Is there a difference between this and saying "Girls can't code"
Is there a difference between this and saying "Girls can't code"
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Both are things that would be perfectly legal in a sane society so no, they're pretty much the same.
chill bro
if girls could code, they would.
all this talk about encouragement is just excuses.
my parent's never encouraged me to do anything.
i started coding in my 20's.
bitches are just useless.
Armless girls can't code.
>rapist arm white, not somali black
Girls who can code, code. Girls who are dumb bitches get abused. Pretty much Darwin, smart cat looks both way before crossing the road, dumb cat runs in front of the car.
Yes. One is causing violence against a person and the other is causing air to vibrate.
t. Incel
>my parent's never encouraged me to do anything.
Which is why you have amounted to absolutely fuck all and watch your life waste away while you shitpost on 4chins.
>watch your life waste away while you shitpost on 4chins.
And yet here you are.
This. Encouragement is for coddled spoil bitches.
That's cause you're an incel male who had no choice.
Women have more choices and we need t to do a better job of encouraging them to choose the IT/programming path.
>i got to fuck an obese drunk female in uni so i can t.incel people
>Women have more choices and we need t to do a better job of encouraging them to choose the IT/programming path.
Or you could just let them choose what they want you misogynist.
S U P E R P O O P E R 2 0 2 5
>Implying he isn't from India, the rape capital of the world
I started programing when I was 12, learned it from book I picked and read myself.
Do you think it is not normal to be a virgin at age of 12?
>encouraging them to choose the IT/programming path
Please no, they fuck up all the time. Boss told me to hire women and I did. 8 times out of 8 my boss fired them personally. Now he only hires men. Not a single one of the men had to be fired.
>women have so many things to chose from, but we still need to coddle them into the tech industry
>men who have no choice should be shamed as incels instead of being given a choice
basedboy mind at work everybody
I love this thread
USA is more like the consensual rape capital of earth
How low is your bar for spoiled? Lol
Wtf is consensual rape
>Now he only hires men.
No inept browns or blacks right? Can incompetent men even be called men?
As one wise Muslim said: White women are part of the white people group and white people exist to be fucked and then discarded like the trash they are as they are supposed to be, so there is a difference in that white women don't belong into the general "girl" category.
>What I've got between my legs has any effect on my cognitive abilities
Stop this shitty meme. Women don't code because almost no woman chooses to learn to code. Women get fucked on the job market because they choose to study psychology instead of electrical engineering. And those few women that do study electrical engineering don't suck at the job market.
Stop blaming others for your shitty life choices. I decided to get a meme degree and I got fucked for it.
>>What I've got between my legs has any effect on my cognitive abilities
It does.
Testosterone makes you pro-active and being pro-active to an autistic level about a task increases your cognitive abilities while engaging in it by venue of time spent on it.
Coding and holding someone against a wall seem to be very different. If you cut off her fingers it would make it more difficult for sure.
this is what niggers believe
I have no illusions about how shit my life is.
And why is it IT? I want to encourage them to be miner, carpenter, stonemason. Why IT? Is it because you can make yourself look like you are working hard while in fact you are just editing readme files and setting meetings?
I smell a boomer
No I mean why is there a no encouragement for them to be a secretary, a saleswoman but SPECIFICALLY tech industry?
because there are female versions of the fedora wearing unfuckable male on the internet, and they are powerful unlike the male fedoras, femdoras get listened to and even invited to the united nations to give speeches.
1. it's traditionally a male industry
2. it's not physically demanding
a perfect target for kikes to push gurl power
>he hasn't heard if consensual rape
It's obviously a false flag, dum-dum. Nobody outside of a gender studies department actually thinks like that.
eh... rape is not something that should be legal ever. I am someone who likes to fantasise about it from time to time and I still get that it is wrong and immoral.
No, this is what statistics lay out.
Sorry that reality doesn't conform to your delusions.
Also vid related:
>Is there a difference between this and saying "Girls can't code"
Yeah, saying "girls can't code" doesn't give me an erection.
My wife can, but don't like to. Had to learn it in the uni, used this knowledge couple of times in her career. But then again, she's smarter than 90% of "girls". Great breeding material. The problem is that most men are too soft, insecure and weak so women like my wife are feared by them and they prefer to breed with literal goblins. Be smart and strong, user, adopt and own a smart girl, have smart children.
i dunno, how low is your bar for "priviledged?"
>I'm not "intimidated" by "smart" women
consensual rape is when sex is agreed to but the woman changes her mind about it at any time after it occurs
t. batshit insane man in drag dried my hair don't even have a care here is my patron pagen
How about now?
One is causing atoms to vibrate the other does so too shit is the same man
Incorrect. Consensual Rape is a role play to indulge the partner who has a fantasy of being raped. It's a BDSM thing.
Incorrect. What you have described is Rapeplay
slitpissers already have the ability to create the ultimate lifeform: humans. they know they don't need to know stuff. if something needs to be invented they'll let their offspring handle that.
yes one is going to be butthurt, the the next day, the other is going to have a sore pussy the next day.