Ok guys, what the fuck is happening

Ok guys, what the fuck is happening.

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Other urls found in this thread:



And that's a good thing.

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Trannies + SJWs + code of conduct = Shitstorm

Linus got blackmailed by the trannies. Like Eric predicted some years ago.

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that seems fake. Linus wouldn't bend over to that. It's probably her daughter.

Nothing honestly, even it something does happen, Jow Forums will just complain about it and carry on until everyone forgets


our local males(females) got triggered by some offsite females(males)

Linux is preparing to enter widespread adoption by consumers.
Linus is apologizing for all the years he's spent mouthing off at bozos and legitimate coders (lacking tasteful discrimination sometimes).
This is the document that the Linux kernel developers are supposed to align their behaviors with: git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux.git/tree/Documentation/process/code-of-conduct.rst

>Maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.

This is the meat of it. Imo this could compel maintainers to act as despots.

>be amazing programmer
>create a kernel unparalleled by others
>Maintain the kernel
>get angry when people think their shit code is worth to contribute
>Tell them why they suck ass
>Tell intel and nvdia why they're gay
>Tell people that they can get fucked for being as dank as you are
>Its your kernel, and just because you open-sourced it doesn't mean you want ever piece of cancer to be placed into it
>Bunch of major companies want in when it gains popularity due to its portability and scaling for cloud computers
>You allow this to contribute to society
>But this kernel is still your baby
>Your life work
>Your love
>Your daughter is getting older
>She's into your work
>She will soon know how large your temper is
>She will soon know how many mean things you said to people
>In 2018, the world is controlled by females and transvestites that want to be apart of everything
>You used to call people names that were derogatory towards homosexuality and women
>Assblasted SJW tranny niggers decided that this is the best time to enable a "code of conduct" into your platform
>They want to sensor you
>They want you gone
>They use your daughter as leverage
>Your forced to take anti-autism classes to control your temper
>Both your babies are no longer yours
>The world won, you now understand A Clockwork Orange
>You slowly fade into obscurity as you're now considered a toxic male
>You're no longer allowed to be yourself
>People that can't understand your artwork are now in control of your artwork
>As you go to sensitivity training
>over a code of conduct
The world is too sensitive for real men.

I bet Linus is secretly listing to Eminem's Kamakaze wishing he could speak his mind.

He made a right move. Nothing will change in his workflow, except he will curse less. BUT! Nobody has a moral right to nag him about it now, since he sincerely apologized and moved on as a "better person" in eyes of the haters.

I cried

>* Focusing on what is best for the community

Who determines that?

if it's not good for, promoting, and elevating people in the lgbtp community, this can we really say it's good?

put me in the screencap

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Lol. Haiku doesn't have this problem.

>>be amazing programmer
>>create a kernel unparalleled by others
Stopped reading there

"Do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny"

TL Note: kamikaze means divine wind

True communism

>This is the meat of it. Imo this could compel maintainers to act as despots
Good. That's how it should be.

What's happening? The progressive cult is targetting your community now. It's your turn. And it's going to destroy the flagship open software development project of the entire world. FreeBSD's donations went down over 50% since they got "culturally enriched" and the entire Linux project is now dying of cancer.

Good luck.

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That's beautiful.

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is this man a prophet?

>Ok guys, what the fuck is happening.
As always, Jow Forums LARPing for attention and now you adding to the problem by spamming threads which have nothing to do with technology. For the love of everything, just stop already.

Can you explain what communism and marxism is and then tell us how they have to do with this? Legitimately curious.

Ok this is epic

Isn't Eric S. Raymond the same guy from that documentary who tried to brag about open source development being essentially socialist?
lol how did that turn out for him


So Linus got told, and still fell into the SJW trap.

communism ate its children

>"I mean we treat developers the same": WRONG. The whole point is that clueless sexists like you don't even see the sexism. We do NOT treat developers the same. That is a lie. And if you don't know it, you have no clue what's going on in the real world, or what women experience every day, so move out of your mom's basement before posting your mansplaining that sexism doesn't exist, again.
lol every single argument of this type in every single field no matter how petty of important reverts to this same corny shitposting

Leftists are against this too.

