What really happened to Terry Davis?
>ever believing anonymous Jow Forums posts with no proof
you ever been to the TempleOS IRC?
it was a circlejerk with some retard posing as terry writing psychotic shit, the regulars there were psychos. ANyone who watched Terry's videos and read his site could tell that the "King Terry" from that IRC wasn't actual Terry. Just some imposter spouting psychotic religious crap.
He should never have started streaming, it attracted the worst of people who started trolling him on a regular basis and it just went downhill from there. Terry was murdered by his "fans", they got his youtube channel removed by baiting him into opening porn, they got him to stop taking medication, got him depressed, made him homeless, they encouraged all his crazy ideas and fed into his delusions. And now we're here. The only remnants of Terry's work are unofficial archives and since everything was taken away. He could've lived in peace drinking Shasta and making silly videos, but psychopaths demanded more entertainment and now he's dead.
The quality of that text rendering is almost perfect.
He an hero'ed.
The true terry followers followed him and hung themselves too. Only the LARPers remain.
It fell out of his pocket.
CIA niggers placed him in a pocket dimension
He probably finished the Talos Principle and defied God's command
CIA niggers threw him in front of a train
Sad if true.