpu radeon) to mkinitcpio.conf and i am about to add radeon.si_support=0 amdgpu.si_support=1 to GRUB config
is it beneficial? i mean when i hwinfo --gfxcard it prompts with
Driver: "radeon"
Driver Modules: "radeon"

meaning that im using this older driver right? according to x.org and wikipedia my R9 270x should be able to run this newer driver so im not really sure if ill fuck up something badly

do you live in Mexico?
do you see the SJW movement spreding to Mexico in the future?

You cunts report it and the asperg mods delete the thread

>just keeps shitting

Epic strawman.

Yeah why don't we just...kill poor people? This is how we fix poverty.

Its stallmans LITERAL life, read up on his autobiography, read his inane ramblings on stallman.org. Its literally how he has lived his live and preached while taking nothing but handouts from the poor.

Why dont poor people take advantage of the FUCK HUGE amount of programs that will give them a place to live so they can get a job and then not be poor anymore.
But no they rather take handouts and live on the street then put in a hard days work.

A place to live? Where, in an asylum? They don't really have much else in my country. Just kill poor people and solve poverty.

Half way houses
State funded shelters
Private funded shelters
Christian rental homes
Fucking programs are everywhere

mental illness.
they typically require you to be sober, which an inability to maintain sobriety would be considered a mental illness
and then there's mental illness where you dont trust others.. because they've shit on you in the past maybe?

regardless I don't think the /fglt/ is the best place for this shit

l-lads am i good to go?

Then take the Jow Forums part out of it and keep your communist religious political beliefs out of a technical thread. this thread was perfectly fine without you ASSERTING your self in to the thread and making it about religion and politics.

>In some ways, Linux was the project that really made the split clear between what the FSF is pushing which is very different from what open source and Linux has always been about which is more of a technical superiority instead of a — this religious belief in freedom.

>There are 'extremists' in the free software world, but that's one major reason why I don't call what I do 'free software' any more. I don't want to be associated with the people for whom it's about exclusion and hatred.
>-- Linus Torvalds

>Fucking programs are everywhere
Not here.

If you're in a poor country, you dont count in any statistic, just fucking stow away on a train to literally any other country.

Personally I don't think 90% of our world even has a life at all, ironically. The system is their life, and money is the scoreboard.

Any intelligent person should know that that's not how you advance a civilization. Advancement always occurs when people have the luxury of freeing themselves from the system (at least for some reasonable portion of their daily life).

Now I'm not going to take sides on this, but I do want to just comment on how hilarious it is to me when I see """rich people""" who still work 40hrs a week, because in my book they're poor and are wasting their lives.
The goal isn't to make money user, the goal is to improve life.
Most people don't realize that our economic system is hardly anything more than a wealth distribution paradigm, a game that you play just to declare your slice of the pie, probably at a pointless job that yields nothing meaningful to anyone anyway, or only has the illusion of meaning due to other outdated systems.

>op image is oppressive to me
we've been dealing with shitty drawn frogs for three days as OP image and nobody complained as much as you do

>just migrate dude
Why don't poor people just buy more money?

So are us redpilled linux users going to need to migrate over to a BSD kernel now that the sjw's are impregnating linux?
Gentoo/BSD is a thing

>the goal is to improve life.
>you're poor if you work 40 hours a week
You improve life with money.
I would rather be the sadest mother fucker with a roof over my head,proper heating/cooling, a bitching computer and a rad entertainment system, a fridge full of food and a rack of my favorite scotch.
It sounds like you're poor and get handouts so you can "TRULY UNDERSTAND HOW LIFE IS".

>why dont poor people get a job and then work hard and move to a new country.
Poor faggots have LITERALLY been doing this for hundreds of years when they immigrate to the USA. Whats your excuse?(Other been being poor and refusing to take initiative and fix your life?)

stallman has no point in being posted, he has contributed nothing to the tech industry since 1981 when he FORKED another persons project and claimed it as his own.

install DragonflyBSD

the time to be friendly is over

Attached: 1505245345143.jpg (605x400, 50K)

anons, I...

>immigrate to the USA
i don't want to get shot

>It sounds like you're poor and get handouts so you can "TRULY UNDERSTAND HOW LIFE IS".
I make 60k a year with potential to get up to 120k.

>I would rather be the sadest mother fucker with a roof over my head,proper heating/cooling, a bitching computer and a rad entertainment system, a fridge full of food and a rack of my favorite scotch.
Sounds like a pretty simple lifestyle, I too want a very simple lifestyle. Do you think it makes sense that you have to work work just as hard to acquire those simple goods as someone who wants to own 5 houses and a private jet?

This world is a madhouse full of workaholics.
Do you also think it's just a monumental coincidence that every single job is optimally performed at exactly 40hrs a week? Or is it more likely that NO thought goes into it whatsoever and every job just defaults to 40hrs because "it's just the way things are"?
Obviously it's the latter. And what makes you think any other aspect of our economy is any different? People fool themselves into thinking it has to be this way and that it's all delicately crafted by geniuses to work, but it's not.
There are so many things that could change if we actually put some thought into it instead of just going with tradition.

i swear to god if you autistic nerds let these communist trannies win you will be mercilessly mocked and taunted until my throat is sore!