>leftists are against leftists

>not everyone on the left agree 100% on every idea
Shocking, I know.
t.far left libertarian disgusted with the current mainstream left

leftist turf wars are nothing new

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its SCP Foundation all over again...


>social justice isn't an intrinsic and inseparable aspect of left-wing politics
lol leftism without socjus is just facism


>social justice trannies infiltrate linux development
>they do as social justice warriors do and take over
>they add a shitty code of conduct
>Linus leaves because of obvious reasons
>people are beginning their backlash
that's where we are right now

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our favorite KERNEL is DYING and there is NOTHING we can do about it!

Fucking hell is there anything men like that trannies won't ruin

>Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported by contacting the Technical Advisory Board (TAB) at [email protected]

Can we send e-mails stating that their code of conducts is deemed unacceptable to us?

And that's a good thing

or we can spam their inbox with "offensive" memes

>It's probably her daughter.
How and why would his daughter blackmail him

kek imagine if he came back from his good goy classes or whatever as a tranny

weak men create bad times
bad times create strong men
strong men create good times
good times create weak men

You say that as if women have empathic bonds with other people.

This is quite corny

i cri evritym ;_;7

Linus got blackmailed by some organization like the ada initiative who were probably targeting him for some time.
They’ve subverted the kernel and development will drastically decrease in quality, as meritocracy dies before the god of feelings.

technically national socialism isnt a leftist thing

Jow Forums here inb4 >fuck off back to Jow Forums
One of your guys made this thread here: Now it seems like you guys are going have your own GG, and it's going to have potential profound effects on your board, and in the tech industry as a whole.
As usually connect the dots, a good starter would be the Python slave and master debacle, and this recent Linus bending over, and of course you all know about (((Intell)))
See how far deep this rabbit hole goes, and you may or may not be frightened on what you find.

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>there is NOTHING we can do about it!
youre retarded

Yeah, the two guys on Jow Forums who has the interest, time and skill to maintain a fork of Linux only to get bored a month later is how we persevere. We should hedge our bets on that.

>Sorry, but I am closing this page to comments. I have neither time nor interest in spending any more time replying to arguments at the level of yours.

Your irrelevancies and insults speak for themselves. As for the few places where you stay on topic, go find some Feminism 101 page, and you will find suitable replies to most of what you say.

Attached: feminism 101 buddy.jpg (500x752, 96K)

His daughter was involved in the Ada initiative. That should tell you something.

>hello fellow Jow Forumsentleman

>See how far deep this rabbit hole goes, and you may or may not be frightened on what you find.
The problem will be the same as we faced in the ni/g/gers will come close to putting all the pieces together then they will screech like a running-scared whore when it ends up being a star of david.

national socialism != socialism

You mean brietbart is going to be pulling the strings again? Wonderful!!

Not him but:
>The term "cultural Marxism" has an academic usage withinculturalstudies, where it refers to a form of anti-capitalistculturalcritique which specifically targets those aspects ofculturethat are seen as profit-driven and mass-produced under capitalism
And this is essentially what new CoC does. Even if you are right under meritocracy, your changes might be rejected and your contribution denied simply because someone consider you "inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful." Which in modern world can mean literally anything. It's not uncommon for people to go full rasists and discriminate white people for sake of it. See "positive discrimination"

Except leftists never hold to their word to forgive and forget.

Practically you are brainwashed retard.

Get fucked, cultural marxist SJW faggot.

>>be amazing programmer
>>create a kernel unparalleled by others
It's garbage. It's just popular and was picked by redhat. It's archaic and shitty.

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that would be fun
Then only Stallman with Hurd can save us.

reminder that this is its endgame, and linus' daughter has signed off on this.

Your life is archaic and shitty.

another retarded nigger

I don't ascribe to the conspiracies here.
I had a very similar realization to Linus some years ago. That some people aren't receptive when you use harsh language. It's pretty obvious but it wasn't to me. With Linus's background I'm sure that might be harder for him.
>So here we are, me finally on the one hand realizing that it wasn't
actually funny or a good sign that I was hoping to just skip the
yearly kernel summit entirely, and on the other hand realizing that I
really had been ignoring some fairly deep-seated feelings in the
>This is more like the time I got out of kernel development for a while
because I needed to write a little tool called "git". I need to take
a break to get help on how to behave differently and fix some issues
in my tooling and workflow.

