What's the science part in computer science?

What's the science part in computer science?

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Type theory

kill yourself you fucking chink

That's not science.

>What's the science part in computer science?
I can only speak for my self, but for my master thesis I configured multiple networking test beds and ran experiments and had to do statistical analysis of the results in order to measure the effect of multi-level parameter changes on router queues, and based on my results I made a model of different queue schemes and their effects on network traffic which was later publishe. I'm pretty sure that would classify as science.

That's mathematics.

computer science is the only real science on which all other fields build, because the most fundamental part of the universe is not space or energy or quantum fields, it is literally information itself


pic related is a random nigger

Attached: 1535078467924.jpg (480x640, 102K)

What's the engineering part in software engineering?

The methodical process.

quantum theory is the most fundamental physical manifestation of information tho

"computer science" really is a dumb name.

that's what they thought 70 years ago



>That's mathematics.
Not a real science.

It isn't science, its applied discrete memeatics

Shit like that

My point exactly.

Information Theory is applied in many fields not computer science. Literally the paper you linked is an Information Theory application in Physics.

Measuring relative time and memory usage performance between algorithms for particular data set distributions.

I've never understood how this can be measured. Doesn't the efficiency of an algorithm completely dependent on the programmer's skill and implementation as well as the bloat of the language they're using (e.g. I imagine java is slower than C++ because of garbage collection)?

Its a misnomer
CS should be a branch of mathematics

> Doesn't the efficiency of an algorithm completely dependent on the programmer's skill and implementation

No, that is the performance of the implementation. You can implement one algorithm perfectly and a better one sloppily and the implementation of the worse algorithm will perform better. But the better algorithm is still the better algorithm. If you implement both algorithms equally well, the better algorithm will perform better.

There is a way to calculate average completion time, worst case scenarios etc, that can be used to measure the better algorithm. Though this also depends on input. One algorithm can be more efficient on general input and one can be more efficient on the use case you expect.
Common example are the sort algorithms.

In a way it is. But then so should be physics.

lol wtf you talking about nigger
computer science is applied mathematics, and it's mathematics all other fields build on

non binary gender studies. everything math related is engineering.