It's ok user, we voluntarily surrender, so you win. You can leave now.

give it a go, why are you even loading the radeon modules in the initramfs though?
please consider shitting on your own kind next time

>Do you think it makes sense that you have to work work just as hard to acquire those simple goods as someone who wants to own 5 houses and a private jet?
Get over your self you self righteous fuckwit.

>40 hours
If you can do 40 hours of work in 20, by all mean go ahead and do it, but you wont get paid more.

I busted my ass working 120 hours a week since i was 16. Now i telecommute most days and might go in to the office twice a week for maybe 2 hours. I worked to get to where i am and i reap the benefits of it. If you dont want to put the work in you wont get the rewards, its how life is. No one is going to give you a free ride just because you have some communistic ideology that isnt compatible with modern society. No one is going to give you all the things they worked their ass off just because you want to be lazy and a communist.

Why arent you working the system to your benefit and then giving away all you rewards an accomplishments to the poor people you relate to so well? Why arent you the one changing things, supposedly, and giving to the poor everything that you have? Whats a better FUCK YOU ECONOMY then gaming it and giving away everything you earn?

GNUL getting too popular was a mistake.
You should never let big companies have an interest in your project unless they're buying it outright.

My work laptop has been running out of memory while running a database, VS code and chrome. I usually only have one chrome window with 5-8 tabs and one vs code window and it still freezes.

I've since switched from Gnome to MATE and I haven't had a freeze since then but it's still consuming a fuckton of memory. When I boot up the computer there's a good 1.1-1.5 GB of RAM being used no matter what DE I use. Is this normal for Ubuntu 18.04. The only thing that would be running to my knowledge is ClamAV.

I'm thinking about switching to Xfce but it only saves maybe 200mb and I'd have to redo all of my hotkeys since the interface is super inefficient.

Attached: linuxmemory.jpg (1733x1800, 389K)

t. larper

>programming on anything but Arch.

>why are you even loading the radeon modules in the initramfs though?
arch wiki told me to do so in order to make sure amdgpu loads first
i could also try blacklisting radeon

Sorry user, but you understand nothing.
This whole topic just seems to be a game to you that you think you can win by dropping more buzzwords like "communism". A game, just like the flawed economic system you want to defend.

Have fun trying to top the scoreboards. I won't be responding to you further.

I already won before you even posted.
You are a literal communist, all your posts support communist.

Is this a shorthand for GNU/Linux? Please say yes, I've thought we needed one for a long time now (another possibility is "gnux").

Or maybe GNU/L or just G/L?

Cross posting from sqt:
I've got two computers (one windows and one ubuntu) that im trying to connect to each other over ethernet, how the fuck do i do this? I set up my windows computer to use the ip and netmask and the linux server to use but it doesn't seem to work

Attached: Capture.jpg (940x700, 62K)

yes it is, typing out the full thing is fucking obnoxious.
I just wish we could say "Linux" without pedantic fsf autists correcting us when they know full-well what we mean.

So now that the bolsheviks have taken control of linux where do we go? openbsd?

Fork the project
Import all their commits
Compile it your self
Dont apply the CoC

don't make me interject

>tfw i now have to keep ilnux as a gaming OS and BSD for everything else
jesus christ, i just want it to stop.

>stallmans told status:
>[] Not told
You okay?

>I just wish we could say "Linux" without pedantic fsf autists correcting us when they know full-well what we mean.
I actually think it's hilarious to be honest. And when I first came to these threads I was very anti-Stallman but I still thought it was hilarious. I hope people never stop interjecting.
But I would still prefer to have a shorter way to type it (and speak it) instead of GNU/Linux, it's just too much.

I think there was an actual reason that "GNUX" didn't take off but I can't remember it, can anyone help me out? I might try "GNUL" for a while and see how that goes.

I've never actually said "Linux" outside the context of the kernel. You just have to know what the fuck you are talking about, and best to just say "your operating system" rather than Linux or GNU/Linux.

>I've never said Linux in context to the GNUL OS
whatever you say m8

Are you using a router or trying to connect those two machines directly?

What are some cool things you can do with netcat?

Attached: netcat.jpg (600x797, 95K)

systemd kernel when?

Go black at reddit.

"your operating system" examples
Then there's some with Linux in their name. You shouldn't be faulted for saying these-- it's the maintainer's choice.
>Arch Linux
>Red Hat Enterprise Linux
and then there's the ones that specifically call themselves GNU
>Parabola GNU/Linux-libre
If you say Linux otherwise you would be referring to the kernel.
I think the question will come up when you are using LFS to build your own system--in which case your resultant OS is whatever the fuck you want to call it
>"your operating system"

>If you say Linux otherwise you would be referring to the kernel.
fuck off you pedantic cunt.

was going for pragmatic but I'll accept it

>Well, I think it's justified, but it's justified if you actually make a GNU distribution of Linux ... the same way that I think that "Red Hat Linux" is fine, or "SuSE Linux" or "Debian Linux", because if you actually make your own distribution of Linux, you get to name the thing, but calling Linux in general "GNU Linux" I think is just ridiculous. -- Linus

>"hey i'm new to Linux, what OS should i use"
>"So what games can I play on Linux"
>"what's the best Linux distro for X"
Yes, no one has every meant the general range of distros when they say "linux".

LFS o, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GLFS, is a handbook which explains how to build a GNU/Linux system incl. binutils, coreutils, findutils, shell, libs, compilers and built toolchain.

I dont use gnu in my system, i will never call it gnu/Linux.