This isn't new. Linus has been rude for a long time now and there has always been opposition to him being rude. Him understanding that taking a less controversial tone might increase productivity isn't bad.

Though I can't say I'm not at least a little bit worried about the sentiments brewing. The discussions on meritocracy that frame the issue as meritocracy being the problem rather than meritocracy being the solution. That's the enemy, even if they're champions of diversity they're on the wrong track because they don't recognize the fact that meritocracy is inherently egalitarian. A meritocracy that doesn't hold an egalitarian approach is a flawed meritocracy. And in the case of Linus I'm certain there's people terrified by the idea of making PRs due to them doubting their own ability (practically everyone struggled with impostor syndrome at some point) and not wanting to be yelled at by a popular figure. So in that aspect Linus as a maintainer is harmful in this aspect, him changing that is a positive change. But if he's taking a break to purge meritocracy (would be a paranoid assumption) that'd be terrible.


A takeover attempt; an attack.

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Just like your mom

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Take it to Jow Forums.
And to make the nazis out to be the same as Stalin or Mao in that dimension is just not accurate.

Jow Forums here.
First step. If you want to win this war you have to identify the enemy.

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Sperg out as much as you like, you're wrong and you know it.

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What a horrible missed opportunity. Nurgle=pajeet obviously.

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LSD is great tho

The linux community is based on free, open source software that's run on donations and user contributions; it's as close as we can get to the worker control over the means of production. Now they've put a potential fascist/corporate dog in control.

>open source software that's run on donations and user contributions; it's as close as we can get to the worker control over the means of production
It sounds much more like Voluntaryism since it's donations not payment/salaries/redistribution.

This is a hostile takeover. They probably have something on Linus or he wouldn't just back down and give away the keys to his greats life work.

Obviously linux itself won't go to shit instantly, but it will be hurt. There will be more incompetent people in leadership positions, but most of the competent people will just be forced to accept their political agenda. And a lot of money to the linux foundation will be siphoned off to their political work.

>That's the enemy, even if they're champions of diversity they're on the wrong track because they don't recognize the fact that meritocracy is inherently egalitarian.

They are cultural Marxists. After economic communism failed, and it was clear that capitalism is at least some degree of meritocratic, they moved on to gender and race instead of economic class. In fact these people are usually middle or upper class.

Capitalism and likewise meritocracy "favors" whites/asians and males. Not because of discrimination but because of biology and culture. Since cultural marxists are relativists though, they think all the research (that is highly conclusive, btw) that shows that there's cognitive differences between groups is just discrimination as well. Thus any difference between groups is discrimination: Racism and sexism. Their solution then is to intentionally discriminate against male whites/asians so that everyones outcome is equal.

The real loss is for the people invested in the project that have a different political viewpoint. They now have to chose between expressing themselves publicly and working on linux.


The great thing about capitalism is that it's perfectly fine for consenting group of people to form a community which collect means of production and distribute wealth. Who cares, it's your money, your free time, you can share as much as you want.
Unfortunately if you do it the other way around, you'll mostly likely land in prison or get killed.

Where are the strong men though?

use embedded/LTSB Windows if you want to be more productive or haiku, reactos, plan9 for meme rice

>Majority market share on supercomputers
>Majority market share on mobile
>Used extensively by every single US National lab and Security Agencies.

Yeah, it's sooooo bad, that's why so many fucking people use it for anything from casual phone browsing to top secret government work. Fucking retards.

What do you call this gay operation get out you piece of shit

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How is everyones outcome equal when some groups are put perpetually at the back of the line? Through actual institutional discrimination even.

well to be honest the loss of linux to the sjw hurts for sure and is a major battle that has been lost, but for the overall war effort it is tremendously good news, because you are seeing the creation of another 10.000 hilters, highly tech savvy hitlers

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It doesn't, but it sounds good on paper.

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/out/ while y'all sperg about some internet bullshit.

Studying OS development.

I hope so.

read this
