Fuck off google

fuck off google

Attached: 1515147317235.png (474x163, 12K)

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>using jewgle
Your fault for being a brainlet.

By the way, what's the best alternative to Gmail again?

If you're autistic neet with no concept of outside world and social interactions then cock.li might be enough for you.

The are no better option than gmail for normal, fully functional human beings.



>he doesn't use Thunderbird for his client
>actually dealing with the shitty email providers' constant design changes and fuck ups

IMAP hasn't changed in years, friend. Save yourself the stress.

double trips of truth


itt: people denying the fact that gmail has no valid alternatives since it has a fuckton of features

He doesn't use his personal mail client

>gmail has no valid alternatives
this is what andreets actually believe... sad!

Objectively false

haha totally brah
us normal functional humans amirite?

Attached: images.jpg (211x239, 4K)

Literally anything, it's all the same protocol. And you won't have to deal with Google's bullshit restrictions, like for sending encrypted archives for example.

>he doesn't use the basic HTML view
Get a load of this chump.

Attached: American_Joins_a_Server.gif (128x128, 12K)

Plus you get a consistent interface for all your accounts and don't need 5 tabs open all the time



Attached: k9icon.png (200x200, 14K)

write your own compiler nigger

Just use any mail client with IMAP support, christ. Gmail, Outlook, even fucking Yahoo support it.

I don't understand people that use web mail on their computers. Keep that shit for when you're using other devices.

OP sounds like you're suffering from baby duck syndrome.