How important is math in CS?

My teachers wont waive the math requirements for my classes that need calc 1,2 linear algebra, Is math even that important in Cs? I already failed calc 1 twice and have been temporarily blocked from reattempting any of those math courses because of it. What should i do, idk if i can be a business chad last time i had to give a speech or presentation i had an anxiety attack and started crying because i was so embarrassed.

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I dropped out of high school and even I did well in calculus and discrete at uni.
What the fuck is wrong with you? I was even smoking pot all the time and never showed.

I barely passed college algebra i had to meet with my teacher so she would give me a passing grade

>Can't pass calculuz
The only solution is suicide

I can't drop out its not a option

Pretty sure you'll flunk out anyways

just get an adderall script bro

Its not funny, i am banned from taking anymore math classes for a year. These classes are the toughest of the tough from what it seems so is there any shame in not getting them the first go round?

Is adderall really that good? Can it make me smarter?

It depends on what company you are working for and what software you are working on. Generally it's not important, being logical and simple is infinitely more important then remembering math algorithms that you can google.

looks like it's time for you to change to the next level down, major in IT
those classes are known as washout classes, they exist to filter out the retards who wouldn't be able to succeed in industry

Should i wait to take them again?

The math itself isn't really important. Having a brain thats in good enough shape to do stuff like math is important. Its like how lifting is good for you even if your job or daily life doesn't actually require you to pick up anything particularly heavy.

Computer science IS math, so your question doesn't really make sense.

Isnt it just coding

No. That would be information technology, software engineering or some other major along those lines.

I thought we would just be making cool apps and stuff like that

it doesnt make you smarter but it makes you harder so you make yourself smarter

How do i get a prescription do i just say i cant focus?

Is this whole thread bait?I really don't understand anymore

Maybe the guy is just a borderline retard.

It's definitely bait. But for the curious anons who may stumble in hoping for something useful instead of retarded, yes, you need some higher math skills to go anywhere in CS. Not because you will have to regurgitate that math in a job interview (tho you just might), but the same kind of abstract thinking that goes into higher math is the same kind of thinking that goes into CS.

Goddamn, when are we going to bring back universal IQ testing? This retard ad hoc replacement scheme where everybody in higher ed is basically in brainlet trade school sucks balls.

He is asking for advice how is it bait?

>, Is math even that important in Cs?
Yes mathematics is extremely important to understand CS which is largely a subfield of mathematics.

No coding is a skill you are supposed to learn on the side. Learning how to code is nothing you should waste years 9f your life on.

Hey man try not to stress out about this too much. This is kind of the worst place to ask for advice but really try to take a step back and recollect yourself. Math for me was a pain in the ass but you have to constantly keep challenging yourself. Like how when you were learning basic addition, teachers made you do simple addition problems over and over again until you had a full understanding of it. The same thing applies here. Calculus is a bitch but totally possible. Whenever you have downtime try going on Khan academy and taking exercises. Find a book at the library about calculus and flip though it. CS takes a lot of ideas from math, it's just kind of how things are set up. Really all I saw myself using was basic arithmetic and some algebra. It will take a while and believe me I was impatient but you just gotta keep at it. Just have that drive and ambition. I know you can do it

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>universal IQ testing
Raven's Progressive Matrices is simple and easy to administer, with no culture or language barrier. The test takes only 30 minutes. It can be used to give a rough idea of general ability, and can be followed up with a few other tests for different subfactors, such as working memory, verbal ability, spatial reasoning, and so on. This information, in turn, could be used to get a better picture of an individual's strengths and weaknesses in order to select the best type of training or apprenticeship or schooling for them, based on their individual interests and talents. IQ is THE most statistically rigorous theory in psychology, followed by the OCEAN personality factors. It's genetically heritable and not a trait that can be improved through training, much as progressives hate both those facts even as the researched evidence continues to mount. The goddamned MILITARY (which is continuously hungry for recruits) uses a camouflaged IQ test to weed out only people who their joining the military would, unfortunately, be a net negative contribution. Yet our schools and businesses can't (because the law) or won't (because retarded principles based on compassion) use any of it because it's "discrimination" and "impolite", so we have millions of bright/gifted/genius-level people slipping through the cracks of our hellscape of a civilization to lead underachieving lives, unless they are lucky enough to be born highly Conscientious or have an alternate support network that will pick up the slack of giving them a fighting chance. It's a sickening travesty. It doesn't have to be this way.

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Knowing, and understanding maths allows you to optimize certain problems in such a way that the runtime is signifficantly decreased / makes the problem solvable using a computer.

But yeah, if you just want to be a codemonkey that spews out shit relying on standard, generalized methods you don't need maths.

Start teaching yourself by watching some online tuts, it's probably you're only option.

You need to start from the bottom, and work your way up. I was horrible at math too, but one day i decided to say "fuck it", and started with basic math operations, all the way up to linear algebra. It was kinda boring at times, but i found many gaps and misunderstandings. Would recommend "A mind for numbers" by Barbara Oakley. It's a nice book on the mindset you need.

god speed

Also, to answer your question: yes. For the love of god, yes.
Get out there, dude. Ground yourself in Formal Logic. Learn Set Theory. Graph Theory. Category Theory. Discrete Math. Learn how to write proofs. Number Theory. Linear Algebra. Topology. Statistics. You would be surprised at how easy a lot of this shit is once you penetrate the abstract symbols that represent coherent concepts. Figure out what concepts in Calculus you're stuck on, and put in your freetime doing practice problems. Keep learning different areas in math, see how they compare and contrast with each other. I could name way more maths but I think you get the point.
Brilliant dot org offers subscriptions for less than $100/year, which is a steal for the quality of the material they give you, and they're always putting out more, AND they have a community where you can ask math questions when you're stuck.
The goal is to TRAIN YOUR INTUITIVE UNDERSTANDING of the patterns, and you will start seeing how it pops up in Computer Science, as well as other areas in STEM, if you're so inclined.

Keep doing math and you WILL develop deeper and deeper levels of intuition. But you have to work for it and devote your free time that would otherwise be spent shitting around on the internet or whatever dumb waste-of-time hobby you like to pass the time. Get out there, man.

college is a scam

learn a trade

no, you're studying computation
learn to make cool apps in your spare time, even in software engineering you don't do that

You are an absolute retard. Comp sci is 90% intense math.

>These classes are the toughest of the tough
this has to be bait

Why would anyone be banned, I don't get it.
How are you supposed to do the course if you are banned? This is the dumbest thing I've heard for a while, has to be ameriburger thing.

>manual labour

at my university, failing any class twice gets you kicked out of that respective college.

Math is important for CS, calculus itself really isn't unless you're going to 3D/engine related fields. Only sort of calculus I could remember doing is comparing growth rates of functions to determine time complexity, but it was basic calc 1 stuff. You're better off learning CS from an online course and getting a job somewhere, I don't think you will get a degree failing calc 1 twice but I've seen crazier.


ohhh no no no

It depend on what you want to do. You won't need much math to write a shit website that need 2gig to run, a smartphone application or an "awesome indie game with beautiful pixel art". But CS is fundamentally mathematical, so you can easily get lost in formulae, matrix, mathematical proofs...

very. But people seem to disregard it. You call those people software engineers.

>How important is math in CS?
Computer science IS math.

If you can't handle calculus, you won't handle any of the theory courses (algorithms, formal languages, etc...), and many of the elective courses (literally anything to do with AI, machine learning, data science). Programming on its own might not be impossible for you, but computer science is not just programming.

At this point, I would recommend either dropping out or changing majors. Computer science is simply not for you.

For a long time to learn Computer Science you had to do it as a part of a mathematics degree. Only reason this changed was because Universities (meme ones) changed their focus to more software engineering as that is what the market wanted. Now a bunch of ""CS"" grads are left with no ability to learn new things in the CS field other than how to code monkey better.
You shouldn't have to go and do a CS degree to build a website, yet fucking all the pajeets and dickheads spend 30k on a CS degree and go do fucking webdev lowering the overall value of having a CS degree.

Pls pls pls stop going to do CS if you have no interest in mathematics and are telling yourself >me like coding, me want do compy sci

>struggling in calc
>not even an honors class
I don't think I'm gonna make it boys.

How, in the blueberry muffin FUCK do you manage to fail CALCULUS 1? Go work at Publix, dumbass.

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>failing calc 1 twice
You're retarded and should kill yourself ASAP. That or change majors. Political Science sounds like something more up your alley.

If you do this a dose you barely feel is the best option. Getting high on stimulants isn't productive.

You should start fucking studying calculus in your free time so when you take it again it will be ez.

You'll be fine, don't worry. Don't listen to these fat ugly virgins user, you'll be fine, you just need to try a different approach to how you hand class/studying. Everyone on here is always super edgy and makes fun of other people by calling them dumb because that's their only one claim to fame. They're salty because nothing else good has ever happened in their lives so they have to make fun of other people to make themselves feel better, it's the one and only thing in life that makes them feel good at this point.

Based user. This hurt my feelings

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What if you're autistic and only good at Raven's Matrices, like genius good?

pls respond

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I made a 3D game engine being used in production and I dropped out of math class
you can copy and paste math functions from the internet so long as you know what they're doing in a general sense

Math requires time and effort, there are no shortcuts.

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Fun fact : the SAT is basically an IQ test. SAT scores correlate very strongly with IQ. So what you're saying is already a thing.






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The absolute cope.
You don't need it. But it's highly recommended if you want to be any decent at what you do.

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most likely

you're an idiot; go sell used cars

How's the work these days at Jiffy Lube?

What if you can't do anything else at life, but can make an omelet. What if you're not good at self-toileting and hygiene, but can make a great omelet. Then what.

This, and medium tier math assesses the ability to render multi-sequence procedures, think logically but also symbolically, compile a structured knowledge base in stratification, and cognitively manage conceptually intricate and associated subtopics. If you can't do that, stay out of CS and science/technology in general. Go do sociology or massage therapy.

>These classes are the toughest of the tough
You can't be serious. If Calculus is that hard, go bag groceries, you sub-50 IQ smoothbrain.

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You're not smart enough for Computer Science, accept it and move on to something you might be good at, like manual labor.

you dont need iq for calculus you disgusting little nerdy subhuman

you need to plug and chug numbers for hours on end daily (ideal for incel virgins)

It's to prevent retards from taking up space for other students. If you fail multiple times you're likey to fail again so why let you take the course when they could let a more promising student take it

>t. geek squad guy at furniture world

You only plug and chug numbers for hours on end because you don't understand it. If you aren't a retard it's actually pretty easy, just do all the given work.

Did she give u more?

for someone to understand the material he has to plug and chug you fucking idiot

>that idiotic little incel nerd that claims that he never studies but gets As constantly

eat shit gook cunt

>I'm so much of a retard I can't even comprehend people who aren't retarded
I don't know how they teach calculus in America but you should never have to plug and chug, it's just fucking easy.

How dumb are you burgers

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You're probably the kind of person that recoils at the idea of integration by parts or l'hopital's rule.

its easy because you learnt calculus when you shouldve been chasing women disgusting inbred gook

yes because thats what smart people in CS do

they go trough probability/calculus shitfests and get on with their life

ugly incel virgin

I'm so tired of hearing people with CS majors saying they hate math. How the fuck do you think computers function? Do you think the CPU operates by reading lines of prose from the RAM and pondering the implications of Edgar Allen Poe's Tell Tale Heart? No it reads numbers and shit and performs mathematical operations. Fucking programming is almost all Boolean Algebra. If you like computers but are to retarded to understand math then go get a job at Geek Squad replacing hard drives.

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>be chad meathead
>be in highschool
>get laid
>fastforward 30 years
>be poor
>be balding
>be fat
>don't get laid
>an hero

>be nerd
>be highschool
>don't get laid
>fast forward 30 years
>be rich
>get laid
>have nondegenerate wife
>live to old age because of healthy lifestyle

Shiggy diggy do nibba

How you guys look at OP is how all math majors look at CS tards.

You guys keep talking about being "good at math" but you've never taken a real math class (ie a proof based one) like real analysis. It's okay, you guys can keep celebrating and pretending you are top dogs

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sorry to hurt your inferiority complex pal, but I'm both white and not completely retarded at maths.

desu calculus barely even needs to be learned, it doesn't take long at all to understand it and then it's pretty easy. you should probably abandon all your dreams about doing CS because clearly you're just too damn stupid and should spend the rest of your life telling people to turn computers off and on again.

>if you dont know calculus youll be poor, balding and fat

ugly gook coping shitskined subhuman doesnt realize that i passed mandatory idiotic probability/statistics/calculus classes that i forgot the next day


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>ugly gook coping shitskined subhuman
Cope harder, faggot. I wipe my white, kike ass at you. Also, shitskinned. Learn to English.

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I double majored in mathematics

Math is not that important in any engineering field, knowing fundamentals is enough and understand algebra, diff and integration is really all you need to do.

>he works a "trade" now

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>he made a typo so he doesnt know english

ugly retarded incel reddit faggot that think hes smart because he passed calc 2

die you fucking retard i want to stomp your fucking head to the ground and beat you to a pulp

>linear algebra is not important in engineering
do you clean toilets during 2nd shift

i work as a software engineer with retarded bootcampers that cant add and substract because math is useless in this field for 99% of the jobs on the market

enjoy slaving away for years to get your phd in machine learning tho you dogshiteating subhuman

Can you get off your computer. I have this toilet backed up and you need to get back to work fixing it. Move it, Guido.

Jesus Chirst does your company also pay you in stickers?


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really, i'm a nobel laureate and now i work with retarded university post-docs one of whom is a victoria's secret model who loves to blow me; go neck yourself you total non-larping winner

Engineering is all about physics and understanding how to manipulate equations is actually all you need to do.
I don't even diff my strength of materials calculations, because it's actually useless

>nobel laureate
The ignobel prize doesn't count. Nor does the peace prize.

>post doc
>victoria's secret
Post-doc in what? Dick sucking and thottery? I knew the educational system was retarded, but that's too much.

larping about what you idiot?

Are you saying that working as a software engineer requires any kind of calculus knowledge? Are you saying that im larping as a software engineer like its some kind of thing prestigious enough to larp about?

idiotic cunt

>i had to meet with my teacher
did she touched your pee pee?


Everyone in this thread is calling OP a retard for not getting math! What the fuck? Every time I searched the internet "do you need math to be a programmer?" never ONCE was the answer not "no, you don't". And now suddenly everyone is saying here you need calculus??

I understand data structures, pointers, and know plenty of algorithms. Yet I get ascared when I see an integral. Last time I saw those was in senior high. Didn't understand them then, don't understand them now, don't see why I need to understand them to write my code. I think you're full of shit Jow Forums. I think you're trying to gaslight everyone like me and OP into thinking math is important for programming when it's not. I cannot possibly see the connection when you do math on paper, and you write code on computer. Computers were MADE to do math for humans i.e. math is a subset of computing. Why the fuck would you need to know math when computers already do it without mistake billions of times faster? I don't even know why this math shit is pushed in schools. Fuck math, kids should be taught to learn to think in CODE instead

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